Posts : 3024 Join date : 2020-11-17 Age : 57 Location : United States of Europe, Germany, Ruhr area
Subject: The man that should have been bill gates Mon Sep 25, 2023 11:25 am
The wrong person made it
Bill gates founded his empire on a rip of version of CP/M.
Posts : 3024 Join date : 2020-11-17 Age : 57 Location : United States of Europe, Germany, Ruhr area
Subject: Re: The man that should have been bill gates Fri Oct 06, 2023 11:34 pm
And more
Where are the monuments for Gary.
Bill Gates is nothing else then a thief.
Gary is the hero. Not bill gates.
Posts : 3024 Join date : 2020-11-17 Age : 57 Location : United States of Europe, Germany, Ruhr area
Subject: Re: The man that should have been bill gates Sat Oct 07, 2023 12:06 am
Gary on RISC
Posts : 3024 Join date : 2020-11-17 Age : 57 Location : United States of Europe, Germany, Ruhr area
Subject: Re: The man that should have been bill gates Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:11 pm
Posts : 3024 Join date : 2020-11-17 Age : 57 Location : United States of Europe, Germany, Ruhr area
Subject: Re: The man that should have been bill gates Tue Oct 24, 2023 6:30 pm
Concurrent C/PM in action :
Posts : 3024 Join date : 2020-11-17 Age : 57 Location : United States of Europe, Germany, Ruhr area
Subject: Re: The man that should have been bill gates Tue Nov 21, 2023 12:14 am
Myth or Truth ?
Hear Jerry Pournelle tell John Dvorak about the "secret command" in DOS on the podcast This Week in Tech (TWiT), Episode 73: Hello Armenia, October 15, 2006:
There are two cryptic clues to this assertion: Kildall challenged at least one journalist to ask Bill Gates why the string in MS-DOS and CP/M function 9 is terminated by a dollar sign. Kildall stated that only he knows the reason for that.
The second clue is an alleged Easter egg present both in CP/M and early versions of MS-DOS. Zeidman attributes that story to Jerry Pournelle, but John C Dvorak told the same story in a column in PC Magazine in the 1995 timeframe, right around the time Caldera acquired CP/M and DR-DOS from Novell. Supposedly there was a key sequence that caused both operating systems to print Gary Kildall’s name and other information. The only way this could happen is if some cryptic code from CP/M ended up in MS-DOS.
Kildall left behind some clues. CP/M contained code to stop would-be cloners from stealing code. There is an encrypted copyright message that, if changed, causes CP/M to stop working. Kildall used this to stop illegal clones in the 1970s.
We know that Kildall had experience with encryption in the Navy in the early 1970s. So we have to look at what technologies he would have been exposed to.
I can tell you, I saw Gary Kildall take a copy of DOS 1, 1.1 or 1.2, and I have written down what he did to get it, and it brings up “copyright Digital Research Corporation, Gary Kildall programmer.” I am not kidding. It was in the code. I’ve seen it! This is not somebody-told-me-this. Gary showed it to me.
I’m not telling you what I’ve heard. This I saw. I was up there at Pebble Beach. Bill Godbout said you’ve gotta come up here, Gary will show you something but he’s only going to show it to you in person, he’s not going to talk about it on the phone. And I come up there, and by [golly], there it was, and it really popped it up. Which is why DOS 2 is so different from DOS 1. DOS 2 was written in a clean room. It’s also why if you own DR-DOS, you will never be sued for look and feel. I don’t know all the terms of the settlement with Kildall, but I know that was in it.
Quote: But as far as I know, Pournelle never revealed how to get the message before he died in 2017. Bill Godbout, a friend of both Pournelle and Kildall, was killed in the 2018 Camp Fire in Concow, California on November 8, 2018. So it’s not possible to ask him.
Posts : 3024 Join date : 2020-11-17 Age : 57 Location : United States of Europe, Germany, Ruhr area
Subject: Re: The man that should have been bill gates Sat Nov 25, 2023 1:11 am
The 100.000 dollar question about Did Microsoft steal CP/M and sold it as MSDOS to IBM
In 1981, Microsoft paid Seattle Software Works for an unauthorized clone of CP/M, and Microsoft licensed this clone to IBM which marketed it as PC-DOS on the first IBM PC in 1981, and Microsoft marketed it to all other PC OEMs as MS-DOS.
Posts : 3116 Join date : 2020-11-18
Subject: Re: The man that should have been bill gates Sat Nov 25, 2023 10:28 am
It's too late now: the statute of limitations means that it's far too late for the owners of the original software to take legal action.
I think that if you want to get rich, it's helpful to be willing to be a little bit "edgy" with the law!
Posts : 3024 Join date : 2020-11-17 Age : 57 Location : United States of Europe, Germany, Ruhr area
Subject: Re: The man that should have been bill gates Sat Nov 25, 2023 12:43 pm
But there is a 100.000 dollar reward.
Also bill Gates is still alive and if he sold a clone as MS-DOS, it's a thing that would damage his reputation.
IMO a copyright message does not to be hard coded text in the code It can be generated by in different ways and so normal text search would not find it.
Posts : 3116 Join date : 2020-11-18
Subject: Re: The man that should have been bill gates Sun Nov 26, 2023 11:53 am
Mclane wrote:
IMO a copyright message does not to be hard coded text in the code - It can be generated by in different ways and so normal text search would not find it.
This reminds me of the best-selling book "The Bible Code" - link: it didn't take long for people to demonstrate that, with a computer and some maths knowledge, you could generate ANY message from ANY book.
There are techniques for discovering whether a program contains code from another program: you'll remember the case of the chess program Rybka. It's been several years since I've read the evidence document, but at the time, my opinion was that the evidence was good enough - and that it's very likely that Rybka does contain some code from other chess engines (I know that there are other aspects to the dispute apart from that, but in this context, I'm focusing only on that question). Hence, it would be possible to determine with a strong degree of confidence whether DOS contains CP/M code or not. Of course, it would help if the study was done by people who had no political (or other) interest in the outcome.
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Posts : 3024 Join date : 2020-11-17 Age : 57 Location : United States of Europe, Germany, Ruhr area
Subject: Re: The man that should have been bill gates Sun Nov 26, 2023 8:59 pm
Usually you put „watermarks“ into your product so you can proof that copyright is yours. It would not make much sense if you put those marks seen or too obvious into your products. If DR would have put it to be seen for any thief into the code, the thief would have erased it and thats it.
But… its hidden. Its so good hidden that even the guy who did the analysis in 2016 was unable to find it.
Or, if he was paid by Microsoft, or had a close relationship with Microsoft, he found what he was paid to find.
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Subject: Re: The man that should have been bill gates