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 RIP Roger Whittaker

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RIP Roger Whittaker Empty
PostSubject: RIP Roger Whittaker   RIP Roger Whittaker EmptySat Sep 30, 2023 10:18 pm

Roger Whittaker - recently deceased.

I always thought his best song was "last farewell" - which is very good.

But now...

I remember this song from from a time when I was very young: I had no idea it was by Mr Whittaker, and I had no idea how profound and powerful the song is (even though I've been singing it - wrongly - for most of my life!):

Listen carefully, understand, become empowered!

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Join date : 2020-11-17
Location : Netherlands

RIP Roger Whittaker Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Roger Whittaker   RIP Roger Whittaker EmptySun Oct 01, 2023 9:00 am

RIP Roger.

Great voice.

I remember I blocked this song because due to the poor quality of that time I understood the title song as : I don't believe in it, it is for children. Decades later due to the increasing quality of music I realized it's not it but if so now I like the song. But I still wonder about the meaning of "it" in the song anyway.
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RIP Roger Whittaker
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