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 War criminal: Napoleon

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Posts : 1365
Join date : 2020-11-17

War criminal: Napoleon Empty
PostSubject: War criminal: Napoleon   War criminal: Napoleon EmptyFri Dec 15, 2023 2:17 pm

Just read that Napoleon executed thousands of prisoners of war.

Nothing better than other "Emperors".
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Posts : 1365
Join date : 2020-11-17

War criminal: Napoleon Empty
PostSubject: Re: War criminal: Napoleon   War criminal: Napoleon EmptyFri Dec 15, 2023 3:10 pm


By "substantial," I mean that the number of prisoners of war executed by Napoleon's forces during the Peninsular War, particularly in incidents like the one at the Battle of Bailén in 1808, is believed to have been significant. Estimates suggest that the number could potentially have been in the thousands, but it's challenging to provide an exact figure due to variations in historical accounts, limited documentation, and the complexities of warfare during that time.
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War criminal: Napoleon
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