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 White House clean up (two)

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White House clean up (two) Empty
PostSubject: White House clean up (two)   White House clean up (two) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2020 4:09 pm

White House clean up (two) Trump11
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Chris Whittington

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White House clean up (two) Empty
PostSubject: Re: White House clean up (two)   White House clean up (two) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2020 4:34 pm

Admin wrote:
White House clean up (two) Trump11

Theme is America good, while Trump is just an aberration which is being got rid of. I fundamentally disagree, America started off from a base of white Anglo Saxon superiority over indigenous population, imported slaves to pick the tobacco, cotton and sugar crops, the export of which fuelled the development of capitalist economy (rather than agrarian peasant colonist that it originally was) and then the further capitalist/colonist expansion west (basically imperialist according to the definition), followed by imperial expansion world wide (Mexico/Pacific/prior Spanish empire), then Asia following WW2, and now it fiddles and invades just about everywhere.
On our age US is in terminal decline. Trump is just a symptom. The idea those elections decide or mean anything, or are in any way democratic has been disproven over and over.
The cartoon is what they what you to think.
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White House clean up (two) Empty
PostSubject: Re: White House clean up (two)   White House clean up (two) EmptyWed Nov 18, 2020 4:56 pm

I see the picture (as the video) as just 100% fun, him refusing to accept the election result. As for foreign politics: he did not seek a confrontation with Putin, he withdraw troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, he did not start new wars. The damage he has done is to America itself, increase polarization, paving the way for more populism and lying politicians who get away with it.
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