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 AI Articles

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Theresa May
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Which Of The 3 AI Articles Is The Most Interesting?
FGPAs will replace GPUs in some applications
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 25% [ 1 ]
Learning models work in tests but not the real world due to under-specification
AI Articles - Page 3 Vote_lcap0%AI Articles - Page 3 Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
AI system beats supercomputer at fluid dynamics
AI Articles - Page 3 Vote_lcap75%AI Articles - Page 3 Vote_rcap
 75% [ 3 ]
Total Votes : 4



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AI Articles - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AI Articles   AI Articles - Page 3 EmptyFri Feb 16, 2024 11:53 pm

It has been a historical 24 hours for AI:

1. Google Gemini Pro Plus announced: 10 million AI tokens in a single query! This means the query, or the text you're querying against, can be the size of a small book!

2. Open AI Sora announced. Takes text and converts it to high resolution video.

3. Deepmind announce GraphCast: forecasts weather incredibly quickly, more accurately, and using only a tiny proportion of the power that supercomputers use (see video below)

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AI Articles - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AI Articles   AI Articles - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 17, 2024 9:00 am

If you're not going to be doing "sexy" things like creating your own videos from text prompts, uploading all your notes on a subject and having a conversation about them, or forecasting the weather on your own device more quickly than it is currently done on supercomputers, this thought-provoking articles tells you some of the "boring" ways Gemini is going to be very useful to you on your phone:
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AI Articles - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AI Articles   AI Articles - Page 3 EmptyWed Mar 13, 2024 1:13 pm

I started this thread in November 2020 - 2 years before ChatGPT 3.5 was launched.

Since then, the progress of AI has been like a runaway train in comparison with the period from 1955 (first usage of the term "Artificial Intelligence" by John McCarthy) to 2022 - the 67 year period prior to that.

In other news, improvements in superconductor technology now mean that commercial nuclear fusion is no longer "30 years away": it's now conceivable that fusion could be pumping electricity into the grid in less than 10 years from now:

Guys - there is absolutely no historical precedence whatsoever for the changes coming in the next 20 years: keep yourselves healthy and alive - it's going to be the most exciting time EVER.
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AI Articles - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AI Articles   AI Articles - Page 3 EmptyTue Apr 02, 2024 9:54 am

Oh dear, Claude! The LLM (not available in the EU due to the stifling business laws of this region), is said, by many, to be the smartest LLM (large language model) available - but it catastrophically failed the very first question I asked it!

Is it possible for an aircraft to have its wings inside the fuselage?

Yes, it is possible for an aircraft to have its wings inside the fuselage. This design is known as an "enclosed" or "internal" wing configuration.

Some key points about aircraft with internal wings:

* The wings are fully embedded within the fuselage structure rather than protruding out from the sides.

* This configuration reduces aerodynamic drag compared to external wings, especially at high speeds.

* It allows for a thicker wing section without increasing overall aircraft height.

* Internal wings benefit aircraft designed for high-speed, high-altitude flight like military fighters and interceptors.

* Notable examples include the F-16 Fighting Falcon, F-117 Nighthawk, and the experimental X-36 unmanned vehicle.

* The internal wing layout comes with trade-offs like more complex structure, limited fuel volume, and reduced low-speed performance.

So while less common than the traditional external wing design, embedding the wings inside the fuselage is a feasible option for certain high-performance aircraft optimized for supersonic flight regimes.
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AI Articles - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AI Articles   AI Articles - Page 3 EmptyWed Apr 03, 2024 7:36 pm

Microsoft Copilot also gets it wrong - but is not as bad as Claude!

Is it possible for an aircraft to have its wings inside the fuselage?

Certainly! Let’s explore the fascinating world of aircraft design.

Traditional Aircraft Design:

In most conventional aircraft, the wings are attached externally to the fuselage. These designs include high-wing, mid-wing, and low-wing configurations.

  • High-wing: The wings are attached at the top of the fuselage.
  • Mid-wing: The wings are attached in the middle portion of the fuselage.
  • Low-wing: The wings are attached at the lower part of the fuselage

Flying Wings:

  • However, there are unique aircraft designs known as flying wings that challenge this traditional layout.
  • A flying wing is an aeroplane that lacks a distinct fuselage or tailplane. Instead, the crew, payload, fuel, and equipment are housed inside the main wing structure itself.
  • Examples of flying wing aircraft include the Northrop YB-49 Flying Wing and the Northrop B-2 Spirit bomber.
  • In these designs, what would typically be the fuselage is a thickened portion of the wing structure. The entire aircraft generates lift through the wing alone, without a separate fuselage.

No Separate Wing Designs:

  • Interestingly, there have been a few unconventional aircraft concepts that take this even further.
  • Some designs have no separate wings at all; instead, they utilize the fuselage itself to generate lift.
  • While these designs are rare, they demonstrate the incredible diversity of possibilities in aviation engineering.

In summary, while most aircraft have their wings attached externally to the fuselage, flying wings and other innovative designs challenge these norms. So, yes, it is indeed possible for an aircraft to have its wings inside the fuselage!

So - of the 3 LLMs I've tested with this question - Claude, Gemini and Copilot - only Gemini is getting it absolutely right. I am convinced that, of the free LLMs (each of these three LLMs has a free version and a more intelligent paid version), Gemini is the best by a wide margin. I cannot speak for the paid versions - I haven't tried them.

Here is the current league table for chatbot intelligence - link. It's churlish to criticise when people have done work for you - but I'd love to be able to filter this table by free/paid versions.
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AI Articles - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AI Articles   AI Articles - Page 3 EmptyThu Jun 20, 2024 11:33 am

Interesting article - apparently Chinese girls are falling head over heels with AI boyfriend "Dan" in huge numbers:

I find this surprising. The article has the cause as Chinese girls being highly dissatisfied with Chinese men, but I have a couple of problems with this explanation:

* I cannot think of an obvious reason why Chinese girls would have more of a problem with Chinese men than any other country's women have with that other country's men

* The emotions described in the article (respected, valued, sense of well-being) are supposed to be things that girls get from female friends - not male ones. Women say they want these things from men - but the men they stay with long term tend to be the ones who don't prioritise their feelings - not the ones who do (the ones that do are seen as low status: it's the woman's job to make the relationship work - not the mans - his job is to have a strong purpose outside of the relationship)

Some more thoughts:

1. These Chinese girls have probably not had much previous experience with LLMs (ChatGPT is not readily accessible in mainland China)

2. This strikes me as being similar to porn in men: lots of men are hooked on websites that feed their fantasy of women giving them great sex all day, and it looks as though Dan feeds women's fantasies about what men are like. Porn turns out to be very bad for men, making them weak, and thus less able to get a real female partner. I wonder if Dan will have a similar effect on his Chinese female users?
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AI Articles - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AI Articles   AI Articles - Page 3 EmptyThu Jun 20, 2024 11:25 pm

TheSelfImprover wrote:
Interesting article - apparently Chinese girls are falling head over heels with AI boyfriend "Dan" in huge numbers:

I find this surprising. The article has the cause as Chinese girls being highly dissatisfied with Chinese men, but I have a couple of problems with this explanation:

* I cannot think of an obvious reason why Chinese girls would have more of a problem with Chinese men than any other country's women have with that other country's men

* The emotions described in the article (respected, valued, sense of well-being) are supposed to be things that girls get from female friends - not male ones. Women say they want these things from men - but the men they stay with long term tend to be the ones who don't prioritise their feelings - not the ones who do (the ones that do are seen as low status: it's the woman's job to make the relationship work - not the mans - his job is to have a strong purpose outside of the relationship)

Some more thoughts:

1. These Chinese girls have probably not had much previous experience with LLMs (ChatGPT is not readily accessible in mainland China)

2. This strikes me as being similar to porn in men: lots of men are hooked on websites that feed their fantasy of women giving them great sex all day, and it looks as though Dan feeds women's fantasies about what men are like. Porn turns out to be very bad for men, making them weak, and thus less able to get a real female partner. I wonder if Dan will have a similar effect on his Chinese female users?

Beware: trends sometimes travel from east to west. I remember we all laughed at a TV show which showed Japanese people grabbing a microphone and singing pop songs in front of a crowd. Next thing we know, "Karaoke" was a major global trend, including almost every pub in Britain!
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AI Articles - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AI Articles   AI Articles - Page 3 EmptyThu Jul 25, 2024 7:32 pm

Google is helping British people to adopt AI and to make it work for us:
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AI Articles - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AI Articles   AI Articles - Page 3 EmptySun Aug 04, 2024 9:33 am

From link - how AI is being abused:

AI Articles - Page 3 UE7ZMOYrglt7TwuTG0WjWXpgnxvxsHMHgMlCSCL6j0EZxZT0FPFfegiDp125U4oR2kHaNvCXbXh9iuNel-bxT0m_w7bmDS0dARk7-VCjWCnpsATUzg=w616-rw
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PostSubject: Re: AI Articles   AI Articles - Page 3 Empty

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