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 Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic!

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Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic! Empty
PostSubject: Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic!   Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic! EmptyTue Feb 16, 2021 5:00 pm

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Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic!   Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic! EmptyTue Feb 16, 2021 6:20 pm

Horrible, but nothing that surprises me,
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Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic!   Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic! EmptyTue Feb 16, 2021 7:23 pm

If you go to youtube the page currently already had 20,000 hits and 1400 likes. Not bad.
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Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic!   Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic! EmptyTue Feb 16, 2021 7:34 pm

1400 flies cannot be wrong. A pile of shit smells good.

Chess base is, like any commercial company, about money.
The product itself was never perfect. The gui is horrible.
The server results can be manipulated and is mainly visited by “computerchess enthusiasts”.
If you want to laugh, go into css forum and read about
their server games.
As if they would play themselves and not the heavy hardware.

who believe the number of cores the pc has or the amount of GPus somebody has says anything about the quality of chess.
Friedels statements (my friends blablabla) did not change in all those years.
Yesterday it was kasparov, nunn or the polgars, or whoever.
Since Germany is mainly saturated with chess, friedel and the company invades India (my friend vishi) or other countries with huge population.

New markets.
That his sons build his computer etc, all typical vocabulary and archetypes of his empire and philosophy.

Many years ago Chessbase entered with big pcs on stage, so heavy they could not carry and move them with one person alone.

Last edited by Mclane on Tue Feb 16, 2021 7:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic!   Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic! EmptyTue Feb 16, 2021 7:39 pm

Admin wrote:
If you go to youtube the page currently already had 20,000 hits and 1400 likes. Not bad.

We are getting the word out. My subs were upset at first that I refused to test Fat Fritz 2. I explained that Fat Fritz 2 was nothing but a renamed Stockfish. The strongest engine on the planet.

And that is what pisses me off more then anything. We know here that Fat Fritz 2 is a rip off. But most users do not know.

And that is Albert Silver's, and Frederic Friedel's plan. pirat
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Posts : 3024
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Age : 57
Location : United States of Europe, Germany, Ruhr area

Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic!   Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic! EmptyTue Feb 16, 2021 7:56 pm

It’s how to make money.
Or do you think rich people are rich because of their own hands ??

I have nothing against Chris or Ed or richard or others making money.
But CB ?!

Eds gui in DOS a was better then any GUI chessbase ever made in windows.

Chris programs on Sinclair zx spectrum loaded from cassette tape
Had more knowledge then anything CB produced later.

CB mainly exploited people.
Frans morsch gave his engine for them, sources included.
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Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic!   Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic! Empty

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Albert Silver and Frederic Friedel on Fat Fritz. Pathetic!
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