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 ZX Spectrum N-go

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ZX Spectrum N-go Empty
PostSubject: ZX Spectrum N-go   ZX Spectrum N-go EmptyWed Aug 18, 2021 1:58 pm

Have a new toyZX Spectrum N-go Img_2011
ZX Spectrum N-go Img_2012
ZX Spectrum N-go Img_2010

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Location : United States of Europe, Germany, Ruhr area

ZX Spectrum N-go Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZX Spectrum N-go   ZX Spectrum N-go EmptyWed Aug 18, 2021 2:02 pm

ZX Spectrum N-go Img_2015
ZX Spectrum N-go Img_2014
ZX Spectrum N-go Img_2013

Clock Chess 89 can now run at 3.5, 7, 14 and 28 mhz in this dedicated hardware. Clocks run normal so increasing the computation time to adjust faster running clock speeds is not needed.

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ZX Spectrum N-go Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZX Spectrum N-go   ZX Spectrum N-go EmptyWed Aug 18, 2021 2:52 pm

Wow - the early home computers are back!

The feature I miss the most: you could switch them on and then start typing instructions telling them what to do! It's been so long, I'd almost forgotten how much I miss that!
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ZX Spectrum N-go Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZX Spectrum N-go   ZX Spectrum N-go EmptyWed Aug 18, 2021 2:56 pm

When playing ClockChess, do you have to type in the move, or can you select the to/from squares with arrow keys?
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Age : 57
Location : United States of Europe, Germany, Ruhr area

ZX Spectrum N-go Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZX Spectrum N-go   ZX Spectrum N-go EmptyWed Aug 18, 2021 7:12 pm

You could use keys, there is an arrow cursor. Either joystick or keys.

The spectrum n-go has like the spectrum next dedicated cursor keys, as you can see from my pictures.

Or type algebraic notation. There is superchess 3.5 but i think in difference to clock chess it has no permanent brain, i hope on the other hand clockchess is not weaker from the algorithms. (Only god knows or mr. Chris w.)
Nevertheless it is a typical chris Whittington. He explains it in the help file of Superchess 3.5.
Tapered forward pruning. Arround 1000 NPS in 3.5 mhz z80a.
I copied all spectrum chess engines i had on the SD card and can run them now either 3.5/7/14/28 mhz.
If you do not like the laser engraved keyboard you can use any other keyboard.
E.g. one could put a usb hub to the machine and plug in a keyboard/mouse dongle.
I will find out soon when i test it. Its a clone of the official zx spectrum next computer.

Without dedicated hardware you can download FUSE emulator. You can increase speed of the emulator to 300-500%.

But then the clocks run faster.
But, no problem.
Multiply the computation time with the factor you increase to get the level you want. E.g. 40/120. I speed up fuse with 300% = 180*3=540” computation time.
Maximum average time is btw. 999 seconds.
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ZX Spectrum N-go Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZX Spectrum N-go   ZX Spectrum N-go Empty

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