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 Scientists Discover The Effects Of Red Wine

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Scientists Discover The Effects Of Red Wine Empty
PostSubject: Scientists Discover The Effects Of Red Wine   Scientists Discover The Effects Of Red Wine EmptyWed Oct 06, 2021 1:49 pm

From the article:

"Red wine increased pleasure and arousal, decreased the awareness of time, slowed the subjective passage of time, increased the attentional focus on the present moment, decreased body awareness, slowed thought speed, turned imagination more vivid, and made the environment become more fascinating,” the researchers found. “Red wine increased insightfulness and originality of thoughts, increased sensations of oneness with the environment, spiritual feelings, all-encompassing love, and profound peace. All changes in consciousness occurred regardless of volunteers drinking alone, in dyad or in group."

As noted, although the mechanism is not known, red wine seems to have a mysterious way of giving the consumer the effects of being drunk! Smile

I'm not making this up - this is PROPER science - link!
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Scientists Discover The Effects Of Red Wine
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