We know today how evil comes into our world.
In opposite to religious considerations it has nothing to do with God or Devil or hell etc.
These archetypes are imaginations that do not help to explain anything.
Religion is nethertheless part of the problem because in patriarchat religion creates the problem.
If our society would be with similar rights between women and men, no patriarchat, we would NOT have these problems.
Its the one sided patriarchat that creates evil.
This is not only working for humans.
Human apes also follow this rule.
Everywhere we have patriarchat, evil is produced, no matter if the group are humans, orang utans, gorillas or chimpanzees.
This also includes that not ONE religion is any better then another.
Because all religions support patriarchat they are all evil.
So its not RACE, RELIGION or politics that decides if your children grow up EVIL.
Its not skin color or the question if you are human or gorilla.
The global universal explanation why some children become evil and others not is Patriarchat.
When religions support patriarchat they support evil children and will create them.
Thats why islam is in the same way wrong like christianism.
In matriarchat there is no EVIL.
So we today know where evil comes from and how it gets copied into societies.
We know exactly the mechanisms.
We can go in any kindergarden and tell or sort out the good or evil children just by looking into the family structures,
those with patriarchaic structures will get evil children.
The children cannot change it,
the parents often do not know it, the mothers have no clue,
Even the kindergarden workers do not have a clou,
Later in the school this maybe continues.
We are looking away.
Until the evil person burns , murders or tortures animals, women or homosexuals or orders to wipe out jews or invades ucraine or attacks opposition in belarus or throws bombs on his civilians in syria or puts uigures into concentration camps.
We do nothing until evil children kill, slaughter, rape, destroy our societies.
We are blind for the reason where evil comes from.
Although it is all explained, logical and you can proof and reproduce it,
It has nothing to do with god or atheism, skin color or which religion you have or where you live.
Religion or political parties do MISUSE the effect. But they are only part of the problem. Not the real origin.
When you have a political party that supports patriarchat, e.g. right wing parties, you will have right wing evil. This works in any society.
It works in france, italy, spain, russia, israel, germany, netherlands….
Supporting patriarchat clones evil.
when the amount of evil individuals in a society reaches a critical mass, you get a war.
Or a genocide.
Its this way in human world . In the jungle with gorillas or orang utans or chimpanzees.
So this is how it works and how it comes into our world.
We are now capable to react and change it,
We only have to open our eyes and not close it when we see evil wherever it happens, wherever it gets generated.
***** killing people