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 Yorkshire Tina, proppa cuppa

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Yorkshire Tina, proppa cuppa Empty
PostSubject: Yorkshire Tina, proppa cuppa   Yorkshire Tina, proppa cuppa EmptyThu Jul 21, 2022 9:59 pm

Not that is is terribly humorous, it is just an advert, but it is very British. Just a tweet I stumbled upon, just now, from Sir Patrick, it is an ad apparently, for Yorkshire tea. I am sure he is quoting some famous piece of proze, or poetry, here but I did not know what, I have not looked it up. The way he carries it just struck me as very funny. Also his ride on a horse, the tweet below for his 82nd Birthday was somehow very funny. You are becoming better with age dear Patrick!
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Yorkshire Tina, proppa cuppa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yorkshire Tina, proppa cuppa   Yorkshire Tina, proppa cuppa EmptyThu Jul 21, 2022 10:29 pm

We need to decide who's the best Yorkshireman...

Sean Bean...

...or Patrick Stewart?

I agree that the prose is better in Patrick's effort - but for me, Sean brings more intensity to the game, so he gets my vote!

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Yorkshire Tina, proppa cuppa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yorkshire Tina, proppa cuppa   Yorkshire Tina, proppa cuppa EmptySat Aug 13, 2022 8:27 pm

Eee bah gum, having spent the first 20 years of my life living in Yorkshire, it is funny to hear and see this, thanks for posting.

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Yorkshire Tina, proppa cuppa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yorkshire Tina, proppa cuppa   Yorkshire Tina, proppa cuppa EmptyThu Dec 21, 2023 12:20 pm

I only just realized, that apart from 'Patriot Games' with Harrison Ford as Jack Ryan, I should have recognized Sean Bean as Boromir! Strange I didn't.

Here is the Fellowship of the Ring on the slopes of Caradhras The Cruel, trying to cross the Misty Mountains and the Redhorn (The same mountain in the common language) Gate.

Sean Bean did not like flying to all the film locations, so where the others all went by helicopter, he would walk the whole distance, fully dressed for the part. And often would be there two hours early, so he would not keep the whole film crew waiting if the journey would take a little longer than he anticipated. That's the real spirit for Middle Earth. On foot, or by horse!
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Yorkshire Tina, proppa cuppa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yorkshire Tina, proppa cuppa   Yorkshire Tina, proppa cuppa EmptyFri May 31, 2024 3:11 pm

An American with a TERRIBLE London accent taking the piss out of British blokes like myself:

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Yorkshire Tina, proppa cuppa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yorkshire Tina, proppa cuppa   Yorkshire Tina, proppa cuppa Empty

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