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 Analysis of Human vs Computer Chess 1971 to 1985

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Analysis of Human vs Computer Chess 1971 to 1985 Empty
PostSubject: Analysis of Human vs Computer Chess 1971 to 1985   Analysis of Human vs Computer Chess 1971 to 1985 EmptySat Oct 08, 2022 5:25 pm

Centipawn Scores:

Schendel Frank:   6  => Average=0.06
Norwood David:   10  => Average=0.10
Spassky Boris Vasilievich:   15  => Average=0.15
Petersen Martha:   15  => Average=0.15
Taeger Winfried:   15  => Average=0.15
Hanken Jerome B:   17  => Average=0.17
Classen Harald:   17  => Average=0.17
Dunn Andrew:   19  => Average=0.19
Trommsdorf Uwe:   19  => Average=0.19
Wessendorf F:   21  => Average=0.21
Caiafas Theophilus:   22  => Average=0.22
Jackson Sheila:   24  => Average=0.24
Schmidt Ruediger:   28  => Average=0.28
King Daniel J:   30  => Average=0.30
Lakdawala Cyrus:   31  => Average=0.31
Thipsay Bagyashree Sathe:   33  => Average=0.33
Kesternich Johann:   33  => Average=0.33
Comp Prestige:   38/41/20  => Average=0.34
Murphy Hugh:   34  => Average=0.34
Puetz Lothar:   37  => Average=0.37
Keres Paul:   37  => Average=0.37
Donner Jan Hein:   39  => Average=0.39
Lalic Susan:   40  => Average=0.40
Yanofsky Daniel Abraham:   40  => Average=0.40
Seewi Joram:   40  => Average=0.40
Toon Kevin:   41  => Average=0.41
Thomas Ian L:   41  => Average=0.41
Erkay Ali Necip:   43  => Average=0.43
Comp Plymate X:   43  => Average=0.43
Bingaman Albert C:   44  => Average=0.44
Kasparov Garry:   80/36/77/13/23/77/48/47/65/13/43/43/52/18/56/38/73/45/53/28/1/48/23/53/19/46/77/44/50/29/12/18  => Average=0.44
Wolf Ingo:   44  => Average=0.44
Comp Nona:   45  => Average=0.45
Kuebel Wolfgang:   45  => Average=0.45
Short Nigel D:   47  => Average=0.47
Klotz Stefan:   48  => Average=0.48
Marshall David:   48  => Average=0.48
Hort Vlastimil:   48  => Average=0.48
Comp Blitz Monster Y:   49  => Average=0.49
Sosonko Gennadi:   40/65/43/38/33/72/31/38/57/49/44/42/75/66/39/59/101/46/26/33/79/36/27/24/36/74/74/57/24/23/87  => Average=0.49
Comp Mephisto Amsterdam:   25/97/51/71/21/44  => Average=0.50
Comp Plymate Y:   51  => Average=0.51
Hoss Michael T:   51  => Average=0.51
Levy David Neil Lawrence:   64/65/17/71/43  => Average=0.52
Comp Blitz Monster C:   52  => Average=0.52
Comp Belle Constellation:   55/54/44/32/95/21/68/63/86/8  => Average=0.53
Comp Fidelity Sensory 9:   97/4/34  => Average=0.54
Fong Juan M:   54  => Average=0.54
Law Andrew P:   56  => Average=0.56
Shailendra P:   52/64  => Average=0.56
Reif Frank:   56  => Average=0.56
Comp Orwell Z:   57  => Average=0.57
Comp Mephisto Lyon:   96/5  => Average=0.58
Mar Craig:   58  => Average=0.58
Rohde Michael A:   59  => Average=0.59
Comp Plymate Z:   59  => Average=0.59
Osswald Dietrich:   61  => Average=0.61
Kerpf Bernhard:   61  => Average=0.61
Comp Super Constellation:   74/32/86/91/24/37/87/54  => Average=0.61
Barber Haydn J:   61  => Average=0.61
Comp Fidelity SC:   61  => Average=0.61
Comp Meph Experimental:   64  => Average=0.64
Comp Fidelity Elite S:   52/55/82/81  => Average=0.64
Wieckert Martin:   64  => Average=0.64
Comp Ball 2:   65  => Average=0.65
Bruecher H:   65  => Average=0.65
Leary Stephen D:   65  => Average=0.65
Comp Meph Exclusive S:   76/48  => Average=0.65
Hick Karl:   66  => Average=0.66
Moody David:   67  => Average=0.67
Wangen Michael:   67  => Average=0.67
Coleman David:   67  => Average=0.67
Comp Belle:   58/75/62/79  => Average=0.67
Comp Meph Exclusive B+P:   87/40  => Average=0.67
Comp Constellation 36K:   69/68  => Average=0.68
Bussard Achim:   69  => Average=0.69
Comp Turbostar 432:   78/102/51/131/56/44/75/30/51/38  => Average=0.69
Comp Super Enterprise:   69  => Average=0.69
Comp Blitz Monster X:   70  => Average=0.70
Behl Torsten:   71  => Average=0.71
Comp Elite privat:   46/102  => Average=0.71
Comp Chess 4.7 :   58/109/41/82/81  => Average=0.73
Comp Adv Star Chess:   74  => Average=0.74
Comp Novag Monster X:   75/77/73/91/64/114/62/51/81/60/58  => Average=0.74
Zipprick:   75  => Average=0.75
Simon Jerry C:   76  => Average=0.76
Comp Princhess 6:   76  => Average=0.76
Comp Fidelity Excellence:   76  => Average=0.76
Lakatua Robert:   76  => Average=0.76
Comp Orwell X:   76  => Average=0.76
Comp Meph Munchen B+P:   77  => Average=0.77
Comp Phoenix:   78  => Average=0.78
Comp Mephisto 68000:   80  => Average=0.80
Koster:   80  => Average=0.80
Saltzberg Mitchell:   80  => Average=0.80
Comp PK 83:   81  => Average=0.81
Comp Fidelity Playmatic:   83  => Average=0.83
Comp Meph Excalibur:   119/113/67/46/53/80/89  => Average=0.84
Comp Superstar 36K:   71/68/80/132  => Average=0.84
Patgawkar V:   84  => Average=0.84
Comp Orwell Y:   84  => Average=0.84
Comp Fidelity Prestige:   129/89/114/54/94/118/117/36/63/36/19/34  => Average=0.84
Grainer S:   86  => Average=0.86
Mandelkow Helmut:   87  => Average=0.87
Comp Rebel:   89  => Average=0.89
Karpov Anatoly:   90  => Average=0.90
Gordon Stephen:   90  => Average=0.90
Rose Nigel CJ:   90  => Average=0.90
Comp Novag Monster Y:   104/117/120/5/60/69/115/175/68/141/5  => Average=0.91
Comp Tumult:   92  => Average=0.92
Huwiler Hans:   93  => Average=0.93
Ayinla JA:   94  => Average=0.94
Radke Harry:   94  => Average=0.94
Comp Fidelity:   97  => Average=0.97
Comp Novag X:   101/129/61/66/128  => Average=0.98
Bakshi Raj:   99  => Average=0.99
Rosental:   99  => Average=0.99
Comp Sensory CC9:   110/89  => Average=0.99
Allen Keith:   101  => Average=1.01
Stephan Georg:   104  => Average=1.04
Kneutgen Alexander:   104  => Average=1.04
Olsowski Frank:   104  => Average=1.04
Stebbings Anthony:   107  => Average=1.07
Comp Conchess Ambassador:   90/105/134  => Average=1.07
Comp Mephisto II:   108  => Average=1.08
Wiessner Georg:   108  => Average=1.08
Comp Sargon:   109  => Average=1.09
Sharpe Paul:   109  => Average=1.09
Voulon Oliver:   109  => Average=1.09
Koelle Arthur:   110  => Average=1.10
Botvinnik Mikhail:   111  => Average=1.11
Comp Elite A/S:   92/173/66  => Average=1.13
Comp Chess 46:   114  => Average=1.14
Conway Edward J:   118  => Average=1.18
Comp Meph Modular B+P:   121  => Average=1.21
Comp Novag Y:   198/54/60  => Average=1.22
Klinger:   123  => Average=1.23
Koscholleck Ingo:   125  => Average=1.25
Nemitz Norbert:   127  => Average=1.27
Comp CDC 6400:   133  => Average=1.33
Wright Josie H:   133  => Average=1.33
Disu M:   133  => Average=1.33
Comp Kempelen I:   151  => Average=1.51
Jansen:   152  => Average=1.52
Ommer Walter:   170  => Average=1.70
Hamann Svend:   171  => Average=1.71
Comp IBM 370/165:   163/201  => Average=1.79

Game Analysis:

[pgn][Event "US Open-83"]
[Site "St Paul"]
[Date "1982.08.16"]
[Round "8"]
[White "Comp Sensory CC9"]
[Black "Conway, Edward J"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A00"]
[Annotator "Tactical Analysis 5.3 (5s)"]
[PlyCount "113"]
[EventDate "1982.08.08"]
[EventType "swiss"]
[EventRounds "12"]
[EventCountry "USA"]
[SourceTitle "EXT 2002"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceDate "2001.11.25"]
[SourceVersion "1"]
[SourceVersionDate "2001.11.25"]
[SourceQuality "1"]

1. b4 Nf6 2. Nf3 e6 3. Ba3 ({Predecessor:} 3. a3 c5 4. bxc5 Bxc5 5. d4 Be7 6. e3 O-O 7. Bd3 d5 8. O-O b6 9. c4 Ba6 10. Nbd2 Qc8 11. Qe2 Nc6 12. Bb2 Na5 13. Ne5 Qb7 14. Rac1 Rac8 15. Rc2 Rc7 16. Rfc1 Rfc8 17. h3 Bf8 18. Kh1 {½-½ (18) Garcia,H (2350)-Anelli,A (2325) Buenos Aires 1978}) 3... d5 4. e3 Bd6 5. Be2 Qe7 {Strongly threatening ...a5.} 6. c3 {A00: Irregular Openings.} e5 7. O-O (7. d4 $17) 7... O-O $19 8. d4 (8. Bb2 $17) 8... e4 9. Ng5 (9. Nfd2 {was necessary.}) 9... h6 10. Nh3 Bxh3 11. gxh3 Nh7 12. Nd2 Nd7 13. Qb3 (13. c4 {is a better defense.} Qh4 14. c5) 13... c6 14. c4 Qh4 15. Bg4 (15. b5 Bxa3 16. Qxa3) 15... Ndf6 16. b5 (16. f4 $142 Ng5 17. cxd5 cxd5 18. Kh1) 16... Bxa3 17. Qxa3 dxc4 18. bxc6 bxc6 19. Be2 (19. f4 {is tougher.} Nxg4 20. hxg4) 19... Ng5 20. Rab1 Nxh3+ 21. Kg2 Ng5 {aiming for ...Rad8.} 22. Nxc4 Nf3 {Pair of Knights!} ({Avoid the trap} 22... Qh3+ $2 23. Kh1 $19) 23. Qd6 Rfd8 $2 (23... Nh5 $19 24. Bxf3 exf3+ 25. Kh1 Rad8) 24. Qg3 $15 Qxg3+ ({Better is} 24... Rac8 $15) 25. hxg3 $11 Ng5 $2 {[#]} (25... Rd5 $11 {and Black has nothing to worry.}) 26. Ne5 $2 (26. Na5 $1 $18) 26... Rdc8 (26... c5 $1 $11 {and Black is okay.}) 27. Ba6 Rc7 28. Bb7 $2 ({Only move:} 28. Rfc1 $18) 28... Rb8 29. Bxc6 {White is more active. White stays focused until the end.} Rb6 (29... Rxb1 $16 30. Rxb1 Ng4 31. Nxg4 (31. Rb8+ Kh7 $14) 31... Rxc6) 30. Rxb6 $18 axb6 31. Rb1 Ra7 $2 (31... Ng4) 32. a4 Kf8 33. Rxb6 Ne6 34. Kf1 Ke7 35. a5 Nd8 (35... Rxa5 $142 36. Rb7+ Kf8 37. Rxf7+ Kg8) 36. a6 Kd6 37. Bxe4+ Kc7 {[#]} 38. Rb7+ $1 Nxb7 (38... Rxb7 39. Bxb7) 39. Bxb7 {Endgame KRN-KBN} Ne8 40. Nxf7 Kb6 41. Nd8 Nd6 42. Kg2 Kc7 43. Nc6 Rxb7 44. axb7 Nxb7 {KN-KN} 45. d5 Kd6 46. e4 Nc5 47. Kf3 Nd3 48. Ke3 Nc5 49. Nd4 Ke5 50. f4+ Kf6 51. e5+ Ke7 52. Nf5+ Kf7 {White mates.} 53. e6+ Nxe6 54. dxe6+ Kxe6 55. Nxg7+ Kf6 56. Nh5+ Kg6 57. g4 {Weighted Error Value: White=1.13/Black=1.30} 1-0


Edward J. Conway
Conway, Edward J. 73, passed away on Sept 21, 2020. Born in New York City, he moved to Minneapolis to pursue an advanced degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Minnesota. He lived in the Twin Cities for 50 years. Ed was not shy and enjoyed telling a good story. He enjoyed opera, rodeos, debating, ice fishing and gardening. Most of all, he enjoyed chess. He tutored school students in after-school programs, and his commitment over the years resulted in being elected to the Minnesota State Chess Association's 2020 Hall of Fame

[pgn][Event "Sosonko sim against computers"]
[Site "Amsterdam"]
[Date "1985.09.12"]
[Round "16"]
[White "Sosonko, Gennadi"]
[Black "Comp Super Constellation"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "E96"]
[WhiteElo "2535"]
[Annotator "Tactical Analysis 5.3 (5s)"]
[PlyCount "94"]
[EventDate "1985.09.12"]
[EventType "simul"]
[EventRounds "31"]
[EventCountry "NED"]
[SourceTitle "EXT 2007"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceDate "2006.11.23"]
[SourceVersion "1"]
[SourceVersionDate "2006.11.23"]
[SourceQuality "1"]

1. Nf3 Nf6 2. d4 g6 3. c4 Bg7 4. Nc3 O-O 5. e4 d6 6. Be2 e5 7. O-O Nbd7 8. Re1 c6 9. Bf1 a5 (9... exd4 $14 {was preferrable.} 10. Nxd4 {[#]} (10. Qxd4 Nd5 $15) 10... Ng4 $1 11. Qxg4 Bxd4) 10. dxe5 {E96: King's Indian: Classical: 7...Nbd7 8 Re1 c6 9 Bf1 a5.} (10. h3 $16) 10... Nxe5 $14 {[#]} 11. Nd4 $146 ({White should play} 11. Nxe5 $16 dxe5 12. f3) ({Predecessor:} 11. Nxe5 dxe5 12. Be3 Qc7 13. Na4 Nd7 14. Qd2 Re8 15. Rad1 b6 16. g3 Bf8 17. Bh3 Nc5 18. Nxc5 Bxh3 {½-½ (27) Kristensen,H-Mortensen,V Denmark 1984}) 11... Qb6 (11... a4 $11) 12. Nc2 (12. Na4 $1 $14 Qc7 13. b3) 12... Be6 (12... Nfg4 $15 {is more appropriate.} 13. Ne3 a4) 13. b3 $2 (13. Ne3 $1 $11) 13... Nfg4 $19 14. Ne3 $2 {[#]} (14. Be3 {was the crucial defense.} Nxe3 15. Nxe3) 14... Nxf2 $1 {Black is clearly winning.} 15. Qc2 (15. Na4 Qa7) 15... Neg4 16. h3 Qd4 17. Bd2 Nxe3 18. Rxe3 {[#]} Nxe4 19. Rd1 (19. Qxe4 Qxd2) 19... Nxd2 20. Qxd2 Qxd2 21. Rxd2 Bh6 22. Red3 Bxd2 23. Rxd2 Rfd8 24. Kf2 Kg7 25. Ke3 f5 26. h4 Re8 27. Kf4 Rad8 28. h5 Kf6 29. Be2 g5+ 30. Kf3 h6 31. Bd1 g4+ 32. Kf4 Bf7 33. Bc2 Re5 34. g3 b5 35. cxb5 cxb5 {...Rc8 is the strong threat.} 36. Ne2 Rc5 {Threatens to win with ...Rxc2!} 37. Nd4 Be6 38. Rf2 b4 39. Ke3 Re5+ 40. Kd2 Bd7 {White must now prevent ...Rd5.} 41. Bd3 Kg5 42. Rf1 Rc8 43. Bc4 Kxh5 44. Bf7+ Kg5 45. Rh1 Rcc5 46. Bc4 Re4 47. Kd3 d5 {Black took control after the opening.  Weighted Error Value: White=1.19/Black=0.34} 0-1


Gennadi Sosonko

Born in Troitsk, Russia, Sosonko won the Leningrad juniors' championship in 1958.

He legally emigrated from the Soviet Union to the Netherlands via Israel in 1972.

Sosonko won the Dutch Championship in 1973 and 1978 (jointly). His tournament record includes 1st at Wijk aan Zee 1977, 1st at Nijmegen 1978, 3rd at Amsterdam 1980, 1st at Wijk aan Zee 1981, 3rd at Tilburg 1982 and 4th at Haninge 1988. He also drew a match with Jan Timman (+1 =0 −1) in 1984.

Sosonko played for the Dutch team at the Chess Olympiad eleven times, in 1974-84, and 1988-96. He won two individual medals: gold at Haifa 1976, bronze at Nice 1974, and two team medals: silver at Haifa 1976, and bronze at Thessaloniki 1988.

FIDE, the World Chess Federation, awarded Sosonko the International Master (IM) title in 1974, the GM title in 1976 and the FIDE Senior Trainer title in 2004.

[pgn][Event "Porz op"]
[Site "Cologne"]
[Date "1983.12.29"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Ommer, Walter"]
[Black "Comp Meph Excalibur"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D01"]
[Annotator "Tactical Analysis 5.3 (5s)"]
[PlyCount "72"]
[EventDate "1983.12.27"]
[EventType "swiss"]
[EventRounds "9"]
[EventCountry "GER"]
[SourceTitle "EXT 2006"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceDate "2005.11.24"]
[SourceVersion "1"]
[SourceVersionDate "2005.11.24"]
[SourceQuality "1"]

1. d4 {ChessBase II} d5 2. Nc3 Bf5 3. f3 Nf6 4. Bg5 Nc6 5. e4 dxe4 6. d5 {D01: Veresov Opening.} Nb4 7. Bxf6 $2 (7. Qe2 $1 $14 {stays ahead.} h6 8. Bxf6 exf6 9. a3) 7... exf6 $2 {[#]} ({Black should try} 7... exf3 $1 $17 8. Nxf3 (8. Bb5+ c6 $17) 8... gxf6) 8. a3 $146 (8. fxe4 $14 {is more appropriate.} Qe7 9. Qe2) ({Predecessor:} 8. fxe4 Bd7 9. Nf3 a5 10. Qd2 Bd6 11. Nb5 O-O 12. Nxd6 cxd6 13. a3 Na6 14. Bxa6 Rxa6 15. O-O Qb6+ 16. Kh1 Re8 17. Rfe1 {½-½ (17) Khokhlovkin,I-Lisitsin,G Kislovodsk 1956 EXT 2014 [ChessBase II]}) 8... exf3 9. axb4 $16 fxg2 10. Bxg2 Bxb4 11. Nge2 (11. Qe2+ $142 $1 Qe7 12. O-O-O) 11... O-O 12. O-O $36 {White is pushing.} Bc5+ (12... Bg6 $14) 13. Kh1 Qd7 (13... Bg6 $16 {was necessary.} 14. Ng3 Bd6) 14. Ng3 $1 $18 Bg4 15. Qd3 {And now Nce4 would win.} h6 $2 (15... Bd6 16. Nge4 Be5) 16. Nce4 Bb6 {[#]} (16... Be7 $142 17. Nf2 Bd6) 17. Rxf6 $1 Rad8 {[#]} (17... Rae8 18. c4) 18. Rxh6 $2 f5 {[#]} 19. Rh4 fxe4 20. Bxe4 (20. Qxe4 $6 Bf5 21. Nxf5 Qxf5 $16) (20. Nxe4 $18 {and White stays clearly on top. Hoping for d6!} Bf5 21. d6) 20... Rf2 $2 (20... g5 $16 21. Rh7 (21. Bh7+ Kh8 $16) 21... Qe8) 21. c4 $2 (21. d6 Be6 $14) (21. Rf1 $18 g5 22. Rxf2 (22. Bh7+ Kh8 $11) 22... gxh4 23. Rf4 $1) 21... Re8 22. Bg2 Ref8 $2 (22... Bf5 $11 23. Nxf5 Qxf5 24. Qxf5 Rxf5) 23. Qh7+ (23. Qg6 Bf5 24. Qh5 (24. Nxf5 Qxf5 25. Qe6+ Qxe6 $11) 24... Qe8 $14) 23... Kf7 24. Qe4 (24. Be4 $18) 24... Bf5 $16 25. Qe1 (25. Nxf5 $16 Qxf5 26. b4) 25... Rxb2 $2 (25... Re8 $11 26. Qd1 Bg6) 26. Rf4 (26. Qe5 Rf2 27. Be4 (27. Nh5 Kg8 $17) 27... Bxe4+ 28. Nxe4 Rf5 $11) 26... Kg8 {...Rxg2! is the strong threat.} 27. Qf1 (27. Nxf5 $18 Rxf5 28. Bh3) 27... g6 $11 {aiming for ...Be3.} 28. Re1 {Inhibits Be3.} (28. Bh3 $11 {and White stays safe.} Qh7 29. Nxf5 Rxf5 30. Rxf5 gxf5 31. Qe1 (31. Qxf5 Qxf5 32. Bxf5 Kg7 $15)) 28... Rf6 $2 ({But not} 28... Qh7 29. Nxf5 gxf5 30. Rf3 $18) (28... Bc5 $1 $19 {White must now prevent ...Bd6.} 29. Nxf5 Rxf5) 29. Nxf5 Rxf5 (29... gxf5 $2 30. Re6 Bd4 31. Bh3 Rxe6 32. dxe6 $18 (32. Bxf5 $2 Rh6 $19)) 30. Bh3 $2 {[#]} (30. d6 $11 Rf2 31. Rxf5 Rxf5 32. Bd5+ Kg7 33. Qh3 Qxd6 34. Re8) 30... Rxf4 $1 $19 31. Qxf4 {[#]} Qd6 (31... Qxh3 {is a self mate.} 32. Re8+ Kh7 33. Re7+ Kg8 34. Qf7+ Kh8 35. Qg7#) 32. Be6+ {[#]} Kg7 $1 (32... Kh7 $2 33. Qh4+ Kg7 34. Rf1 $18) 33. Re5 (33. Qg3 $142 Qxg3 34. hxg3) 33... Rf2 34. Qe4 Kf6 (34... Qa3 $142 35. h4 Qb2 36. Qe2 Rxe2 37. Rxe2 Qxe2 38. h5 gxh5 39. Bd7 Qf2 40. c5 Bxc5 41. Bh3 Qg1#) 35. Rh5 gxh5 36. Qh4+ Kg6 {Weighted Error Value: White=1.79/Black=1.28} 0-1


Ommer, Walter

World Rank (All players):53270
Federation: Germany
FIDE ID:24673005
FIDE title:None
Rating std 2051
rapid Not rated
blitz Not rated
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Analysis of Human vs Computer Chess 1971 to 1985
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