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 Analysis of Human vs Computer Chess 1988 - The Rise of Deep Thought.

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Analysis of Human vs Computer Chess 1988 - The Rise of Deep Thought. Empty
PostSubject: Analysis of Human vs Computer Chess 1988 - The Rise of Deep Thought.   Analysis of Human vs Computer Chess 1988 - The Rise of Deep Thought. EmptySun Oct 09, 2022 8:43 pm

Centipawn Scores:

Comp Rebell 88:   3  => Average=0.03
Blankenau Mike P:   4  => Average=0.04
Lesiege Alexandre:   12  => Average=0.12
Kasparov Garry:   17  => Average=0.17
Kebbekus Thomas:   18  => Average=0.18
Root Douglas:   20  => Average=0.20
Koploy Paul:   23  => Average=0.23
Nagy Janos:   23  => Average=0.23
Ljubojevic Ljubomir:   23  => Average=0.23
Joshi Sandeep:   24  => Average=0.24
Seirawan Yasser:   24  => Average=0.24
Ellebracht Joerg:   25  => Average=0.25
Comp Turbo King:   28/26  => Average=0.27
McCambridge Vincent:   27  => Average=0.27
Browne Walter Shawn:   28  => Average=0.28
Kavalek Lubomir:   31  => Average=0.31
Comp Deep Thought:   76/28/25/33/12/28/18/7  => Average=0.32
Comp Mephisto Dallas 32:   33  => Average=0.33
Timman Jan H:   33  => Average=0.33
Comp Thought:   31/38  => Average=0.33
Nickl Klaus:   35  => Average=0.35
Israel Jens:   37  => Average=0.37
Jonkman Fokke HM:   53/31/33/20/43/40  => Average=0.38
Bloemhard Rudy:   53/8/86/30/57/14/67/24/18  => Average=0.41
Pirisi Gabor:   41  => Average=0.41
Nielsen Poul Erik:   42  => Average=0.42
Roggeveen Pieter:   53/50/19/21/66/72/14  => Average=0.42
Karpov Anatoly:   43  => Average=0.43
Alburt Lev O:   45  => Average=0.45
Comp Mephisto Lyon:   68/28/26/21  => Average=0.45
Fishbein Alexander:   47  => Average=0.47
Silman Jeremy D:   47/49  => Average=0.47
Van de Griendt Jan Willem:   66/76/27/18/40/57/46/47  => Average=0.48
Shirazi Kamran:   48  => Average=0.48
Comp Hitech:   82/95/51/103/2/54/13/31/47/21/3/5/0  => Average=0.49
Kudrin Sergey:   71/31  => Average=0.51
Noomen Jeroen:   54/54/25/33/74/121/21/34  => Average=0.53
Comp Mephisto Roma:   53  => Average=0.53
Comp Leonardo Turbo:   54  => Average=0.54
Kortschnoj Viktor Lvovich:   54  => Average=0.54
Homs Guust:   93/63/37/25/12/79  => Average=0.54
Comp Pandix:   83/18  => Average=0.55
Comp Kasparov Galileo:   55  => Average=0.55
Comp Almeria:   58  => Average=0.58
Comp Leonardo2:   90/25/52/68  => Average=0.58
Larsen Bent:   59  => Average=0.59
Huysman Arie:   53/46/48/99/55/72  => Average=0.59
Roggeveen CM:   89/80/76/58/65/79/21/2/26  => Average=0.60
Comp Y! 88:   70/80/29  => Average=0.60
Comp Leonardo Maestro:   81/59/44/114/30/80/16/68  => Average=0.62
Breidenthal B:   63  => Average=0.63
Comp Lache:   51/67/62/56/82/73  => Average=0.63
Comp Mephisto Mega IV:   58/57/58/105/22/102/74/34/83/61  => Average=0.64
Salgado Robert R:   65  => Average=0.65
Portisch Lajos:   66  => Average=0.66
Hanken Jerome B:   66  => Average=0.66
Comp X:   67  => Average=0.67
Tovillas Daniel R:   67  => Average=0.67
Comp BCP:   69  => Average=0.69
Auciello Sergio:   69  => Average=0.69
Comp Sphinx Galaxy A:   28/39/103/106/66/85/92  => Average=0.70
Pouwels John:   115/51/73/59/106/15/37  => Average=0.71
Comp Mephisto Mega IV B:   109/25  => Average=0.72
Comp Sphinx Galaxy C:   60/87/82/79/89/34  => Average=0.72
Glueck David:   72  => Average=0.72
Dormann Lars:   75  => Average=0.75
Thinnsen James A:   76  => Average=0.76
Comp Dappet:   60/131/27  => Average=0.76
Comp Mephisto Mega IV C:   68/58/54/38/144/130  => Average=0.76
Lunkmoss Gerhard:   77  => Average=0.77
Ivanov Igor Vasilievich:   79  => Average=0.79
Comp Sphinx Galaxy:   61/131/36  => Average=0.79
Comp Sphinx Galaxy B:   103/36/91/79/66/76/105  => Average=0.80
Hinrichsen Greg:   82  => Average=0.82
Wilson Russell:   83  => Average=0.83
Kamp Christoph:   84  => Average=0.84
Comp Turbo King B:   94/98/62/83/70/104/93  => Average=0.85
Prueske Wolfgang:   87  => Average=0.87
Comp Leonardo1:   58/159/77/61  => Average=0.89
Heinrich Christoph:   89  => Average=0.89
Comp Mephisto Mega IV A:   43/161/92/75  => Average=0.91
Comp Turbo King A:   67/152/43/94/116/97  => Average=0.92
Burkett Paul:   92  => Average=0.92
Lucky David N:   100  => Average=1.00
Denker Arnold Sheldon:   184/64/6/63  => Average=1.01
Comp Novag:   102  => Average=1.02
Comp Turbo King C:   152/135/54/36/109/116  => Average=1.05
Giles Morris:   106  => Average=1.06
Frankle Jon:   109  => Average=1.09
Yoder R:   109  => Average=1.09
Thomas G:   116  => Average=1.16
Wichmann Cliff:   132  => Average=1.32
Bachmann Andreas:   134  => Average=1.34
Comp Terminator:   179  => Average=1.79

Game Analysis:

[pgn][Event "Software Toolworks op"]
[Site "Long Beach"]
[Date "1988.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Comp Deep Thought"]
[Black "Silman, Jeremy D"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B17"]
[BlackElo "2560"]
[Annotator "Tactical Analysis 5.3 (5s)"]
[PlyCount "113"]
[EventDate "1988.11.??"]
[EventType "swiss"]
[EventRounds "9"]
[EventCountry "USA"]
[SourceTitle "EXT 2004"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceDate "2003.11.25"]
[SourceVersion "1"]
[SourceVersionDate "2003.11.25"]
[SourceQuality "1"]

1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nd2 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Nd7 5. Nf3 Ngf6 6. Ng3 c5 7. Bc4 e6 {[#]} 8. O-O $1 {[#] aiming for d5. White is more active.} Nb6 $146 {Prevents d5. B17: Caro-Kann: Modern Line (4...Nd7).} ({Predecessor:} 8... cxd4 9. Nxd4 Bc5 10. Be3 O-O 11. Bb3 Re8 12. c3 b6 13. Qf3 Ba6 14. Nde2 Ne5 15. Qf4 Nd3 16. Qa4 {0-1 (30) Parent,F (1919)-Bolduc,S (2142) St Agathe 1985}) 9. Bb5+ (9. Bd3 $16) 9... Bd7 $11 10. Bxd7+ Nbxd7 {The position is equal.} 11. Re1 Be7 12. Qe2 cxd4 13. Nxd4 O-O 14. c4 Rc8 15. Rd1 Qc7 16. b3 a6 17. Bg5 h6 18. Be3 Bd6 19. Rf1 Rfe8 20. Rad1 Rcd8 21. Kh1 (21. Nf3 $11) 21... Bf4 (21... Nf8 $15) 22. Nf3 (22. Bxf4 $11 {might be stronger.} Qxf4 23. f3) 22... Nc5 (22... Bxe3 $15 23. Qxe3 b5) 23. b4 Bxe3 24. Qxe3 Ncd7 25. Qe2 Rc8 26. c5 b6 27. cxb6 Qxb6 28. a3 Rc3 29. Rd3 Rec8 30. Rxc3 Rxc3 31. Qb2 {[#]} (31. Ra1 $1 $11) 31... Qc7 $1 $17 32. Kg1 Nb6 33. Qa1 $1 Nbd5 {And now ...Nf4 would win.} 34. Ne2 Rc4 35. Re1 Nc3 {...Nxe2+ is the strong threat.} 36. Qb2 Nfd5 37. Ned4 Nf4 (37... Nb5 $17 {Hoping for ...Nxd4.} 38. g3 Rc3 39. Nxb5 axb5) 38. Qd2 $11 Ncd5 (38... Nfd5 $15 {feels stronger.}) 39. g3 $1 Ng6 40. Qd3 {Strongly threatening Nxe6!} Nge7 41. Ne5 Rc1 42. Rxc1 Qxc1+ 43. Kg2 Qc7 44. f4 ({White should try} 44. Nef3 $14) 44... Qb7 ({Better is} 44... a5 $1 $15) 45. Kg1 Nc7 46. Nc4 (46. Nb3 $11 {is more appropriate.} Ned5 47. h3) 46... Ned5 (46... Qd5 $1 $15 47. Ne3 Qd7) 47. Nb3 Qb5 48. Nc5 Qc6 49. h4 h5 (49... Qa8 $11) 50. Ne4 (50. Ne5 {with more complications.} Qd6 51. Kg2 Nb5 52. Ned7) 50... g6 51. Ng5 {Threatens to win with Nxf7!} Nb5 $2 {[#] This move loses the game for Black.} (51... Qb7 $11) 52. Nxf7 $1 $18 Nxa3 (52... e5 53. Nfxe5) 53. Qxg6+ {White mates.} Kf8 {[#]} 54. Ng5 $1 Ke7 (54... Qe8 55. Qh6+) 55. Qf7+ Kd8 56. Nxe6+ Kc8 57. Qg8+ {Weighted Error Value: White=0.12 (very precise) /Black=0.30} 1-0


Jeremy Silman (born August 28, 1954) is an American International Master (IM) of chess and writer. Silman was born in Del Rio, Texas. He began playing chess at the age of 12. He has won the American Open, the National Open, and the U.S. Open, and was the coach of the US junior national chess team. He attained the IM title in 1988.

Silman has written over 35 books, mostly on chess but also on casino gambling, and has written articles for chess magazines such as Chess Life and New in Chess. He has also written many chess mentoring puzzles on the website.

Silman is the professor in a video chess course produced by The Teaching Company as part of its Great Courses series.

Silman served as a chess consultant on the 2001 Harry Potter film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Monk, and Malcolm in the Middle. However, Silman was uncredited for his work on Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

Silman is also said to have been involved in the Haight-Ashbury scene in the 1970s. The preface to his Endgame Course mentions this, and fellow chess players Daniel King and Ronan Bennett allude to this in a newspaper column from 2007.

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