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 Chess 324 - Best Of The Rest Tournament

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Join date : 2020-11-26

Chess 324 - Best Of The Rest Tournament Empty
PostSubject: Chess 324 - Best Of The Rest Tournament   Chess 324 - Best Of The Rest Tournament EmptyTue Jan 10, 2023 8:04 am

I’ve now completed a round-robin Chess324 tournament of 10 engines. The biggest tournament I have ever run in terms of game count! We all know that Stockfish and Komodo are in a league of their own, so I decided it was more interesting for me to exclude them and have the 10 engines below them compete.

Testing conditions:
Each engine pairing plays all 324 openings, reversed sides
29,160 games in total, 5,832 games per engine
2’+1” on a Ryzen 9 5900X and an Intel 10900
Cutechess GUI, 500ms overstep margin
Concurrency 12 on the Ryzen, and 10 on the Intel (=core counts)
Each engine 256MB hash, 1 thread, ponder off
Adjudication: Syzygy 5-men only, otherwise the games were played out until their natural conclusion (checkmate, stalemate, insufficient material, 3-fold repetition or 50-moves rule,)

Rebel 16.1 has time loss issues unless the GUI overstep margin is set to a number at least as big as the time control increment, so the older Rebel 16a was included instead.

Minic was a candidate for being the 10th engine, however on the FRC list it is significantly below RofChade which led me to prefer Rofchade for the tournament.

Instead of producing a simple tournament cross-table, I’ve leveraged the CCRL website functionality to produce a webpage of the tournament, here:

Just because I could really, but it does gives much more information, and downloads are available if anyone wants them. The Elo scale is anchored to the average ratings of these same engines on the standard CCRL blitz list.

The Elo spread of these 10 engines is only 125 Elo, so the draw percentage is relatively high.

There is a custom view that points to the ratings of these engines on the standard chess CCRL 2+1 blitz list. It is a totally different database and different opponent pool, but it potentially might give an indication of Chess324 performance vs standard chess:
Custom View
The small numbers next to the Elo rating show the ratings difference. Make of that what you will.

This is a one-off tournament. Any future Chess324 tournaments are likely to include a fixed subset of the 324 openings to make things more manageable – perhaps 100 openings. How I would choose which 100, I don’t know.

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