I looked for old posts of myself in CCC and found that
stockfish_21051510_x64_avx2 could beat Fruit2.2.1 with rook a1 odds and draw against Rybka so I wonder which version of stockfish is strongest with odds.
https://talkchess.com/forum3/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=77325&hilit=FruitYo can download this version here and you can have high contempt with it.
https://abrok.eu/stockfish/?page=20I remember that stockfish failed with big odds in Ed's tests and I wonder if the version from 15.5.2021 is going to perform better.
Note that Stockfish already used NNUE at that time but still had a contempt parameter and I believe that I used the default contempt that is 24 because with high contempt I cannot reproduce a similiar score to the score that I see in the pgn for the first move (-6.22/34).