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 Idea for new option for making polyglot bin books

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Join date : 2020-12-04

Idea for new option for making polyglot bin books Empty
PostSubject: Idea for new option for making polyglot bin books   Idea for new option for making polyglot bin books EmptyMon Feb 01, 2021 5:15 pm

I would like to have a uniform option, and an option to make a only_white or only_black book. And an option to merge books.
These options are already included in most polyglot book making tools.
I would like to have this new option for building bin books. Next to 'Minimum number or games' and 'Minimum score', I would like to have an option to specify how much percentage of the time a move have to be played.
For my white repertoire than, I would for example make a 'only_white' book, from I collection of high quality games, and choose the option 'min_percentage=20'. Than I make a 'only_black' book, and choose the option 'min_percentage=0.5'
Than I merge white and black books, and I import the book to Opening Lines in Lucas Chess, and I have my repertoire.

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Idea for new option for making polyglot bin books Empty
PostSubject: Re: Idea for new option for making polyglot bin books   Idea for new option for making polyglot bin books EmptyWed Aug 28, 2024 6:11 am

I’ve been wanting something similar for a while now. Being able to specify the percentage of moves played would really help fine-tune a repertoire.
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