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 Some music for a rainy solstice, or traveling by train

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Join date : 2021-10-08

Some music for a rainy solstice, or traveling by train Empty
PostSubject: Some music for a rainy solstice, or traveling by train   Some music for a rainy solstice, or traveling by train EmptyThu Dec 09, 2021 11:01 am

This music I heard somewhere but had a hard time locating the lyrics, I heard "righted" but it was simply "invited". Then it was easier to find the lyrics. Anyway it had only ten thousand views on YouTube and I think it is a classic that deserves some more. The voice of Jennifer reminded me a bit of American folk singers that Mc Lane is fond of, but not sure which most? The band( ? ) is called Triplexity. It ends a bit abruptly after 7 minutes, the rest to 9 minutes here is just silence. but it bears putting on repeat for a while I think. Your mileage may vary, as Dann Corbit says it.

The track and artists are on Jamendo too, with a lot more 'listens' there, but I had never heard of them before. Not that that says much.

YouTube then directed me to a different song and perforner I had never heard of, Agnes Obel, maybe Thorsten knows her because she performed this song live in Berlin, 2013. She is Danish, not German. Very different song and style, more classical of course.

Agnes Obel - The Curse (Berlin Live Session)
The comment from Aniruddha Chakravarty was very sad to read. (The Curse of Corona)
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Some music for a rainy solstice, or traveling by train
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