| | Not been able to make correct yet Toga with my Visual Studio 2022 | |
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Posts : 230 Join date : 2021-10-08
| Subject: Not been able to make correct yet Toga with my Visual Studio 2022 Sat Feb 26, 2022 7:28 am | |
| Hello programmers, It is not very important right now and maybe I will try again some time later, but I just wanted to make a small report that, if I try to compile the Toga sources, I get something that is close but has a bug that is not in the official compile (the download). Output from the official Toga IV in Shredder GUI, 512 MB, 1 core: - Code:
7k/p1p3p1/1p1p3p/6B1/2P5/q1PP4/7R/5RK1 w - -
Engine: Toga IV Rebel MP Def (512 MB) gemaakt door Fabien Letouzey, Thomas Gaksch, Jerry D
15/35 0:01 +0.42-- 1.Ld2 a5 2.Te2 Dc5+ 3.Tff2 a4 4.Le3 Dh5 5.Tg2 Kg8 6.Ld4 g5 7.Te7 Dd1+ 8.Kh2 Dh5+ 9.Kg3 Dh4+ 10.Kf3 Dh3+ 11.Tg3 Df1+ 12.Kg4 Df4+ 13.Kh3 a3 14.Tf3 (1.212.796) 760
15/37 0:01 +0.32 1.Ld2 a5 2.Te2 Dc5+ 3.Tff2 a4 4.Le3 Dh5 5.Tg2 Kg8 6.Ld4 g5 7.Te7 Dd1+ 8.Kh2 Dh5+ 9.Kg3 Dh4+ 10.Kf3 Dh3+ 11.Tg3 Df1+ 12.Kg4 Df4+ 13.Kh3 a3 14.Txc7 (1.523.487) 760
16/41 0:03 +0.82++ 1.Ld2 a5 2.Tf8+ Kh7 3.Kf2 Dc5+ 4.Le3 De5 5.Tg2 Dxc3 6.Tf7 c5 7.d4 Dc2+ 8.Kf3 Dxc4 9.Tfxg7+ Kh8 10.Lxh6 Dc3+ 11.Le3 De1 (2.499.089) 793
17/41 0:03 +0.66-- 1.Ld2 a5 2.Tf8+ Kh7 3.Kf2 Da2 4.Ke2 b5 5.cxb5 De6+ 6.Kf1 a4 7.c4 a3 8.Lc1 De5 9.Te2 Da1 10.Kg1 (2.986.674) 791
17/41 0:04 +0.50-- 1.Ld2 a5 2.Tf8+ Kh7 3.Kf2 Da2 4.Ke2 b5 5.cxb5 De6+ 6.Kf1 a4 7.c4 a3 8.Lc1 De5 9.c5 (3.838.066) 795
17/41 0:05 +0.60 1.Ld2 a5 2.Th3 a4 3.Tg3 Dc5+ 4.Kg2 Dc6+ 5.Kh2 De8 6.Le3 c5 7.Tf2 Kh7 8.Lf4 De6 9.Te3 Df6 10.Tg3 (4.550.792) 800
18/41 0:07 +0.51 1.Ld2 a5 2.Th3 a4 3.Tg3 Dc5+ 4.Kg2 De5 5.Te1 Dh5 6.Lc1 Da5 7.d4 Kh7 8.Kh2 (5.602.700) 798
19/41 0:09 +0.35-- 1.Ld2 a5 2.Th3 a4 3.Tg3 Dc5+ 4.Kg2 De5 5.Te1 Df6 6.Te8+ Kh7 7.Ta8 De5 8.Te3 Dg5+ 9.Kf1 Dh5 10.Kg1 (7.782.569) 800
19/41 0:10 +0.67++ 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 a5 3.d4 Dxc4 4.Lxh6 Kg8 5.Tfg2 Db3 6.Lxg7 Dd1+ 7.Kf2 Dd2+ 8.Kg3 De3+ 9.Kh4 Kf7 10.Th3 Df4+ 11.Tg4 Dxd4 (8.704.340) 805
19/41 0:11 +0.83++ 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 a5 3.d4 Dxc4 4.Lxh6 Kg8 5.Tfg2 Kf8 6.Lxg7+ Kf7 7.Lh8 a4 8.d5 a3 (8.978.974) 806
19/45 0:12 +1.08++ 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 a5 3.d4 Dxc4 4.Lxh6 a4 5.Tfg2 Dxc3 6.Txg7 Da1+ 7.Kg2 Dxd4 8.Txc7 De4+ 9.Kg3 Dg6+ 10.Kf2 Df6+ 11.Kg1 b5 (9.724.588) 808
19/45 0:13 +1.06 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 De5 3.Ld2 a5 4.Tf7 Dc5+ 5.Thf2 a4 6.T7f5 Da3 7.Kh2 Db3 8.Tf7 Dd1 9.Txc7 a3 10.Ta7 Dh5+ 11.Kg3 Dg6+ 12.Kh4 Dxd3 13.Txa3 Dxc4+ 14.Kg3 (10.621.941) 809
20/45 0:14 +0.99 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 De5 3.Ld2 a5 4.Tf7 Dc5+ 5.Thf2 a4 6.T7f5 Da3 7.Kh2 Db3 8.Tf7 Dd1 9.Txc7 Dh5+ 10.Kg3 a3 11.Ta7 Dg6+ 12.Kh4 Dxd3 13.Txa3 Dxc4+ 14.Kg3 (11.992.486) 810
21/45 0:15 +0.83-- 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 De5 3.Ld2 a5 4.Tf7 Dc5+ 5.Thf2 Kh7 6.Te7 d5 7.Te5 a4 8.Kh2 (12.959.587) 813
21/45 0:18 +0.96 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 De5 3.Ld2 a5 4.Tf7 Dc5+ 5.Thf2 Kh7 6.Kf1 Dh5 7.Ke1 d5 8.cxd5 Dxd5 9.Le3 Dxd3 10.Ld4 Db1+ 11.Kd2 Db2+ 12.Kd3 Db5+ 13.Kc2 Da4+ 14.Kd2 (15.118.952) 818
22/45 0:21 +1.21++ 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 De5 3.Ld2 a5 4.Tf7 Dc5+ 5.Thf2 Kh7 6.Kf1 Dh5 7.Ke1 d5 8.Le3 De5 9.Kd2 a4 10.cxd5 a3 11.Ld4 Dg5+ 12.Kc2 Dxd5 (17.830.658) 818
23/46 0:26 +1.05-- 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Kh2 a5 6.Tg3 Dd7 7.Le3 c5 8.d4 a4 9.Th3 Kg8 10.Tg2 Kh7 11.Ta2 (21.311.764) 818
23/46 0:33 +1.21++ 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Tg3 Dd1+ 6.Kh2 Dh5+ 7.Kg2 Dd1 8.Le3 Dxd3 9.Tf7 De4+ 10.Kf2 Dc2+ 11.Kf3 Dd1+ 12.Kg2 De2+ 13.Lf2 Dc2 (27.260.000) 823
24/46 0:34 +0.96-- 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Tg3 Dd1+ 6.Kh2 Dh5+ 7.Kg2 a5 8.Le3 c5 9.Lf4 De8 10.Kh2 Dd7 11.Tgg2 a4 12.Kh1 (28.584.273) 823
24/46 0:43 +1.21++ 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Tg3 Dd1+ 6.Kh2 Dh5+ 7.Kg2 a5 8.Le3 c5 9.Lf4 De8 10.Kh2 Df7 11.Kg1 Dd7 12.Tb2 Dc7 13.Te3 a4 14.Th2 (35.951.892) 829
25/46 0:44 +0.96-- 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Tg3 Dd1+ 6.Kh2 Dh5+ 7.Kg2 a5 8.Le3 c5 9.Lf4 De8 10.Kh2 De7 11.Ld2 De5 12.Lf4 Dxc3 13.Th3 (36.676.984) 829
25/46 0:57 +1.21++ 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 Dd7 6.Tg3 a5 7.Le3 c5 8.Tfg2 a4 9.Lf4 a3 10.Lc1 Dh3 (47.528.638) 830
26/52 1:22 +0.96-- 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kg8 3.Thg2 Dh5 4.Le3 g5 5.Tg3 a5 6.Ld4 c5 7.Lf6 Dd1+ 8.Kg2 a4 9.Le7 a3 10.Lxd6 Db1 11.Tgf3 a2 12.Tf8+ Kh7 13.Lxc5 (68.381.505) 828
26/52 1:38 +0.80-- 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kg8 3.Thg2 Dh5 4.Le3 g5 5.Tg3 a5 6.Ld4 c5 7.Lf6 Dd1+ 8.Kg2 a4 9.Le7 a3 10.Lxd6 Db1 11.Tf8+ Kh7 12.Tg4 (81.390.600) 829
26/52 2:17 +0.85 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kg8 3.Th3 De5 4.Kg2 a5 5.Tg3 De6 6.Le3 c5 7.Kh2 Kh7 8.Tfg2 Df6 9.Txg7+ Dxg7 10.Txg7+ Kxg7 11.Kg1 a4 12.Lc1 Kg6 13.Kg2 Kf6 14.Kf2 (114.947.505) 833
27/52 2:31 +0.69 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kg8 3.Th3 De5 4.Kg2 a5 5.Tg3 De6 6.Le3 c5 7.Kh2 Kh7 8.Tfg2 Df6 9.Txg7+ Dxg7 10.Txg7+ Kxg7 11.Lc1 a4 12.Kg3 h5 13.Kh4 Kg6 14.La3 (126.764.287) 835
28/55 3:21 +0.55 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kg8 3.Th3 De5 4.Te3 Dh5 5.Tg3 a5 6.Le3 g5 7.Tgf3 c5 8.Kg2 Kg7 9.Tg3 a4 10.Ld2 Kg8 11.Lf4 Dg6 12.Lc1 De6 13.Ld2 Dg6 (167.911.802) 832
29/57 5:01 +0.71++ 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kg8 3.Th3 De5 4.Kg2 a5 5.Tg3 De6 6.Le3 c5 7.Kh2 Kh7 8.Tfg2 Df6 9.Txg7+ Dxg7 10.Txg7+ Kxg7 11.Lc1 h5 12.Kg3 Kf7 13.Kf4 h4 14.La3 (247.917.239) 822
30/57 5:27 +0.55-- 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kg8 3.Th3 De5 4.Kg2 a5 5.Tg3 De6 6.Le3 c5 7.Kh2 Kh7 8.Tfg2 De5 9.d4 Dh5+ 10.Th3 Df5 11.Tf2 De4 12.Tg3 a4 13.dxc5 bxc5 14.Tgf3 (268.881.606) 820
30/64 10:18 +0.71++ 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kg8 3.Th3 De5 4.Kg2 a5 5.Tg3 De6 6.Le3 c5 7.Kg1 a4 8.Ta2 h5 9.Tag2 Df6 10.d4 a3 11.dxc5 bxc5 12.Lc1 De5 13.Lxa3 De1+ 14.Kh2 (499.691.003) 808
beste zet: Lg5-c1 tijd: 10:25.437 min n/s: 808.144 CPU 100.0% n/s(1CPU): 808.144 nodes: 505.380.000
And this should be about the same. It is much slower though and although first depths match, after a certain point I get suddenly a lot of draw outputs that almost come immediately, with almost zero nodes extra. So soon a max depth of 64 is reached. It could be an old bug in Toga, quite possibly it is very old but I have not seen exactly the same with the default yet. I did not try it again. It is in all compiles that I tried later with many differences made in the code, but sometimes the outputs starts later. This is with the default search_full.cpp though: - Code:
7k/p1p3p1/1p1p3p/6B1/2P5/q1PP4/7R/5RK1 w - -
Engine: Rebel MP 14.1 MOD-Def (512 MB) gemaakt door Fabien Letouzey, Thomas Gaksch, Jerry D
15/35 0:01 +0.67-- 1.Ld2 a5 2.Te2 Dc5+ 3.Tff2 a4 4.Le3 Dh5 5.Tg2 Kg8 6.Ld4 g5 7.Te3 (901.184) 600
15/35 0:02 +0.42-- 1.Ld2 a5 2.Te2 Dc5+ 3.Tff2 a4 4.Le3 Dh5 5.Tg2 Kg8 6.Ld4 g5 7.Te7 Dd1+ 8.Kh2 Dh5+ 9.Kg3 Dh4+ 10.Kf3 Dh3+ 11.Tg3 Df1+ 12.Kg4 Df4+ 13.Kh3 a3 14.Tf3 (1.212.796) 600
15/37 0:02 +0.32 1.Ld2 a5 2.Te2 Dc5+ 3.Tff2 a4 4.Le3 Dh5 5.Tg2 Kg8 6.Ld4 g5 7.Te7 Dd1+ 8.Kh2 Dh5+ 9.Kg3 Dh4+ 10.Kf3 Dh3+ 11.Tg3 Df1+ 12.Kg4 Df4+ 13.Kh3 a3 14.Txc7 (1.523.487) 610
16/41 0:04 +0.82++ 1.Ld2 a5 2.Tf8+ Kh7 3.Kf2 Dc5+ 4.Le3 De5 5.Tg2 Dxc3 6.Tf7 c5 7.d4 Dc2+ 8.Kf3 Dxc4 9.Tfxg7+ Kh8 10.Lxh6 Dc3+ 11.Le3 De1 (2.499.089) 622
17/41 0:04 +0.66-- 1.Ld2 a5 2.Tf8+ Kh7 3.Kf2 Da2 4.Ke2 b5 5.cxb5 De6+ 6.Kf1 a4 7.c4 a3 8.Lc1 De5 9.Te2 Da1 10.Kg1 (2.986.674) 622
17/41 0:06 +0.50-- 1.Ld2 a5 2.Tf8+ Kh7 3.Kf2 Da2 4.Ke2 b5 5.cxb5 De6+ 6.Kf1 a4 7.c4 a3 8.Lc1 De5 9.c5 (3.838.066) 630
17/41 0:07 +0.60 1.Ld2 a5 2.Th3 a4 3.Tg3 Dc5+ 4.Kg2 Dc6+ 5.Kh2 De8 6.Le3 c5 7.Tf2 Kh7 8.Lf4 De6 9.Te3 Df6 10.Tg3 (4.550.792) 634
18/41 0:08 +0.51 1.Ld2 a5 2.Th3 a4 3.Tg3 Dc5+ 4.Kg2 De5 5.Te1 Dh5 6.Lc1 Da5 7.d4 Kh7 8.Kh2 (5.602.700) 628
19/41 0:12 +0.35-- 1.Ld2 a5 2.Th3 a4 3.Tg3 Dc5+ 4.Kg2 De5 5.Te1 Df6 6.Te8+ Kh7 7.Ta8 De5 8.Te3 Dg5+ 9.Kf1 Dh5 10.Kg1 (7.782.569) 630
19/41 0:13 +0.67++ 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 a5 3.d4 Dxc4 4.Lxh6 Kg8 5.Tfg2 Db3 6.Lxg7 Dd1+ 7.Kf2 Dd2+ 8.Kg3 De3+ 9.Kh4 Kf7 10.Th3 Df4+ 11.Tg4 Dxd4 (8.704.340) 633
19/41 0:14 +0.83++ 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 a5 3.d4 Dxc4 4.Lxh6 Kg8 5.Tfg2 Kf8 6.Lxg7+ Kf7 7.Lh8 a4 8.d5 a3 (8.978.974) 633
19/45 0:15 +1.08++ 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 a5 3.d4 Dxc4 4.Lxh6 a4 5.Tfg2 Dxc3 6.Txg7 Da1+ 7.Kg2 Dxd4 8.Txc7 De4+ 9.Kg3 Dg6+ 10.Kf2 Df6+ 11.Kg1 b5 (9.724.588) 635
19/45 0:16 +1.06 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 De5 3.Ld2 a5 4.Tf7 Dc5+ 5.Thf2 a4 6.T7f5 Da3 7.Kh2 Db3 8.Tf7 Dd1 9.Txc7 a3 10.Ta7 Dh5+ 11.Kg3 Dg6+ 12.Kh4 Dxd3 13.Txa3 Dxc4+ 14.Kg3 (10.621.941) 635
20/45 0:18 +0.99 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 De5 3.Ld2 a5 4.Tf7 Dc5+ 5.Thf2 a4 6.T7f5 Da3 7.Kh2 Db3 8.Tf7 Dd1 9.Txc7 Dh5+ 10.Kg3 a3 11.Ta7 Dg6+ 12.Kh4 Dxd3 13.Txa3 Dxc4+ 14.Kg3 (11.992.486) 636
21/45 0:20 +0.83-- 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 De5 3.Ld2 a5 4.Tf7 Dc5+ 5.Thf2 Kh7 6.Te7 d5 7.Te5 a4 8.Kh2 (12.959.587) 639
21/45 0:23 +0.96 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 De5 3.Ld2 a5 4.Tf7 Dc5+ 5.Thf2 Kh7 6.Kf1 Dh5 7.Ke1 d5 8.cxd5 Dxd5 9.Le3 Dxd3 10.Ld4 Db1+ 11.Kd2 Db2+ 12.Kd3 Db5+ 13.Kc2 Da4+ 14.Kd2 (15.118.952) 643
22/45 0:27 +1.21++ 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 De5 3.Ld2 a5 4.Tf7 Dc5+ 5.Thf2 Kh7 6.Kf1 Dh5 7.Ke1 d5 8.Le3 De5 9.Kd2 a4 10.cxd5 a3 11.Ld4 Dg5+ 12.Kc2 Dxd5 (17.830.658) 640
23/46 0:33 +1.05-- 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Kh2 a5 6.Tg3 Dd7 7.Le3 c5 8.d4 a4 9.Th3 Kg8 10.Tg2 Kh7 11.Ta2 (21.311.764) 642
23/46 0:42 +1.21++ 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Tg3 Dd1+ 6.Kh2 Dh5+ 7.Kg2 Dd1 8.Le3 Dxd3 9.Tf7 De4+ 10.Kf2 Dc2+ 11.Kf3 Dd1+ 12.Kg2 De2+ 13.Lf2 Dc2 (27.260.000) 647
24/46 0:44 +0.96-- 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Tg3 Dd1+ 6.Kh2 Dh5+ 7.Kg2 a5 8.Le3 c5 9.Lf4 De8 10.Kh2 Dd7 11.Tgg2 a4 12.Kh1 (28.584.273) 647
24/46 0:55 +1.21++ 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Tg3 Dd1+ 6.Kh2 Dh5+ 7.Kg2 a5 8.Le3 c5 9.Lf4 De8 10.Kh2 Df7 11.Kg1 Dd7 12.Tb2 Dc7 13.Te3 a4 14.Th2 (35.951.892) 651
25/46 0:56 +0.96-- 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Tg3 Dd1+ 6.Kh2 Dh5+ 7.Kg2 a5 8.Le3 c5 9.Lf4 De8 10.Kh2 De7 11.Ld2 De5 12.Lf4 Dxc3 13.Th3 (36.676.984) 651
25/46 1:12 +1.21++ 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 Dd7 6.Tg3 a5 7.Le3 c5 8.Tfg2 a4 9.Lf4 a3 10.Lc1 Dh3 (47.528.638) 652
26/52 1:17 +0.96-- 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Tfe7 a2 12.Te8+ Kh7 13.Td7 (50.598.397) 652
26/52 1:17 +0.80-- 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Kh2 Dg4 8.Txc7 Dh5+ 9.Kg1 Dd1+ 10.Kg2 (50.599.194) 652
26/52 1:17 +0.38-- 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Kh2 Dg4 8.Txc7 Dh5+ 9.Kg3 Dg6+ 10.Kh4 Dxd3 11.Tg2 De4+ 12.Tg4 (50.599.720) 652
26/52 1:17 0.00-- 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.600.274) 652
26/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.600.517) 652
27/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.600.718) 652
28/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.601.655) 652
29/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.602.741) 652
30/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.602.931) 652
31/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.603.589) 652
32/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.604.024) 652
33/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.604.604) 652
34/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.604.791) 652
35/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.605.261) 652
36/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.605.786) 652
37/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.606.324) 652
38/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.606.569) 652
39/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.607.205) 652
40/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.607.616) 652
41/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.608.512) 652
42/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.608.777) 651
43/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.609.230) 651
44/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.609.624) 651
45/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.610.161) 651
46/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.610.342) 651
47/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.610.834) 651
48/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.611.265) 651
49/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.611.624) 651
50/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.611.793) 651
51/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.612.288) 651
52/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.612.784) 651
53/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.613.209) 651
54/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.613.378) 651
55/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.613.729) 651
56/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.614.107) 651
57/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.614.491) 651
58/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.614.660) 651
59/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.615.077) 651
60/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.615.395) 651
61/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.615.785) 651
62/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.615.948) 651
63/52 1:17 0.00 1.Lc1 Dc5+ 2.Tff2 Kh7 3.Th3 Da5 4.Ld2 Da4 5.Te3 a5 6.Te7 Dd1+ 7.Le1 Kg8 8.Tff7 Dg4+ 9.Kf1 a4 10.Txc7 a3 11.Txg7+ Dxg7 12.Txg7+ Kxg7 (50.616.511) 651
beste zet: Lg5-c1 tijd: 2:17.407 min n/s: 651.413 CPU 100.0% n/s(1CPU): 651.413 nodes: 50.616.747
I called it Rebel MP although I know that is not official. I do seem to remember having seen this behaviour before but it was very long ago. There was no Visual Studio solution in the download and I do not really know how to make one, so I just copied the one from Rebel 14.1 and tried to build from that, I had to change a few names and helpful.cpp was in a different place, also it is from an an older Visual Studio so it has to be retargeted. But there was output and it does seem to compile. Because the official Toga is much faster I thought maybe it was done with a new compiler? | |
| | | Admin Admin
Posts : 2542 Join date : 2020-11-17 Location : Netherlands
| Subject: Re: Not been able to make correct yet Toga with my Visual Studio 2022 Sat Feb 26, 2022 9:32 am | |
| Eelco, compile with these settings, thus with Whole Program Optimization is NO. It's either a bug in the compiler or something weird in Toga. | |
| | | Eelco
Posts : 230 Join date : 2021-10-08
| Subject: Re: Not been able to make correct yet Toga with my Visual Studio 2022 Sat Feb 26, 2022 9:45 am | |
| Thanks Ed! I will try it. | |
| | | Chris Whittington
Posts : 1254 Join date : 2020-11-17 Location : France
| Subject: Re: Not been able to make correct yet Toga with my Visual Studio 2022 Sat Feb 26, 2022 11:22 am | |
| - Admin wrote:
Eelco, compile with these settings, thus with Whole Program Optimization is NO.
It's either a bug in the compiler or something weird in Toga. Eelco, You can also try creating an entirely new VS Project. It's straightforward. Get all source code files and header files in place them in a directory. Call it RebelX or something. From VS2019 (or 2022 presumably) File Menu -> Create project from existing code Select Visual C++ Browse to the project file location (the one you just made, RebelX) Fill in the name field with whatever RebelX again maybe Make sure all the click boxes are set (as default) Click NEXT Select Build with Visual Studio, click NEXT Leave the Config settings empty, click NEXT click FINISHED Now you should have a project. From VS Menu Project - Retarget Solution, should be on 10.0 something From Menu Bar - Release - x64 From Debug - Properties C++ Optimisation (I usually set release version to max speed, but leave the debug version at default. Code generation - enable enhanced instruction set (Debug and Release versions) Menu - Project - Build should work .... | |
| | | Eelco
Posts : 230 Join date : 2021-10-08
| Subject: Re: Not been able to make correct yet Toga with my Visual Studio 2022 Tue Mar 01, 2022 8:39 pm | |
| Thanks much Chris! I have not gotten round to trying it all out, too much else on my mind it seems. | |
| | | texium Guest
| Subject: cant compile toga Thu Jul 07, 2022 12:33 pm | |
| i get "Error C2664 'HANDLE CreateFileA(LPCSTR,DWORD,DWORD,LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES,DWORD,DWORD,HANDLE)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'wchar_t [1024]' to 'LPCSTR' 1Toga D:\Downloads\1Toga\useful.cpp 170 " when trying to compile rebel or toga 4, before and after following post instructions |
| | | Eelco
Posts : 230 Join date : 2021-10-08
| Subject: Re: Not been able to make correct yet Toga with my Visual Studio 2022 Thu Jul 07, 2022 1:37 pm | |
| - texium wrote:
- i get
"Error C2664 'HANDLE CreateFileA(LPCSTR,DWORD,DWORD,LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES,DWORD,DWORD,HANDLE)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'wchar_t [1024]' to 'LPCSTR' 1Toga D:\Downloads\1Toga\useful.cpp 170 " when trying to compile rebel or toga 4, before and after following post instructions Yes, if that is compiling with Visual Studio I think I got the same error when trying to compile the Toga version of Rebel without using Ed's solution for Fruit Rebel. I think it is best to wait for a new version now and maybe Ed can post a solution .sln together with any Toga sources again? That was very helpful with the Fruit version! Also I could not find the latest version of the Rebel 15x2 Net anywhere, only the executable but maybe once again I did not search hard enough... Sorry if that is my mistake... I am just waiting for a new Toga version now from Ed, there is no hurry here, because it's supposed to be a hobby. You can try to repair useful.cpp by doing a different cast, I think it worked but without Ed's solution the speed was somehow lower, I don't remember the details very well, maybe I'm wrong. | |
| | | texium Guest
| Subject: Re: Not been able to make correct yet Toga with my Visual Studio 2022 Thu Jul 07, 2022 7:13 pm | |
| i just checked with the 15x2 i have, its in the source code folder, there is no embedded nnue inside, its just among other files. |
| | | Eelco
Posts : 230 Join date : 2021-10-08
| Subject: Re: Not been able to make correct yet Toga with my Visual Studio 2022 Thu Jul 07, 2022 8:14 pm | |
| - texium wrote:
- i just checked with the 15x2 i have, its in the source code folder, there is no embedded nnue inside, its just among other files.
Thank you, somehow I could never find a source folder anywhere of the 15x2, only an executable or so I thought it was but I will check again. Sorry for not finding it | |
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| Subject: Re: Not been able to make correct yet Toga with my Visual Studio 2022 | |
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