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 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships

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2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySat Nov 28, 2020 12:59 pm

Games start today at 9:00 AM EST

I have downloaded the new Beta Client for ICC, I hope I will be able to view the games as I do not have an ICC account, but I may have to pay for one month of ICC if I cannot. Laughing
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2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySat Nov 28, 2020 1:16 pm

I noticed my 12 22 year old account still exits exists, I will try to post the results. I was under the impression it had already started. Not so, tonight.

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Chris Whittington

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2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySat Nov 28, 2020 8:18 pm

Admin wrote:
I noticed my 12 22 year old account still exits exists, I will try to post the results. I was under the impression it had already started. Not so, tonight.

Five rounds so far

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2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySat Nov 28, 2020 8:42 pm

Chris Whittington wrote:
Admin wrote:
I noticed my 12 22 year old account still exits exists, I will try to post the results. I was under the impression it had already started. Not so, tonight.

Five rounds so far

Chris, what's your handle on ICC?

Could only see the game Komodo - Amoeba 0-1 by typing follow Komodo.
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Chris Whittington

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2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySat Nov 28, 2020 9:32 pm

Admin wrote:
Chris Whittington wrote:
Admin wrote:
I noticed my 12 22 year old account still exits exists, I will try to post the results. I was under the impression it had already started. Not so, tonight.

Five rounds so far

Chris, what's your handle on ICC?

Could only see the game Komodo - Amoeba 0-1 by typing follow Komodo.

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Posts : 2536
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2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySat Nov 28, 2020 9:48 pm

Current standing -

>     Name                   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 Score  #g
>   1 ArasanX        (2403)  xx       =     =     1  1        1   4.0   5
>   2 Komodo         (3463)     xx =        =  1  1     1         4.0   5
>   3 WaspX          (3102)     =  xx    =     1        =  1      3.5   5
>   4 MarvinX        (3045)  =        xx 0           1  1     1   3.5   5
>   5 DeusX          (2800)        =  1  xx =     =  =            3.0   5
>   6 Bella-Ciao     (2700)  =  =        =  xx =           1      3.0   5
>   7 NightmareX     (2712)     0  0        =  xx       1  1      2.5   5
>   8 EichhoernchenX (1831)  0  0        =        xx       1  1   2.5   5
>   9 Goldbar        (2332)  0        0  =           xx    1  1   2.5   5
>  10 Amoeba         (3035)     0  =  0        0        xx    1   1.5   5
>  11 feligres       (2200)        0        0  0  0  0     xx     0.0   5
>  12 Telepath       (2289)  0        0           0  0  0     xx  0.0   5

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2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySat Nov 28, 2020 11:01 pm

Nice Game and Endgame!

[Event "AWCRCC20"]
[Site "Internet Chess Club"]
[Date "2020.11.28"]
[Round "7"]
[White "DeusX"]
[Black "Komodo"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B42"]
[WhiteElo "2800"]
[BlackElo "3463"]
[PlyCount "363"]
[EventDate "2020.??.??"]
[TimeControl "1500+4"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 a6 5. Bd3 Bc5 6. Nb3 Ba7 7. O-O Ne7 8. c4
O-O 9. Nc3 Nbc6 10. Bf4 e5 11. Be3 Bxe3 12. fxe3 d6 13. Qe2 Nb4 14. Nd2 Be6 15.
Bb1 Rc8 16. a3 Nbc6 17. Ba2 Nb8 18. Rad1 Ng6 19. h3 Nd7 20. Rf2 Qg5 21. Nf3 Qe7
22. Nd2 Qg5 23. Nf3 Qe7 24. Kh2 h6 25. Nd2 Nf6 26. Bb1 Nh7 27. a4 Qd8 28. Nd5
b6 29. Nb4 a5 30. Nd5 Ne7 31. Nc3 Nc6 32. Nf3 Qe7 33. Nb5 Rcd8 34. b3 Nb4 35.
Qe1 Rd7 36. Nc3 g6 37. Rfd2 Na6 38. Nh4 h5 39. Nf5 Qg5 40. Rf2 Nc5 41. Bc2 Qd8
42. Rfd2 Qg5 43. Nh4 Rfd8 44. Nf3 Qh6 45. Kg1 Kg7 46. Rf2 Kh8 47. Nh4 Rg8 48.
Kh2 Qf8 49. Rfd2 Rd8 50. Nb5 Nb7 51. Nc3 Qe7 52. Nb5 Kg7 53. Qf2 Kh8 54. Nc3
Nc5 55. Qg3 Nb7 56. Nb5 Rd7 57. Rf1 Rdd8 58. Rfd1 Rd7 59. Qf2 Rdd8 60. Nc3 Nc5
61. Rf1 Rdf8 62. Nb5 Rd8 63. Nc3 Qg5 64. Qe1 Qe7 65. Qg3 Rdf8 66. Nb5 Nb7 67.
Nf3 Rd8 68. Rfd1 Rg7 69. Nh4 Rgg8 70. Nc3 Rd7 71. Nb5 Nf6 72. Rf1 Nh7 73. Kg1
Qg5 74. Qf2 Rc8 75. Nc3 Rg8 76. Rfd1 Rgd8 77. Kf1 Qf6 78. Nf3 Rg8 79. Ke2 Kg7
80. Rf1 Qe7 81. Kd1 Nc5 82. Qg3 Re8 83. Kc1 Rf8 84. Kb2 Rc8 85. Qh4 Qxh4 86.
Nxh4 Nf6 87. Rdf2 Nh7 88. Nf3 Rh8 89. Kc1 Na6 90. Nd2 Rhd8 91. Kb2 Rc7 92. Nf3
Rcd7 93. Nh4 Nc5 94. Nf3 Nf6 95. Nh4 Nh7 96. Ka2 Rc8 97. Nf3 Na6 98. Ka3 Rcd8
99. Nh4 Nc5 100. Ka2 Rc8 101. Ka3 Rdd8 102. Rd1 Ng5 103. Rfd2 Rc6 104. Kb2 Kf8
105. Rh1 Rcc8 106. Nf3 f6 107. Rf2 Kg7 108. Nd2 h4 109. Ndb1 Rc7 110. Nb5 Rcd7
111. N1c3 Nb7 112. Rd2 Nc5 113. Rf2 Rf8 114. Rd2 Rfd8 115. Rf1 Na6 116. Rfd1
Kf8 117. Rf2 Kg7 118. Re1 Nb4 119. Bb1 Rf8 120. Rd1 Rfd8 121. Rfd2 Kf8 122. Re1
Ke7 123. Rf2 Rg8 124. Rh1 Rdd8 125. Rhf1 Rgf8 126. Nc7 Bg8 127. Rd1 Rd7 128.
N7b5 Be6 129. Rfd2 Rfd8 130. Na3 Bf7 131. Rf2 Rf8 132. Rdf1 Bg8 133. Rd2 Be6
134. Nab5 Bf7 135. Rdf2 Bg8 136. Rc1 Rdd8 137. Rd2 Be6 138. Rcd1 Nf7 139. Nc7
Ng5 140. Rf2 Rd7 141. N7b5 Na6 142. Rfd2 Rfd8 143. Rf2 Rh8 144. Rfd2 Nf7 145.
Rf2 Rf8 146. Rdf1 Ng5 147. Rd2 Nc5 148. Rdf2 Bg8 149. Rd1 Bf7 150. Rfd2 Rfd8
151. Rf2 Rf8 152. Rfd2 Rfd8 153. Bc2 Be6 154. Rf1 Bf7 155. g3 Rh8 156. gxh4
Rxh4 157. Rdf2 Nh7 158. Rg2 Ng5 159. Nd5+ Bxd5 160. exd5 Rxh3 161. Bxg6 Rxe3
162. Rxg5 Rxb3+ 163. Kc1 Rxb5 164. Rg4 Rb4 165. Bf5 Rxa4 166. Kb2 Rb7 167. Bc8
Nd3+ 168. Kc3 Rc7 169. Rg7+ Kd8 170. Rg8+ Ke7 171. Kxd3 Rcxc4 172. Rfg1 Rd4+
173. Kc2 Rac4+ 174. Kb1 Rb4+ 175. Ka1 Ra4+ 176. Kb2 Rdb4+ 177. Kc3 Ra3+ 178.
Kc2 Ra2+ 179. Kc3 Ra3+ 180. Kc2 Ra2+ 181. Kd3 Ra3+ 182. Kc2 1/2-1/2
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Location : Acworth, GA (USA)

2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySat Nov 28, 2020 11:55 pm

The whole time I was viewing this game I could not get that damn song out of my head.

[ICCRating "Standard"]
[Site "Internet Chess Club"]
[TimeControl "1500+4"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Event "AWCRCC20"]
[WhiteTitles "C"]
[ICCRated "False"]
[ECO "C18"]
[Black "Bella-Ciao"]
[White "Goldbar"]
[BlackElo "2700"]
[Date "2020.11.28"]
[ExamineString ""]
[WhiteElo "2332"]
[BlackTitles "C"]
[Variant "Chess"]
[Round "8"]

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e5 c5 5. a3 Bxc3+ 6. bxc3 Ne7
7. Qg4 cxd4 8. Qxg7 Rg8 9. Qxh7 Qc7 10. Ne2 Nbc6 11. f4 dxc3
12. Qd3 d4 13. Nxd4 Nxd4 14. Qxd4 Bd7 15. Rg1 Nf5 16. Qf2 Qc6
17. Bd3 Qd5 18. a4 O-O-O 19. Ra3 Kb8 20. Rxc3 Bxa4 21. Ra3 b5
22. Bb2 Rh8 23. g3 Rd7 24. Bc3 Rc8 25. g4 Nh4 26. Kf1 Rdc7
27. Bb2 Nf3 28. Rg3 Nd2+ 29. Kg1 Ne4 30. Bxe4 Qxe4 31. Bc3 Qxc2
32. Qxc2 Bxc2 33. Be1 Bd1 34. Rad3 Rc1 35. Kf2 R1c2+ 36. Kg1 Be2
37. Rd7 Bc4 38. Rxf7 Bd5 39. Bb4 Rc1+ 40. Kf2 R8c2+ 41. Ke3 Rxh2
42. f5 Rc4 43. Bd6+ Kc8 44. Rf8+ Kb7 45. Rb8+ Ka6 46. fxe6 Bxe6
47. Rf3 Ka5 48. Be7 b4 49. Rf1 Rh3+ 50. Kd2 Rd4+ 51. Ke1 b3
52. Bg5 Bc4 53. Rf4 Re3+ 54. Kf2 Re2+ 55. Kg3 Rxf4 56. Bxf4 b2
57. Rxb2 Rxb2 58. Bc1 Rb1 59. Bh6 Kb5 60. Bf8 Rg1+ 61. Kh2 Rxg4
62. Be7 Be6 63. Ba3 a5 64. Kh1 Rb4 65. Kg2 a4 66. Kh2 Rh4+
67. Kg2 Rg4+ 68. Kf2 Rg7 69. Kf3 Kc4 70. Kf4 Rg4+ 71. Kf3 Rg1
72. Kf4 Kb3 73. Bc5 Rg4+ 74. Kf3 Kc3 75. Ba3 Kc4 76. Bb2 Rg1
77. Kf2 Kb3 78. Bd4 Rg4 79. Ba1 Rg7 80. Ke3 Kc4 81. Bb2 Rg3+
82. Kf2 Rb3 83. Bc1 Rb1 84. Ba3 Rb4 85. Bc1 Rb3 86. Kg2 Rc3
87. Bd2 Rc2 88. Kf3 Rxd2 89. Ke3 Rd3+ 90. Ke4 Rd4+ 91. Kf3 Kb3
92. Ke3 Rd1 93. Ke2 Rc1 94. Kd3 Rc3+ 95. Ke4 Rc4+ 96. Kd3 Rh4
97. Kd2 a3 98. Kd3 Rd4+ 99. Kxd4 Kb4 100. Kd3 a2 101. Ke4 a1=Q
102. Kf4 Qf1+ 103. Kg5 Qf5+ 104. Kh6 Qf4+ 105. Kg7 Qg5+
106. Kf8 Qg8+ 107. Ke7 Qf7+ 108. Kd6 Qd7# 0-1

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2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySun Nov 29, 2020 12:46 am

What a game
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2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySun Nov 29, 2020 1:14 am

Mclane wrote:
What a game

Yes, nice game, although sacking the Rook for no reason on move 98 is a little strange and also inaesthetic.
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2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySun Nov 29, 2020 2:01 am

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Location : Acworth, GA (USA)

2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySun Nov 29, 2020 8:25 am

Can someone please provide the Bella-Caio vs DeusX game?
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Location : Acworth, GA (USA)

2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySun Nov 29, 2020 8:49 am

2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships 2020-11-29-2-55-47

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Location : Acworth, GA (USA)

2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySun Nov 29, 2020 9:05 am

[ICCRating "Standard"]
[Site "Internet Chess Club"]
[TimeControl "1500+4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[Event "AWCRCC20"]
[WhiteTitles "C"]
[ICCRated "False"]
[ECO "B40"]
[Black "Komodo"]
[White "Bella-Ciao"]
[BlackElo "3463"]
[Date "2020.11.28"]
[ExamineString ""]
[WhiteElo "2700"]
[BlackTitles "C"]
[Variant "Chess"]
[Round "2"]

1. e4 {0:00:00} c5 {0:00:00} 2. Nf3 {0:00:00} e6 {0:00:00}
3. Nc3 {0:00:00} a6 {0:00:00} 4. Be2 {0:00:00} b5 {0:00:00}
5. d4 {0:00:00} cxd4 {0:00:00} 6. Nxd4 {0:00:00} Bb7 {0:00:00}
7. a3 {0:00:00} Qc7 {0:00:00} 8. f4 {0:00:00} Be7 {0:00:00}
9. O-O {0:00:00} Nf6 {0:00:00} 10. e5 {0:00:00} Ne4 {0:00:00}
11. Nxe4 {0:00:00} Bxe4 {0:00:00} 12. Be3 {0:00:00} O-O {0:00:00}
13. Bd3 {0:00:00} Bxd3 {0:00:00} 14. cxd3 {0:00:00} Bc5 {0:00:00}
15. b4 {0:00:00} Bb6 {0:00:00} 16. Kh1 {0:00:00} Nc6 {0:00:00}
17. Rc1 {0:00:00} Rac8 {0:00:00} 18. Nxc6 {0:00:00} dxc6 {0:00:00}
19. Bxb6 {0:00:00} Qxb6 {0:00:00} 20. Rc5 {0:00:00} g6 {0:00:00}
21. g4 {0:00:00} Qd8 {0:00:00} 22. f5 {0:00:00} Qd4 {0:00:00}
23. Qf3 {0:00:00} Rcd8 {0:00:00} 24. Rxc6 {0:00:00} exf5 {0:00:00}
25. gxf5 {0:00:00} Qxe5 {0:00:00} 26. Rxa6 {0:00:00} Qd4 {0:00:00}
27. fxg6 {0:00:00} fxg6 {0:00:00} 28. Rf6 {0:00:00} Qxf6 {0:00:00}
29. Qxf6 {0:00:00} Rxf6 {0:00:00} 30. Rxf6 {0:00:00} Rxd3 {0:00:00}
31. Kg2 {0:00:00} Rxa3 {0:00:00} 32. Rb6 {0:00:00} Kg7 {0:00:00}
33. Rxb5 {0:00:00} Ra2+ {0:00:00} 34. Kh3 {0:00:00} h5 {0:00:00}
35. Kg3 {0:00:00} Rb2 {0:00:00} 36. Rb6 {0:11:40} Rb3+ {0:11:07}
37. Kg2 {0:11:28} g5 {0:10:53} 38. b5 {0:11:16} g4 {0:10:38}
39. Kf2 {0:11:05} h4 {0:10:07} 40. Rb7+ {0:10:54} Kg6 {0:09:13}
41. b6 {0:10:43} Rb2+ {0:08:15} 42. Kg1 {0:10:33} Rb1+ {0:07:50}
43. Kg2 {0:10:23} Rb5 {0:07:32} 44. Kf2 {0:10:13} Rb4 {0:06:50}
45. Kg2 {0:10:03} Kh6 {0:06:16} 46. h3 {0:09:53} Rb2+ {0:05:48}
47. Kh1 {0:09:43} gxh3 {0:05:19} 48. Rb8 {0:09:33} Rb1+ {0:04:49}
49. Kh2 {0:09:37} Kg6 {0:04:27} 50. Kxh3 {0:09:24} Rb4 {0:04:04}
51. b7 {0:09:13} Kh7 {0:03:42} 52. Kh2 {0:09:05} Rb3 {0:03:23}
53. Kg2 {0:08:56} h3+ {0:03:07} 54. Kh2 {0:08:48} Kg7 {0:03:06}
55. Kh1 {0:08:39} Rb2 {0:02:52} 56. Kg1 {0:08:31} h2+ {0:02:38}
57. Kh1 {0:08:21} Kh7 {0:02:37} 58. Ra8 {0:08:14} Rxb7 {0:02:38}
59. Kxh2 {0:08:06} Rb2+ {0:02:38} 60. Kh1 {0:07:59} Rb1+ {0:02:23}
61. Kh2 {0:07:52} Rb3 {0:02:13} 62. Kg2 {0:07:45} Kg6 {0:01:59}
63. Kh2 {0:07:38} Kf6 {0:01:57} 64. Rf8+ {0:07:31} Ke7 {0:01:47}
65. Ra8 {0:07:24} Rb1 {0:01:40} 66. Ra7+ {0:07:18} Kd6 {0:01:44}
67. Ra6+ {0:07:11} Ke5 {0:01:47} 68. Ra5+ {0:07:05} Kd4 {0:01:49}
69. Ra4+ {0:06:59} Kd3 {0:01:49} 70. Ra3+ {0:06:53} Kc4 {0:01:51}
71. Ra4+ {0:06:47} Kb5 {0:01:51} 72. Rh4 {0:06:41} Ra1 {0:01:42}
73. Rh5+ {0:06:36} Kb4 {0:01:32} 74. Rh8 {0:06:30} Ra2+ {0:01:32}
75. Kg1 {0:06:25} Kc4 {0:01:26} 76. Rh4+ {0:06:19} Kb5 {0:01:30}
77. Rh5+ {0:06:14} Kc6 {0:01:32} 78. Rh6+ {0:06:09} Kc7 {0:01:36}
79. Rh7+ {0:06:04} Kd6 {0:01:34} 80. Rh6+ {0:05:59} Ke5 {0:01:37}
81. Rh5+ {0:05:54} Kf6 {0:01:30} 82. Rh6+ {0:05:50} Ke7 {0:01:30}
83. Rh7+ {0:05:45} Ke6 {0:01:33} 84. Rh6+ {0:05:40} Kf5 {0:01:36}
85. Rh5+ {0:05:36} Kg4 {0:01:36} 86. Rc5 {0:05:32} Ra8 {0:01:30}
87. Rc4+ {0:05:27} Kg5 {0:01:22} 88. Rc5+ {0:05:23} Kg6 {0:01:25}
89. Rc6+ {0:05:19} Kg7 {0:01:26} 90. Rc7+ {0:05:15} Kh8 {0:01:17}
91. Rc6 {0:05:11} Kg8 {0:01:07} 92. Rc1 {0:05:07} Kf7 {0:00:54}
93. Rc7+ {0:05:04} Ke8 {0:00:50} 94. Rc1 {0:05:00} Ke7 {0:00:47}
95. Re1+ {0:04:56} Kd6 {0:00:41} 96. Rd1+ {0:04:53} Kc5 {0:00:39}
97. Rc1+ {0:04:49} Kb4 {0:00:37} 98. Rb1+ {0:04:46} Kc3 {0:00:35}
99. Rc1+ {0:04:43} Kb2 {0:00:32} 100. Rc6 {0:04:39} Rg8+ {0:00:36}
101. Kf2 {0:04:36} Ka2 {0:00:34} 102. Ra6+ {0:04:33} Kb3 {0:00:38}
103. Rb6+ {0:04:30} Kc3 {0:00:41} 104. Rc6+ {0:04:27} Kb4 {0:00:45}
105. Rb6+ {0:04:24} Kc4 {0:00:49} 106. Rb1 {0:04:21} Rf8+ {0:00:52}
107. Kg3 {0:04:18} Kc3 {0:00:55} 108. Rc1+ {0:04:15} Kb2 {0:00:59}
109. Rc5 {0:04:19} 1/2-1/2

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Location : Acworth, GA (USA)

2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySun Nov 29, 2020 9:16 am


[ICCRating "Standard"]
[Site "Internet Chess Club"]
[TimeControl "1500+4"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Event "AWCRCC20"]
[WhiteTitles "C"]
[ICCRated "False"]
[ECO "A28"]
[Black "ArasanX"]
[White "Komodo"]
[BlackElo "2403"]
[Date "2020.11.28"]
[ExamineString ""]
[WhiteElo "3463"]
[BlackTitles "C"]
[Variant "Chess"]
[Round "8"]

1. c4 {0:00:00} Nf6 {0:00:00} 2. Nc3 {0:00:00} e5 {0:00:00}
3. Nf3 {0:00:00} Nc6 {0:00:00} 4. e4 {0:00:00} Bb4 {0:00:00}
5. d3 {0:00:00} d6 {0:00:00} 6. h3 {0:00:00} a5 {0:00:00}
7. g3 {0:00:00} Nd7 {0:00:00} 8. Bg2 {0:00:00} Nf8 {0:00:00}
9. d4 {0:00:00} Nxd4 {0:00:00} 10. Nxd4 {0:00:00} exd4 {0:00:00}
11. Qxd4 {0:00:00} Ne6 {0:00:00} 12. Qe3 {0:00:00} O-O {0:00:00}
13. O-O {0:00:00} Re8 {0:00:00} 14. Bd2 {0:00:00} Bd7 {0:00:00}
15. Rfe1 {0:00:00} Qf6 {0:00:00} 16. Rab1 {0:00:00} Bc6 {0:00:00}
17. Nd5 {0:00:00} Bxd5 {0:00:00} 18. cxd5 {0:00:00} Nc5 {0:00:00}
19. Re2 {0:00:00} Qg6 {0:00:00} 20. Rbe1 {0:00:00} h5 {0:00:00}
21. h4 {0:00:00} b5 {0:00:00} 22. a3 {0:00:00} Bxd2 {0:00:00}
23. Qxd2 {0:00:00} b4 {0:00:00} 24. axb4 {0:00:00} axb4 {0:00:00}
25. Kh2 {0:00:00} b3 {0:00:00} 26. Qc3 {0:00:00} f6 {0:00:00}
27. Re3 {0:00:00} Qf7 {0:00:00} 28. f4 {0:00:00} f5 {0:00:00}
29. e5 {0:00:00} Reb8 {0:00:00} 30. Bf3 {0:00:00} g6 {0:00:00}
31. Kh3 {0:00:00} Qg7 {0:00:00} 32. Qc1 {0:00:00} Ra2 {0:00:00}
33. Qd2 {0:00:00} Kh8 {0:00:00} 34. Rc1 {0:00:00} Kh7 {0:00:00}
35. Rc4 {0:00:00} Kh6 {0:00:00} 36. Qd4 {0:00:00} Qf8 {0:00:00}
37. Re1 {0:00:00} Kh7 {0:00:00} 38. Bg2 {0:00:00} Rb5 {0:00:00}
39. Bf3 {0:00:00} Qg7 {0:00:00} 40. Rc3 {0:00:00} Rb8 {0:00:00}
41. Rec1 {0:00:00} Rb5 {0:00:00} 42. Bg2 {0:00:00} Qf8 {0:00:00}
43. Rc4 {0:00:00} Qe7 {0:00:00} 44. Rg1 {0:00:00} Rb8 {0:00:00}
45. Re1 {0:00:00} Qg7 {0:00:00} 46. Rcc1 {0:00:00} Ra4 {0:00:00}
47. Rc4 {0:00:00} Ra2 {0:00:00} 48. Rcc1 {0:00:00} Ra4 {0:00:00}
49. Qc3 {0:00:00} Ra2 {0:00:00} 50. Bh1 {0:00:00} Rf8 {0:00:00}
51. Bf3 {0:00:00} Rfa8 {0:00:00} 52. Re2 {0:00:00} R2a4 {0:00:00}
53. Rd2 {0:00:00} Rb8 {0:00:00} 54. Rd4 {0:00:00} Ra2 {0:00:00}
55. Rc4 {0:00:00} Qe7 {0:00:00} 56. Re1 {0:00:00} Qg7 {0:00:00}
57. Re2 {0:00:00} Na4 {0:00:00} 58. Qc1 {0:00:00} Nc5 {0:00:00}
59. Rc3 {0:00:00} Kh6 {0:00:00} 60. Qe3 {0:00:00} Kh7 {0:00:00}
61. Rc1 {0:00:00} Qe7 {0:00:00} 62. Qd2 {0:00:00} Qg7 {0:00:00}
63. Qd4 {0:00:00} Qf8 {0:00:00} 64. Rc3 {0:00:00} Re8 {0:00:00}
65. e6 {0:00:00} Qg7 {0:00:00} 66. Qb4 {0:00:00} Qe7 {0:00:00}
67. Qb5 {0:00:00} Ra1 {0:00:00} 68. Bg2 {0:00:00} Rg8 {0:00:00}
69. Rd2 {0:00:00} Ra2 {0:00:00} 70. Qe2 {0:00:34} Rb8 {0:03:12}
71. Qe3 {0:00:32} Re8 {0:03:09} 72. Rc4 {0:00:26} Rb8 {0:03:03}
73. Bf3 {0:00:23} Qg7 {0:02:58} 74. Rc3 {0:00:23} Rg8 {0:02:49}
75. Re2 {0:00:23} Qe7 {0:02:45} 76. Qc1 {0:00:26} Re8 {0:02:40}
77. Rf2 {0:00:24} Rea8 {0:02:33} 78. Qe3 {0:00:23} Re8 {0:02:32}
79. Rd2 {0:00:18} Rea8 {0:02:34} 80. Rg2 {0:00:16} R2a4 {0:02:27}
81. Rh2 {0:00:13} R4a5 {0:02:23} 82. Re2 {0:00:13} Re8 {0:02:18}
83. Rg2 {0:00:10} Qg7 {0:02:13} 84. Rd2 {0:00:10} Ra2 {0:02:11}
85. Kh2 {0:00:08} Rea8 {0:02:07} 86. Rg2 {0:00:08} R2a4 {0:02:04}
87. Re2 {0:00:06} Re8 {0:02:03} 88. Rxc5 {0:00:07} dxc5 {0:02:00}
89. Qxc5 {0:00:11} Qe7 {0:01:54} 90. Qc3 {0:00:07} Rb8 {0:01:56}
91. Re1 {0:00:05} Kh6 {0:01:50} 92. Kh3 {0:00:05} Ra7 {0:01:47}
93. Rc1 {0:00:06} Rab7 {0:01:44} 94. Qe5 {0:00:10} Rg8 {0:01:40}
95. Rc6 {0:00:14} Rg7 {0:01:38} 96. Kh2 {0:00:18} Rb8 {0:01:35}
97. Qc3 {0:00:22} Rb5 {0:01:33} 98. Bh1 {0:00:19} Rb7 {0:01:30}
99. Bf3 {0:00:15} Rb5 {0:01:27} 100. Kg1 {0:00:13} Kh7 {0:01:25}
101. Kf1 {0:00:17} Kh6 {0:01:24} 102. Kg2 {0:00:17} Kh7 {0:01:24}
103. Kf2 {0:00:11} Rb7 {0:01:22} 104. Be2 {0:00:10} Qd8 {0:01:17}
105. Qd4 {0:00:07} Qf8 {0:01:16} 106. Rc3 {0:00:11} Rb4 {0:01:14}
107. Qc5 {0:00:12} Qxc5+ {0:01:13} 108. Rxc5 {0:00:15} Ra4 {0:01:09}
109. Rb5 {0:00:19} Re7 {0:01:04} 110. Rxb3 {0:00:23} Rd4 {0:01:01}
111. Bf3 {0:00:26} Kg7 {0:00:59} 112. Ke3 {0:00:30} Ra4 {0:00:56}
113. Rc3 {0:00:31} Rb4 {0:00:54} 114. b3 {0:00:34} Kf6 {0:00:50}
115. Kd3 {0:00:38} Rg7 {0:00:49} 116. Be2 {0:00:34} Re7 {0:00:53}
117. Kc2 {0:00:28} Rb7 {0:00:57} 118. Rc6 {0:00:28} Ra7 {0:00:54}
119. Ba6 {0:00:25} Re8 {0:00:55} 120. Kc3 {0:00:19} Ke7 {0:00:54}
121. Kd4 {0:00:16} Rb8 {0:00:55} 122. Bc4 {0:00:16} Kf6 {0:00:54}
123. Kc3 {0:00:20} Rd8 {0:00:51} 124. b4 {0:00:19} Rd6 {0:00:51}
125. Rxd6 {0:00:23} cxd6 {0:00:38} 126. Bb5 {0:00:27} Ke7 {0:00:31}
127. Bc6 {0:00:30} Kd8 {0:00:28} 128. b5 {0:00:21} Ra4 {0:00:32} 1-0
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2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySun Nov 29, 2020 10:53 am

adminx wrote:
[ICCRating "Standard"]
[Site "Internet Chess Club"]
[TimeControl "1500+4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[Event "AWCRCC20"]
[WhiteTitles "C"]
[ICCRated "False"]
[ECO "B40"]
[Black "Komodo"]
[White "Bella-Ciao"]
[BlackElo "3463"]
[Date "2020.11.28"]
[ExamineString ""]
[WhiteElo "2700"]
[BlackTitles "C"]
[Variant "Chess"]
[Round "2"]

1. e4 {0:00:00} c5 {0:00:00} 2. Nf3 {0:00:00} e6 {0:00:00}
3. Nc3 {0:00:00} a6 {0:00:00} 4. Be2 {0:00:00} b5 {0:00:00}
5. d4 {0:00:00} cxd4 {0:00:00} 6. Nxd4 {0:00:00} Bb7 {0:00:00}
7. a3 {0:00:00} Qc7 {0:00:00} 8. f4 {0:00:00} Be7 {0:00:00}
9. O-O {0:00:00} Nf6 {0:00:00} 10. e5 {0:00:00} Ne4 {0:00:00}
11. Nxe4 {0:00:00} Bxe4 {0:00:00} 12. Be3 {0:00:00} O-O {0:00:00}
13. Bd3 {0:00:00} Bxd3 {0:00:00} 14. cxd3 {0:00:00} Bc5 {0:00:00}
15. b4 {0:00:00} Bb6 {0:00:00} 16. Kh1 {0:00:00} Nc6 {0:00:00}
17. Rc1 {0:00:00} Rac8 {0:00:00} 18. Nxc6 {0:00:00} dxc6 {0:00:00}
19. Bxb6 {0:00:00} Qxb6 {0:00:00} 20. Rc5 {0:00:00} g6 {0:00:00}
21. g4 {0:00:00} Qd8 {0:00:00} 22. f5 {0:00:00} Qd4 {0:00:00}
23. Qf3 {0:00:00} Rcd8 {0:00:00} 24. Rxc6 {0:00:00} exf5 {0:00:00}
25. gxf5 {0:00:00} Qxe5 {0:00:00} 26. Rxa6 {0:00:00} Qd4 {0:00:00}
27. fxg6 {0:00:00} fxg6 {0:00:00} 28. Rf6 {0:00:00} Qxf6 {0:00:00}
29. Qxf6 {0:00:00} Rxf6 {0:00:00} 30. Rxf6 {0:00:00} Rxd3 {0:00:00}
31. Kg2 {0:00:00} Rxa3 {0:00:00} 32. Rb6 {0:00:00} Kg7 {0:00:00}
33. Rxb5 {0:00:00} Ra2+ {0:00:00} 34. Kh3 {0:00:00} h5 {0:00:00}
35. Kg3 {0:00:00} Rb2 {0:00:00} 36. Rb6 {0:11:40} Rb3+ {0:11:07}
37. Kg2 {0:11:28} g5 {0:10:53} 38. b5 {0:11:16} g4 {0:10:38}
39. Kf2 {0:11:05} h4 {0:10:07} 40. Rb7+ {0:10:54} Kg6 {0:09:13}
41. b6 {0:10:43} Rb2+ {0:08:15} 42. Kg1 {0:10:33} Rb1+ {0:07:50}
43. Kg2 {0:10:23} Rb5 {0:07:32} 44. Kf2 {0:10:13} Rb4 {0:06:50}
45. Kg2 {0:10:03} Kh6 {0:06:16} 46. h3 {0:09:53} Rb2+ {0:05:48}
47. Kh1 {0:09:43} gxh3 {0:05:19} 48. Rb8 {0:09:33} Rb1+ {0:04:49}
49. Kh2 {0:09:37} Kg6 {0:04:27} 50. Kxh3 {0:09:24} Rb4 {0:04:04}
51. b7 {0:09:13} Kh7 {0:03:42} 52. Kh2 {0:09:05} Rb3 {0:03:23}
53. Kg2 {0:08:56} h3+ {0:03:07} 54. Kh2 {0:08:48} Kg7 {0:03:06}
55. Kh1 {0:08:39} Rb2 {0:02:52} 56. Kg1 {0:08:31} h2+ {0:02:38}
57. Kh1 {0:08:21} Kh7 {0:02:37} 58. Ra8 {0:08:14} Rxb7 {0:02:38}
59. Kxh2 {0:08:06} Rb2+ {0:02:38} 60. Kh1 {0:07:59} Rb1+ {0:02:23}
61. Kh2 {0:07:52} Rb3 {0:02:13} 62. Kg2 {0:07:45} Kg6 {0:01:59}
63. Kh2 {0:07:38} Kf6 {0:01:57} 64. Rf8+ {0:07:31} Ke7 {0:01:47}
65. Ra8 {0:07:24} Rb1 {0:01:40} 66. Ra7+ {0:07:18} Kd6 {0:01:44}
67. Ra6+ {0:07:11} Ke5 {0:01:47} 68. Ra5+ {0:07:05} Kd4 {0:01:49}
69. Ra4+ {0:06:59} Kd3 {0:01:49} 70. Ra3+ {0:06:53} Kc4 {0:01:51}
71. Ra4+ {0:06:47} Kb5 {0:01:51} 72. Rh4 {0:06:41} Ra1 {0:01:42}
73. Rh5+ {0:06:36} Kb4 {0:01:32} 74. Rh8 {0:06:30} Ra2+ {0:01:32}
75. Kg1 {0:06:25} Kc4 {0:01:26} 76. Rh4+ {0:06:19} Kb5 {0:01:30}
77. Rh5+ {0:06:14} Kc6 {0:01:32} 78. Rh6+ {0:06:09} Kc7 {0:01:36}
79. Rh7+ {0:06:04} Kd6 {0:01:34} 80. Rh6+ {0:05:59} Ke5 {0:01:37}
81. Rh5+ {0:05:54} Kf6 {0:01:30} 82. Rh6+ {0:05:50} Ke7 {0:01:30}
83. Rh7+ {0:05:45} Ke6 {0:01:33} 84. Rh6+ {0:05:40} Kf5 {0:01:36}
85. Rh5+ {0:05:36} Kg4 {0:01:36} 86. Rc5 {0:05:32} Ra8 {0:01:30}
87. Rc4+ {0:05:27} Kg5 {0:01:22} 88. Rc5+ {0:05:23} Kg6 {0:01:25}
89. Rc6+ {0:05:19} Kg7 {0:01:26} 90. Rc7+ {0:05:15} Kh8 {0:01:17}
91. Rc6 {0:05:11} Kg8 {0:01:07} 92. Rc1 {0:05:07} Kf7 {0:00:54}
93. Rc7+ {0:05:04} Ke8 {0:00:50} 94. Rc1 {0:05:00} Ke7 {0:00:47}
95. Re1+ {0:04:56} Kd6 {0:00:41} 96. Rd1+ {0:04:53} Kc5 {0:00:39}
97. Rc1+ {0:04:49} Kb4 {0:00:37} 98. Rb1+ {0:04:46} Kc3 {0:00:35}
99. Rc1+ {0:04:43} Kb2 {0:00:32} 100. Rc6 {0:04:39} Rg8+ {0:00:36}
101. Kf2 {0:04:36} Ka2 {0:00:34} 102. Ra6+ {0:04:33} Kb3 {0:00:38}
103. Rb6+ {0:04:30} Kc3 {0:00:41} 104. Rc6+ {0:04:27} Kb4 {0:00:45}
105. Rb6+ {0:04:24} Kc4 {0:00:49} 106. Rb1 {0:04:21} Rf8+ {0:00:52}
107. Kg3 {0:04:18} Kc3 {0:00:55} 108. Rc1+ {0:04:15} Kb2 {0:00:59}
109. Rc5 {0:04:19} 1/2-1/2

This was in book until move 36 !!
And then it was a rather boring game.
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Posts : 115
Join date : 2020-11-26
Location : Acworth, GA (USA)

2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySun Nov 29, 2020 11:08 am

Mclane wrote:
adminx wrote:
[ICCRating "Standard"]
[Site "Internet Chess Club"]
[TimeControl "1500+4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[Event "AWCRCC20"]
[WhiteTitles "C"]
[ICCRated "False"]
[ECO "B40"]
[Black "Komodo"]
[White "Bella-Ciao"]
[BlackElo "3463"]
[Date "2020.11.28"]
[ExamineString ""]
[WhiteElo "2700"]
[BlackTitles "C"]
[Variant "Chess"]
[Round "2"]

1. e4 {0:00:00} c5 {0:00:00} 2. Nf3 {0:00:00} e6 {0:00:00}
3. Nc3 {0:00:00} a6 {0:00:00} 4. Be2 {0:00:00} b5 {0:00:00}
5. d4 {0:00:00} cxd4 {0:00:00} 6. Nxd4 {0:00:00} Bb7 {0:00:00}
7. a3 {0:00:00} Qc7 {0:00:00} 8. f4 {0:00:00} Be7 {0:00:00}
9. O-O {0:00:00} Nf6 {0:00:00} 10. e5 {0:00:00} Ne4 {0:00:00}
11. Nxe4 {0:00:00} Bxe4 {0:00:00} 12. Be3 {0:00:00} O-O {0:00:00}
13. Bd3 {0:00:00} Bxd3 {0:00:00} 14. cxd3 {0:00:00} Bc5 {0:00:00}
15. b4 {0:00:00} Bb6 {0:00:00} 16. Kh1 {0:00:00} Nc6 {0:00:00}
17. Rc1 {0:00:00} Rac8 {0:00:00} 18. Nxc6 {0:00:00} dxc6 {0:00:00}
19. Bxb6 {0:00:00} Qxb6 {0:00:00} 20. Rc5 {0:00:00} g6 {0:00:00}
21. g4 {0:00:00} Qd8 {0:00:00} 22. f5 {0:00:00} Qd4 {0:00:00}
23. Qf3 {0:00:00} Rcd8 {0:00:00} 24. Rxc6 {0:00:00} exf5 {0:00:00}
25. gxf5 {0:00:00} Qxe5 {0:00:00} 26. Rxa6 {0:00:00} Qd4 {0:00:00}
27. fxg6 {0:00:00} fxg6 {0:00:00} 28. Rf6 {0:00:00} Qxf6 {0:00:00}
29. Qxf6 {0:00:00} Rxf6 {0:00:00} 30. Rxf6 {0:00:00} Rxd3 {0:00:00}
31. Kg2 {0:00:00} Rxa3 {0:00:00} 32. Rb6 {0:00:00} Kg7 {0:00:00}
33. Rxb5 {0:00:00} Ra2+ {0:00:00} 34. Kh3 {0:00:00} h5 {0:00:00}
35. Kg3 {0:00:00} Rb2 {0:00:00} 36. Rb6 {0:11:40} Rb3+ {0:11:07}
37. Kg2 {0:11:28} g5 {0:10:53} 38. b5 {0:11:16} g4 {0:10:38}
39. Kf2 {0:11:05} h4 {0:10:07} 40. Rb7+ {0:10:54} Kg6 {0:09:13}
41. b6 {0:10:43} Rb2+ {0:08:15} 42. Kg1 {0:10:33} Rb1+ {0:07:50}
43. Kg2 {0:10:23} Rb5 {0:07:32} 44. Kf2 {0:10:13} Rb4 {0:06:50}
45. Kg2 {0:10:03} Kh6 {0:06:16} 46. h3 {0:09:53} Rb2+ {0:05:48}
47. Kh1 {0:09:43} gxh3 {0:05:19} 48. Rb8 {0:09:33} Rb1+ {0:04:49}
49. Kh2 {0:09:37} Kg6 {0:04:27} 50. Kxh3 {0:09:24} Rb4 {0:04:04}
51. b7 {0:09:13} Kh7 {0:03:42} 52. Kh2 {0:09:05} Rb3 {0:03:23}
53. Kg2 {0:08:56} h3+ {0:03:07} 54. Kh2 {0:08:48} Kg7 {0:03:06}
55. Kh1 {0:08:39} Rb2 {0:02:52} 56. Kg1 {0:08:31} h2+ {0:02:38}
57. Kh1 {0:08:21} Kh7 {0:02:37} 58. Ra8 {0:08:14} Rxb7 {0:02:38}
59. Kxh2 {0:08:06} Rb2+ {0:02:38} 60. Kh1 {0:07:59} Rb1+ {0:02:23}
61. Kh2 {0:07:52} Rb3 {0:02:13} 62. Kg2 {0:07:45} Kg6 {0:01:59}
63. Kh2 {0:07:38} Kf6 {0:01:57} 64. Rf8+ {0:07:31} Ke7 {0:01:47}
65. Ra8 {0:07:24} Rb1 {0:01:40} 66. Ra7+ {0:07:18} Kd6 {0:01:44}
67. Ra6+ {0:07:11} Ke5 {0:01:47} 68. Ra5+ {0:07:05} Kd4 {0:01:49}
69. Ra4+ {0:06:59} Kd3 {0:01:49} 70. Ra3+ {0:06:53} Kc4 {0:01:51}
71. Ra4+ {0:06:47} Kb5 {0:01:51} 72. Rh4 {0:06:41} Ra1 {0:01:42}
73. Rh5+ {0:06:36} Kb4 {0:01:32} 74. Rh8 {0:06:30} Ra2+ {0:01:32}
75. Kg1 {0:06:25} Kc4 {0:01:26} 76. Rh4+ {0:06:19} Kb5 {0:01:30}
77. Rh5+ {0:06:14} Kc6 {0:01:32} 78. Rh6+ {0:06:09} Kc7 {0:01:36}
79. Rh7+ {0:06:04} Kd6 {0:01:34} 80. Rh6+ {0:05:59} Ke5 {0:01:37}
81. Rh5+ {0:05:54} Kf6 {0:01:30} 82. Rh6+ {0:05:50} Ke7 {0:01:30}
83. Rh7+ {0:05:45} Ke6 {0:01:33} 84. Rh6+ {0:05:40} Kf5 {0:01:36}
85. Rh5+ {0:05:36} Kg4 {0:01:36} 86. Rc5 {0:05:32} Ra8 {0:01:30}
87. Rc4+ {0:05:27} Kg5 {0:01:22} 88. Rc5+ {0:05:23} Kg6 {0:01:25}
89. Rc6+ {0:05:19} Kg7 {0:01:26} 90. Rc7+ {0:05:15} Kh8 {0:01:17}
91. Rc6 {0:05:11} Kg8 {0:01:07} 92. Rc1 {0:05:07} Kf7 {0:00:54}
93. Rc7+ {0:05:04} Ke8 {0:00:50} 94. Rc1 {0:05:00} Ke7 {0:00:47}
95. Re1+ {0:04:56} Kd6 {0:00:41} 96. Rd1+ {0:04:53} Kc5 {0:00:39}
97. Rc1+ {0:04:49} Kb4 {0:00:37} 98. Rb1+ {0:04:46} Kc3 {0:00:35}
99. Rc1+ {0:04:43} Kb2 {0:00:32} 100. Rc6 {0:04:39} Rg8+ {0:00:36}
101. Kf2 {0:04:36} Ka2 {0:00:34} 102. Ra6+ {0:04:33} Kb3 {0:00:38}
103. Rb6+ {0:04:30} Kc3 {0:00:41} 104. Rc6+ {0:04:27} Kb4 {0:00:45}
105. Rb6+ {0:04:24} Kc4 {0:00:49} 106. Rb1 {0:04:21} Rf8+ {0:00:52}
107. Kg3 {0:04:18} Kc3 {0:00:55} 108. Rc1+ {0:04:15} Kb2 {0:00:59}
109. Rc5 {0:04:19} 1/2-1/2

This was in book until move 36 !!
And then it was a rather boring game.

I agree, I just wanted to save the games of this event that I could get my hands on. I am hope that I can locate the Bella-DeusX game to go over it also.

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Chris Whittington

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2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySun Nov 29, 2020 12:03 pm

Mclane wrote:
adminx wrote:
[ICCRating "Standard"]
[Site "Internet Chess Club"]
[TimeControl "1500+4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[Event "AWCRCC20"]
[WhiteTitles "C"]
[ICCRated "False"]
[ECO "B40"]
[Black "Komodo"]
[White "Bella-Ciao"]
[BlackElo "3463"]
[Date "2020.11.28"]
[ExamineString ""]
[WhiteElo "2700"]
[BlackTitles "C"]
[Variant "Chess"]
[Round "2"]

1. e4 {0:00:00} c5 {0:00:00} 2. Nf3 {0:00:00} e6 {0:00:00}
3. Nc3 {0:00:00} a6 {0:00:00} 4. Be2 {0:00:00} b5 {0:00:00}
5. d4 {0:00:00} cxd4 {0:00:00} 6. Nxd4 {0:00:00} Bb7 {0:00:00}
7. a3 {0:00:00} Qc7 {0:00:00} 8. f4 {0:00:00} Be7 {0:00:00}
9. O-O {0:00:00} Nf6 {0:00:00} 10. e5 {0:00:00} Ne4 {0:00:00}
11. Nxe4 {0:00:00} Bxe4 {0:00:00} 12. Be3 {0:00:00} O-O {0:00:00}
13. Bd3 {0:00:00} Bxd3 {0:00:00} 14. cxd3 {0:00:00} Bc5 {0:00:00}
15. b4 {0:00:00} Bb6 {0:00:00} 16. Kh1 {0:00:00} Nc6 {0:00:00}
17. Rc1 {0:00:00} Rac8 {0:00:00} 18. Nxc6 {0:00:00} dxc6 {0:00:00}
19. Bxb6 {0:00:00} Qxb6 {0:00:00} 20. Rc5 {0:00:00} g6 {0:00:00}
21. g4 {0:00:00} Qd8 {0:00:00} 22. f5 {0:00:00} Qd4 {0:00:00}
23. Qf3 {0:00:00} Rcd8 {0:00:00} 24. Rxc6 {0:00:00} exf5 {0:00:00}
25. gxf5 {0:00:00} Qxe5 {0:00:00} 26. Rxa6 {0:00:00} Qd4 {0:00:00}
27. fxg6 {0:00:00} fxg6 {0:00:00} 28. Rf6 {0:00:00} Qxf6 {0:00:00}
29. Qxf6 {0:00:00} Rxf6 {0:00:00} 30. Rxf6 {0:00:00} Rxd3 {0:00:00}
31. Kg2 {0:00:00} Rxa3 {0:00:00} 32. Rb6 {0:00:00} Kg7 {0:00:00}
33. Rxb5 {0:00:00} Ra2+ {0:00:00} 34. Kh3 {0:00:00} h5 {0:00:00}
35. Kg3 {0:00:00} Rb2 {0:00:00} 36. Rb6 {0:11:40} Rb3+ {0:11:07}
37. Kg2 {0:11:28} g5 {0:10:53} 38. b5 {0:11:16} g4 {0:10:38}
39. Kf2 {0:11:05} h4 {0:10:07} 40. Rb7+ {0:10:54} Kg6 {0:09:13}
41. b6 {0:10:43} Rb2+ {0:08:15} 42. Kg1 {0:10:33} Rb1+ {0:07:50}
43. Kg2 {0:10:23} Rb5 {0:07:32} 44. Kf2 {0:10:13} Rb4 {0:06:50}
45. Kg2 {0:10:03} Kh6 {0:06:16} 46. h3 {0:09:53} Rb2+ {0:05:48}
47. Kh1 {0:09:43} gxh3 {0:05:19} 48. Rb8 {0:09:33} Rb1+ {0:04:49}
49. Kh2 {0:09:37} Kg6 {0:04:27} 50. Kxh3 {0:09:24} Rb4 {0:04:04}
51. b7 {0:09:13} Kh7 {0:03:42} 52. Kh2 {0:09:05} Rb3 {0:03:23}
53. Kg2 {0:08:56} h3+ {0:03:07} 54. Kh2 {0:08:48} Kg7 {0:03:06}
55. Kh1 {0:08:39} Rb2 {0:02:52} 56. Kg1 {0:08:31} h2+ {0:02:38}
57. Kh1 {0:08:21} Kh7 {0:02:37} 58. Ra8 {0:08:14} Rxb7 {0:02:38}
59. Kxh2 {0:08:06} Rb2+ {0:02:38} 60. Kh1 {0:07:59} Rb1+ {0:02:23}
61. Kh2 {0:07:52} Rb3 {0:02:13} 62. Kg2 {0:07:45} Kg6 {0:01:59}
63. Kh2 {0:07:38} Kf6 {0:01:57} 64. Rf8+ {0:07:31} Ke7 {0:01:47}
65. Ra8 {0:07:24} Rb1 {0:01:40} 66. Ra7+ {0:07:18} Kd6 {0:01:44}
67. Ra6+ {0:07:11} Ke5 {0:01:47} 68. Ra5+ {0:07:05} Kd4 {0:01:49}
69. Ra4+ {0:06:59} Kd3 {0:01:49} 70. Ra3+ {0:06:53} Kc4 {0:01:51}
71. Ra4+ {0:06:47} Kb5 {0:01:51} 72. Rh4 {0:06:41} Ra1 {0:01:42}
73. Rh5+ {0:06:36} Kb4 {0:01:32} 74. Rh8 {0:06:30} Ra2+ {0:01:32}
75. Kg1 {0:06:25} Kc4 {0:01:26} 76. Rh4+ {0:06:19} Kb5 {0:01:30}
77. Rh5+ {0:06:14} Kc6 {0:01:32} 78. Rh6+ {0:06:09} Kc7 {0:01:36}
79. Rh7+ {0:06:04} Kd6 {0:01:34} 80. Rh6+ {0:05:59} Ke5 {0:01:37}
81. Rh5+ {0:05:54} Kf6 {0:01:30} 82. Rh6+ {0:05:50} Ke7 {0:01:30}
83. Rh7+ {0:05:45} Ke6 {0:01:33} 84. Rh6+ {0:05:40} Kf5 {0:01:36}
85. Rh5+ {0:05:36} Kg4 {0:01:36} 86. Rc5 {0:05:32} Ra8 {0:01:30}
87. Rc4+ {0:05:27} Kg5 {0:01:22} 88. Rc5+ {0:05:23} Kg6 {0:01:25}
89. Rc6+ {0:05:19} Kg7 {0:01:26} 90. Rc7+ {0:05:15} Kh8 {0:01:17}
91. Rc6 {0:05:11} Kg8 {0:01:07} 92. Rc1 {0:05:07} Kf7 {0:00:54}
93. Rc7+ {0:05:04} Ke8 {0:00:50} 94. Rc1 {0:05:00} Ke7 {0:00:47}
95. Re1+ {0:04:56} Kd6 {0:00:41} 96. Rd1+ {0:04:53} Kc5 {0:00:39}
97. Rc1+ {0:04:49} Kb4 {0:00:37} 98. Rb1+ {0:04:46} Kc3 {0:00:35}
99. Rc1+ {0:04:43} Kb2 {0:00:32} 100. Rc6 {0:04:39} Rg8+ {0:00:36}
101. Kf2 {0:04:36} Ka2 {0:00:34} 102. Ra6+ {0:04:33} Kb3 {0:00:38}
103. Rb6+ {0:04:30} Kc3 {0:00:41} 104. Rc6+ {0:04:27} Kb4 {0:00:45}
105. Rb6+ {0:04:24} Kc4 {0:00:49} 106. Rb1 {0:04:21} Rf8+ {0:00:52}
107. Kg3 {0:04:18} Kc3 {0:00:55} 108. Rc1+ {0:04:15} Kb2 {0:00:59}
109. Rc5 {0:04:19} 1/2-1/2

This was in book until move 36 !!
And then it was a rather boring game.

Not so. My engine is set to exit book at ply depth 12, ie move 6. It may be a "book line" according to you, but all moves after move 6 by mine were engine moves, using the time control, despite whatever your PGN inline time stamps might say.

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2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySun Nov 29, 2020 12:19 pm

Ok, I was looking at the time stamp. So there is maybe something wrong with the numbers.
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2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySun Nov 29, 2020 12:26 pm

Mclane wrote:
Ok, I was looking at the time stamp. So there is maybe something wrong with the numbers.

Could be, I am using the Beta version of the ICC client to view and grab the games that could there.

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2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySun Nov 29, 2020 3:48 pm

[ICCRating "Standard"]
[Site "Internet Chess Club"]
[TimeControl "1500+4"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Event "AWCRCC20"]
[WhiteTitles "C"]
[ICCRated "False"]
[ECO "A29"]
[Black "EichhoernchenX"]
[White "Bella-Ciao"]
[BlackElo "1831"]
[Date "2020.11.29"]
[ExamineString ""]
[WhiteElo "2700"]
[BlackTitles "C"]
[Variant "Chess"]
[Round "9"]

1. c4 {0:00:00} e5 {0:00:00} 2. Nc3 {0:00:00} Nf6 {0:00:00}
3. Nf3 {0:00:00} Nc6 {0:00:00} 4. g3 {0:00:00} Nd4 {0:00:00}
5. Bg2 {0:00:00} Nxf3+ {0:00:00} 6. Bxf3 {0:00:00} Bb4 {0:25:23}
7. Qb3 {0:24:23} a5 {0:25:27} 8. Na4 {0:23:56} O-O {0:25:31}
9. O-O {0:23:29} Re8 {0:25:35} 10. d3 {0:23:04} Be7 {0:25:39}
11. Be3 {0:22:38} d6 {0:25:43} 12. Rac1 {0:22:13} Bd7 {0:24:52}
13. Nc3 {0:21:20} Qb8 {0:24:25} 14. Bg2 {0:20:30} a4 {0:23:41}
15. Qc2 {0:20:07} Qc8 {0:23:45} 16. a3 {0:19:45} Ra6 {0:22:43}
17. Bg5 {0:19:24} Qa8 {0:22:47} 18. c5 {0:18:38} Bc6 {0:21:53}
19. cxd6 {0:17:54} cxd6 {0:21:57} 20. h4 {0:17:16} Qd8 {0:21:02}
21. Bxf6 {0:16:35} Bxf6 {0:21:05} 22. Nd5 {0:16:17} Qd7 {0:21:08}
23. Kh2 {0:15:58} Bxd5 {0:20:44} 24. Bxd5 {0:15:41} Ra5 {0:20:47}
25. e4 {0:15:16} Rc5 {0:20:50} 26. Qb1 {0:15:00} Rec8 {0:20:23}
27. Rxc5 {0:14:24} dxc5 {0:20:27} 28. b3 {0:13:51} axb3 {0:19:55}
29. Qxb3 {0:13:18} b5 {0:19:59} 30. Rb1 {0:12:57} Rb8 {0:19:11}
31. a4 {0:12:43} b4 {0:18:58} 32. a5 {0:12:30} Bd8 {0:18:28}
33. Ra1 {0:12:01} Qa7 {0:18:32} 34. Kg2 {0:11:33} g6 {0:18:05}
35. a6 {0:11:06} Kg7 {0:18:08} 36. Qb2 {0:10:40} Rb6 {0:17:04}
37. Bc4 {0:10:15} Bf6 {0:16:25} 38. Qa2 {0:10:05} Rb8 {0:15:51}
39. Qa4 {0:09:53} Rc8 {0:14:53} 40. h5 {0:09:30} Be7 {0:14:29}
41. Rf1 {0:09:08} Bg5 {0:13:52} 42. Qa1 {0:08:47} f6 {0:13:17}
43. hxg6 {0:08:39} hxg6 {0:12:53} 44. Rh1 {0:08:31} Bh6 {0:12:09}
45. Bd5 {0:08:11} Rb8 {0:11:48} 46. Qa4 {0:07:52} Rb6 {0:11:26}
47. Qe8 {0:07:34} Rb8 {0:11:29} 48. Qe6 {0:07:17} Rf8 {0:11:33}
49. Bb7 {0:07:05} g5 {0:11:36} 50. Qd7+ {0:07:09} Rf7 {0:10:17}
51. Qh3 {0:07:12} Kf8 {0:08:38} 52. Qxh6+ {0:07:16} Ke7 {0:07:09}
53. Bd5 {0:07:20} Kd6 {0:06:44} 54. Bxf7 {0:07:24} Qxf7 {0:06:28}
55. a7 {0:07:28} c4 {0:06:26} 56. a8=Q {0:07:32} Kc5 {0:06:28}
57. Qhf8+ {0:07:36} Qxf8 {0:06:14} 58. Qxf8+ {0:07:39} Kb5 {0:06:16}
59. Qe8+ {0:07:43} Kb6 {0:06:19} 60. Qe6+ {0:07:47} Kb5 {0:06:23}
61. Qxc4+ {0:07:51} Kb6 {0:06:27} 62. Qxb4+ {0:07:55} Kc6 {0:06:31}
63. Qc4+ {0:07:59} Kd6 {0:06:35} 64. Qd5+ {0:08:03} Kc7 {0:06:39}
65. Qc5+ {0:08:07} Kd8 {0:06:42} 66. Rh8+ {0:08:11} Kd7 {0:06:46}
67. Rh7+ {0:08:14} Kd8 {0:06:50} 68. Qf8# {0:08:14} 1-0

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2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySun Nov 29, 2020 3:49 pm

[Site "Internet Chess Club"]
[TimeControl "1500+4"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[Event "AWCRCC20"]
[ECO "B28"]
[Black "DeusX"]
[White "WaspX"]
[Opening "Sicilian: O'Kelly variation"]
[NIC "SI.43"]
[ICCResult "Black stalemated"]
[BlackElo "2800"]
[Date "2020.11.28"]
[WhiteElo "3102"]
[Time "13:45:26"]
[Round "5"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 a6 3. c4 Nc6 4. d4 cxd4 5. Nxd4 e5 6. Nf5 Nf6
7. Nc3 d5 8. cxd5 Bxf5 9. exf5 Nd4 10. Bd3 Be7 11. O-O O-O
12. Re1 Nxd5 13. Nxd5 Qxd5 14. Qg4 Bf6 15. h4 Rad8 16. Bg5 Bxg5
17. hxg5 Nf3+ 18. gxf3 Qxd3 19. Rxe5 Rd4 20. Qg3 Rd5 21. Rxd5 Qxd5
22. Qf4 g6 23. Kg2 Qxf5 24. Qxf5 gxf5 25. Rd1 Rc8 26. Rd6 Rc5
27. Kg3 Ra5 28. Rb6 Rxa2 29. Rxb7 Ra4 30. Ra7 Rb4 31. Rxa6 f4+
32. Kg4 Rxb2 33. Kxf4 Rxf2 34. Ke3 Rh2 35. f4 h5 36. Rh6 Rh3+
37. Ke4 Rg3 38. Ke5 Re3+ 39. Kf5 Rh3 40. Rc6 Kg7 41. Rc8 Rh2
42. Rb8 Re2 43. Rb6 Rf2 44. Rh6 Rh2 45. Rc6 Rh4 46. Rc7 Rg4
47. Rd7 Rg3 48. Rd8 h4 49. Rd6 Rg1 50. Rh6 Rh1 51. Kg4 h3
52. Rxh3 Rxh3 53. Kxh3 f6 54. Kg4 Kf7 55. f5 fxg5 56. Kxg5 Kg7
57. f6+ Kf7 58. Kf5 Kf8 59. Ke6 Ke8 60. f7+ Kf8
61. Kf6 {Black stalemated} 1/2-1/2
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2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySun Nov 29, 2020 3:54 pm

adminx wrote:
[ICCRating "Standard"]
[Site "Internet Chess Club"]
[TimeControl "1500+4"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Event "AWCRCC20"]
[WhiteTitles "C"]
[ICCRated "False"]
[ECO "A29"]
[Black "EichhoernchenX"]
[White "Bella-Ciao"]
[BlackElo "1831"]
[Date "2020.11.29"]
[ExamineString ""]
[WhiteElo "2700"]
[BlackTitles "C"]
[Variant "Chess"]
[Round "9"]

1. c4 {0:00:00} e5 {0:00:00} 2. Nc3 {0:00:00} Nf6 {0:00:00}
3. Nf3 {0:00:00} Nc6 {0:00:00} 4. g3 {0:00:00} Nd4 {0:00:00}
5. Bg2 {0:00:00} Nxf3+ {0:00:00} 6. Bxf3 {0:00:00} Bb4 {0:25:23}
7. Qb3 {0:24:23} a5 {0:25:27} 8. Na4 {0:23:56} O-O {0:25:31}
9. O-O {0:23:29} Re8 {0:25:35} 10. d3 {0:23:04} Be7 {0:25:39}
11. Be3 {0:22:38} d6 {0:25:43} 12. Rac1 {0:22:13} Bd7 {0:24:52}
13. Nc3 {0:21:20} Qb8 {0:24:25} 14. Bg2 {0:20:30} a4 {0:23:41}
15. Qc2 {0:20:07} Qc8 {0:23:45} 16. a3 {0:19:45} Ra6 {0:22:43}
17. Bg5 {0:19:24} Qa8 {0:22:47} 18. c5 {0:18:38} Bc6 {0:21:53}
19. cxd6 {0:17:54} cxd6 {0:21:57} 20. h4 {0:17:16} Qd8 {0:21:02}
21. Bxf6 {0:16:35} Bxf6 {0:21:05} 22. Nd5 {0:16:17} Qd7 {0:21:08}
23. Kh2 {0:15:58} Bxd5 {0:20:44} 24. Bxd5 {0:15:41} Ra5 {0:20:47}
25. e4 {0:15:16} Rc5 {0:20:50} 26. Qb1 {0:15:00} Rec8 {0:20:23}
27. Rxc5 {0:14:24} dxc5 {0:20:27} 28. b3 {0:13:51} axb3 {0:19:55}
29. Qxb3 {0:13:18} b5 {0:19:59} 30. Rb1 {0:12:57} Rb8 {0:19:11}
31. a4 {0:12:43} b4 {0:18:58} 32. a5 {0:12:30} Bd8 {0:18:28}
33. Ra1 {0:12:01} Qa7 {0:18:32} 34. Kg2 {0:11:33} g6 {0:18:05}
35. a6 {0:11:06} Kg7 {0:18:08} 36. Qb2 {0:10:40} Rb6 {0:17:04}
37. Bc4 {0:10:15} Bf6 {0:16:25} 38. Qa2 {0:10:05} Rb8 {0:15:51}
39. Qa4 {0:09:53} Rc8 {0:14:53} 40. h5 {0:09:30} Be7 {0:14:29}
41. Rf1 {0:09:08} Bg5 {0:13:52} 42. Qa1 {0:08:47} f6 {0:13:17}
43. hxg6 {0:08:39} hxg6 {0:12:53} 44. Rh1 {0:08:31} Bh6 {0:12:09}
45. Bd5 {0:08:11} Rb8 {0:11:48} 46. Qa4 {0:07:52} Rb6 {0:11:26}
47. Qe8 {0:07:34} Rb8 {0:11:29} 48. Qe6 {0:07:17} Rf8 {0:11:33}
49. Bb7 {0:07:05} g5 {0:11:36} 50. Qd7+ {0:07:09} Rf7 {0:10:17}
51. Qh3 {0:07:12} Kf8 {0:08:38} 52. Qxh6+ {0:07:16} Ke7 {0:07:09}
53. Bd5 {0:07:20} Kd6 {0:06:44} 54. Bxf7 {0:07:24} Qxf7 {0:06:28}
55. a7 {0:07:28} c4 {0:06:26} 56. a8=Q {0:07:32} Kc5 {0:06:28}
57. Qhf8+ {0:07:36} Qxf8 {0:06:14} 58. Qxf8+ {0:07:39} Kb5 {0:06:16}
59. Qe8+ {0:07:43} Kb6 {0:06:19} 60. Qe6+ {0:07:47} Kb5 {0:06:23}
61. Qxc4+ {0:07:51} Kb6 {0:06:27} 62. Qxb4+ {0:07:55} Kc6 {0:06:31}
63. Qc4+ {0:07:59} Kd6 {0:06:35} 64. Qd5+ {0:08:03} Kc7 {0:06:39}
65. Qc5+ {0:08:07} Kd8 {0:06:42} 66. Rh8+ {0:08:11} Kd7 {0:06:46}
67. Rh7+ {0:08:14} Kd8 {0:06:50} 68. Qf8# {0:08:14} 1-0

Chris is going strong, amazing, playing Amoeba now.

Last edited by Admin on Sun Nov 29, 2020 3:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySun Nov 29, 2020 3:58 pm

[ICCRating "Standard"]
[Site "Internet Chess Club"]
[TimeControl "1500+4"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Event "AWCRCC20"]
[WhiteTitles "C"]
[ICCRated "False"]
[ECO "A20"]
[Black "Goldbar"]
[White "WaspX"]
[BlackElo "2332"]
[Date "2020.11.29"]
[ExamineString ""]
[WhiteElo "3102"]
[BlackTitles "C"]
[Variant "Chess"]
[Round "9"]

1. c4 {0:00:00} e5 {0:00:00} 2. g3 {0:00:00} Nf6 {0:00:00}
3. Bg2 {0:00:00} d5 {0:00:00} 4. cxd5 {0:00:00} Nxd5 {0:00:00}
5. Nc3 {0:00:00} Nb6 {0:00:00} 6. Nf3 {0:00:00} Nc6 {0:00:00}
7. d3 {0:00:00} Be7 {0:00:00} 8. O-O {0:00:00} O-O {0:00:00}
9. a3 {0:00:00} Be6 {0:00:00} 10. Be3 {0:00:00} f5 {0:00:00}
11. Rc1 {0:00:00} a6 {0:00:00} 12. Na4 {0:00:00} Nxa4 {0:00:00}
13. Qxa4 {0:00:00} Bd5 {0:00:00} 14. Bc5 {0:00:00} Kh8 {0:00:00}
15. Qc2 {0:00:00} Bd6 {0:00:00} 16. e4 {0:00:00} fxe4 {0:00:00}
17. dxe4 {0:00:00} Be6 {0:00:00} 18. Be3 {0:00:00} Qf6 {0:00:00}
19. b4 {0:00:00} Rae8 {0:00:00} 20. Nd2 {0:00:00} a5 {0:00:00}
21. b5 {0:00:00} Nd4 {0:00:00} 22. Qd3 {0:00:00} g5 {0:00:00}
23. f4 {0:00:00} gxf4 {0:00:00} 24. gxf4 {0:00:00} Rg8 {0:00:00}
25. Kh1 {0:00:00} Qh4 {0:00:00} 26. Rg1 {0:00:00} Rg3 {0:00:00}
27. Nf1 {0:00:00} Rxe3 {0:00:00} 28. Nxe3 {0:00:00} Qxf4 {0:00:00}
29. Rgf1 {0:00:00} Qg5 {0:00:00} 30. Nf5 {0:00:00} Rg8 {0:00:00}
31. Bh3 {0:00:00} Nxf5 {0:00:00} 32. exf5 {0:00:00} Bf7 {0:00:00}
33. Qe4 {0:00:00} b6 {0:00:00} 34. Rc2 {0:00:00} Qf6 {0:00:00}
35. a4 {0:00:00} Bc5 {0:00:00} 36. Bg2 {0:00:00} Rd8 {0:00:00}
37. Qb7 {0:00:00} Qd6 {0:00:00} 38. Rc3 {0:00:00} Rg8 {0:00:00}
39. Rcc1 {0:00:00} Bb3 {0:00:00} 40. Qe4 {0:00:00} Qd4 {0:00:00}
41. f6 {0:00:00} Qxe4 {0:00:00} 42. Bxe4 {0:00:00} Be6 {0:00:00}
43. Rc3 {0:00:00} Rg4 {0:00:00} 44. Rd3 {0:00:00} Kg8 {0:00:00}
45. Bd5 {0:00:00} Bxd5+ {0:00:00} 46. Rxd5 {0:00:00} Bd6 {0:00:00}
47. Rg1 {0:00:00} Rxg1+ {0:00:00} 48. Kxg1 {0:00:00} Kf7 {0:00:00}
49. Rd3 {0:00:00} Kxf6 {0:00:00} 50. Rh3 {0:00:00} Kg6 {0:00:00}
51. Kf2 {0:00:00} h6 {0:00:00} 52. Ke3 {0:00:00} Kg5 {0:00:00}
53. Ke4 {0:00:00} Bc5 {0:00:00} 54. Rg3+ {0:00:00} Kh4 {0:00:00}
55. Rg7 {0:00:00} Bd6 {0:00:00} 56. h3 {0:00:00} h5 {0:00:00}
57. Rh7 {0:00:00} Kg5 {0:00:00} 58. Rf7 {0:00:00} Kh6 {0:00:00}
59. Kf5 {0:00:00} e4 {0:00:00} 60. Rf6+ {0:00:00} Kg7 {0:00:00}
61. Re6 {0:00:00} Kf7 {0:00:00} 62. Rxe4 {0:00:00} Be7 {0:00:00}
63. Rc4 {0:00:00} Bc5 {0:00:00} 64. Rh4 {0:00:00} Be7 {0:00:00}
65. Rxh5 {0:00:00} Kg7 {0:00:00} 66. Rg5+ {0:00:00} Kh7 {0:00:00}
67. Rg4 {0:00:00} Bd6 {0:00:00} 68. h4 {0:00:00} Bc5 {0:00:00}
69. h5 {0:00:00} Kh6 {0:00:00} 70. Rc4 {0:00:00} Kxh5 {0:00:00}
71. Ke6 {0:00:00} Kg6 {0:00:00} 72. Kd7 {0:00:00} Kf5 {0:00:00}
73. Kxc7 {0:00:00} Be3 {0:00:00} 74. Rc6 {0:00:00} Ke5 {0:00:00}
75. Rxb6 {0:00:00} Kd5 {0:00:00} 76. Ra6 {0:00:00} Bf4+ {0:00:00}
77. Kb6 {0:00:00} Bg3 {0:00:00} 78. Kxa5 {0:00:00} Be1+ {0:00:00}
79. Kb6 {0:00:00} Bc3 {0:02:31} 80. Kc7 {0:03:30} Be5+ {0:02:34}
81. Kc8 {0:03:22} Kc4 {0:02:38} 82. b6 {0:02:54} Bg3 {0:02:42}
83. b7 {0:02:48} Kd5 {0:02:46} 84. Rg6 {0:02:39} Bh2 {0:02:50}
85. a5 {0:02:37} Ke4 {0:02:54} 86. a6 {0:02:39} Kf5 {0:02:58}
87. Rb6 {0:02:42} Bb8 {0:03:01} 88. Kxb8 {0:02:46} Ke5 {0:03:05}
89. a7 {0:02:50} Kd5 {0:03:09} 90. a8=Q {0:02:53} Kc5 {0:03:13}
91. Qa5+ {0:02:57} Kd4 {0:03:17} 92. Rb4+ {0:03:01} Kc3 {0:03:21}
93. Qa3+ {0:03:05} Kc2 {0:03:25} 94. Rb2+ {0:03:09} Kc1 {0:03:28}
95. Qa1# {0:03:09} 1-0
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Join date : 2020-11-26
Location : Acworth, GA (USA)

2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships   2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships EmptySun Nov 29, 2020 4:30 pm

Admin wrote:

Chris is going strong, amazing, playing Amoeba now.

Yes impressive is an understatement! cheers Yet here is another win incoming.

[ICCRating "Standard"]
[Site "Internet Chess Club"]
[TimeControl "1500+4"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Event "AWCRCC20"]
[WhiteTitles "C"]
[ICCRated "False"]
[ECO "B12"]
[Black "Bella-Ciao"]
[White "Amoeba"]
[BlackElo "2700"]
[Date "2020.11.29"]
[ExamineString ""]
[WhiteElo "3035"]
[BlackTitles "C"]
[Variant "Chess"]
[Round "10"]

1. e4 {0:00:00} c6 {0:00:00} 2. d4 {0:00:00} d5 {0:00:00}
3. e5 {0:00:00} Bf5 {0:00:00} 4. Nf3 {0:00:00} e6 {0:00:00}
5. Be2 {0:00:00} Nd7 {0:00:00} 6. O-O {0:00:00} h6 {0:00:00}
7. c4 {0:24:47} dxc4 {0:24:23} 8. Bxc4 {0:24:16} Nb6 {0:23:56}
9. Bd3 {0:23:45} Ne7 {0:23:30} 10. Nc3 {0:23:15} Qd7 {0:23:04}
11. Bxf5 {0:22:46} Nxf5 {0:22:09} 12. a4 {0:22:16} a5 {0:21:45}
13. Ne4 {0:21:58} Qd5 {0:21:21} 14. Qd3 {0:21:30} Bb4 {0:20:57}
15. Rd1 {0:21:02} Qc4 {0:20:08} 16. Qb1 {0:20:43} Nd5 {0:19:46}
17. b3 {0:20:17} Qa6 {0:18:59} 18. Ba3 {0:19:51} Bxa3 {0:18:14}
19. Rxa3 {0:19:25} O-O-O {0:17:55} 20. Ra2 {0:19:07} Kb8 {0:17:35}
21. h4 {0:18:44} Qb6 {0:16:54} 22. Rc2 {0:18:20} g5 {0:16:14}
23. hxg5 {0:17:58} hxg5 {0:15:36} 24. Nfxg5 {0:17:09} Rdg8 {0:14:59}
25. Nxf7 {0:16:48} Rh5 {0:14:24} 26. Nfg5 {0:16:25} Rgxg5 {0:14:09}
27. Nxg5 {0:15:53} Rxg5 {0:13:54} 28. Qc1 {0:15:38} Rg4 {0:13:40}
29. Qa3 {0:15:18} Qd8 {0:13:08} 30. g3 {0:15:04} Rg8 {0:12:37}
31. Rdd2 {0:14:51} Qg5 {0:12:28} 32. Qa1 {0:14:33} Nf4 {0:12:32}
33. Qe1 {0:13:52} Qg4 {0:12:36} 34. Qd1 {0:13:35} Qh3 {0:12:39}
35. Qf1 {0:13:18} Qh6 {0:12:43} 36. Rd3 {0:13:02} Rh8 {0:12:47}
37. Qg2 {0:13:05} 0-1

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2020 14th Annual World Computer Rapid Chess Championships Empty
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