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 Rebel NNUE development diary

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Chris Whittington
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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyTue Jul 05, 2022 9:17 am

A look in the REBEL kitchen just for the fun of it.

I am currently creating a new even bigger network (3.6 billion) positions using a new architecture from Chris that moves from 3 layers to one, meaning a) a somewhat less knowledgeable evaluation but b) compensated by a bigger network and a much higher NPS.  

In this thread you can follow the daily progress how the neural net is build by the learner. In a nutshell, to process the massive data the learner needs 4-5 days to finish. Each 25-30 minutes the learner creates what has been called an Epoch which represent the current strength of the network. While the learner progresses it slowly will create even stronger epochs. For this net it's expected at least 200 epochs are needed to squeeze the maximum elo out of the ~150Gb data.

SSE testing - I have created a 10 engine GRL elo pool of 3349, each epoch will play 1000 games at 40/60.

EPOCH GAMES  PERC   ELO  [SSE testing] [elo pool 3349]
36     1000  48.5%  3339  [-10]  |  EPOCH GAMES  PERC   ELO
50     1000  51.2%  3357  [+8]   |  170    2000  57.2% 3400  [+51]   * 2000 games from now on
61     1000  52.4%  3366  [+17]  |  185    2000  56.1% 3392  [+43]
70     1000  52.3%  3366  [+17]  |  210    2000  57.3% 3400  [+51]   * patience is a virtue.
80     1000  53.4%  3372  [+23]  |  202    2000  56.6% 3395  [+46]
90     1000  51.0%  3356  [+7]   |  240    2000  57.1% 3399  [+50]  
100    1000  55.9%  3390  [+41]  |  240+   2000  57.9% 3404  [+55]   * plus search change [690]
123    1000  55.6%  3388  [+39]  |  240+   2000  58.7% 3410  [+61]   * plus search change [890]
142    1000  56.9%  3397  [+48]  |  240+   2000  59.0% 3412  [+63]   * plus search change [875]
158    1000  55.8%  3389  [+40]  |  240+   2000  58.4% 3408  [+59]   * 40/120 testing

IMPORTANT - the testing is done on my SSE pc which is a considerable disadvantage for REBEL playing mainly against HCE engines.

AVX2 testing - Elo pool of 3379, 30 elo higher than the SSE testing.

EPOCH GAMES  PERC   ELO  [AVX2 testing] [elo pool 3379]
100    1000  56.6%  3425 [+46]
123    1000  57.2%  3429 [+50]
142    1000  57.8%  3433 [+54]
158    1000  57.0%  3428 [+49]
170    1000  57.6%  3432 [+53]
185    1000  57.9%  3434 [+55]
210    1000  58.1%  3435 [+56]  * patience is a virtue.
202    1000  58.4%  3437 [+58]
240    1000  59.3%  3444 [+65]  * did Santa finally arrive?

Both tables will be updated when new epochs are tested, probably 3 times a day in the coming 4-5 days.

Self play against Rebel 15x2 on my AVX2 machine, time control also 40/60

61     1000  61.3%  +79
80     1000  64.7%  +103
123    1000  63.9%  +96

Last edited by ed on Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:37 pm; edited 10 times in total

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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyWed Jul 06, 2022 7:27 pm

What are the reasons to stop the NNUE training after already 100 epochs after 200 epochs necessary as estimated by you ?

I assume that the Elo increase after already 100 epochs will not be very big, but the effort will be disproportionate, but this is only a guess of mine.

What are your current test results ?

Edit: I misunderstood something there, the NNUE training seems to be continued.
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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyWed Jul 06, 2022 8:02 pm

Dio wrote:
What are the reasons to stop the NNUE training after already 100 epochs after 200 epochs necessary as estimated by you ?

Note what I said, at least 200 and it all depends.

Dio wrote:
I assume that the Elo increase after already 100 epochs will not be very big, but the effort will be disproportionate, but this is only a guess of mine.

It's a good guess. Expectations from 100 to 200 are at least 20-30, sometimes even 50. It's totally unclear, the learner is inscrutable.

Dio wrote:
What are your current test results ?

They are in the OP.

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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyWed Jul 06, 2022 8:06 pm

Thanks for the clarification, I misunderstood something there....

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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyThu Jul 07, 2022 9:20 am

This is a diary so here goes, yesterday afternoon we got a one second power failure, everything went out and restarted one second later. 2½ days work gone. Fortunately the learner has a restart option but apparently the learner software needs an update first and so there is a delay and pause.

Meanwhile I took the opportunity to cleanup the OP where the results are posted.

Another thing worthy to mention, just 1000 games is not very accurate testing especially not in self play. The error bar for 1000 games is -15/+15 elo about -2/+2% So results can fluctuate but the general pattern will be a rising one.

The procedure after the learner is finished:
1. pick the 3 most promising epochs as candidate for the final version, increase the number of games to play to 5000 using self play. The error bar for 5000 games is -7/+7 elo or about -1/+1%
2. The best version (and usually there is very little difference between the 3) plays 5000 games against a given elo pool of other engines.
3. If I happy it's time for release.

Ideally one plays 30,000 - 40,000 in order to reduce the error bar even more but I don't have the unlimited hardware like the SF folks or at OpenBench.

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Chris Whittington

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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyThu Jul 07, 2022 6:22 pm

Dio wrote:
What are the reasons to stop the NNUE training after already 100 epochs after 200 epochs necessary as estimated by you ?

I assume that the Elo increase after already 100 epochs will not be very big, but the effort will be disproportionate, but this is only a guess of mine.

What are your current test results ?

Edit: I misunderstood something there, the NNUE training seems to be continued.

Most of the “Elo increase” comes from the first ten epochs. An epoch, btw, is an arbitrary number of positions, Gary Linscott defines it as 100M positions, so I guess that’s now the chess industry standard.
Cstal which gets to about 3600 on the GPL scale, is already at around 3400 Elo after one epoch. It gets another 100 or by 50-100 epochs and then the final 100 in the next 200 or so. I’ve only 6B positions in my current set, so after 60 epochs mine will be recycling through the training set again. Ideal would be enough positions for 400 epochs without recycling. Is that 40B? Something of that order, then presumably we get more Elo.
Elo is not a linear scale. And we discuss not the nnue strength but the search-nnue combination, but it’s kind of amusing that perhaps half an epoch of training combined with a good search is well beyond world champion level.

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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyThu Jul 07, 2022 6:36 pm

Thank you for your explanations.

I am not familiar with the training of a NNUE. This looks somewhat different with the training of an NN (Lc0), here I can at least estimate which increase in playing strength can still be expected.

I think that the training of a NNUE and NN has many similarities, but also many differences, since the training of a NN requires considerably much more computing effort.
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Chris Whittington

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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyThu Jul 07, 2022 6:56 pm

Dio wrote:
Thank you for your explanations.

I am not familiar with the training of a NNUE. This looks somewhat different with the training of an NN (Lc0), here I can at least estimate which increase in playing strength can still be expected.

I think that the training of a NNUE and NN has many similarities, but also many differences, since the training of a NN requires considerably much more computing effort.

Well, my anecdotes are not definitive. Elo ramps up fast while all the training positions are unique (60 epochs in my case) and then after only slowly. What would happen on adding more training positions is not known (to me) at present. It’s also unclear how net complexity (size and structure) relates to total chess knowledge absorbable.
LC0 is another case. It also computes predicted move outputs. It’s not clear, at least to me, that using visual recognition resnets for chess is going to be better than keeping things relatively simple. Dunno. Not looked at LC0 code stuff for a long time.
Anyway, all these net styles can change in a flash if there’s a new development in cpu/gpu. It is the two ways it is because hardware.

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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyFri Jul 08, 2022 10:00 am


I wasn't able to restart the learner and finally give up and restarted the learner from scratch, meaning a time loss of 2½ days before reaching epoch 123 again.

Instead of waiting doing nothing, or take a short holiday I decided to test a search change in the meantime using epoch 123, the last epoch before the power failure.

First impression looks promising.

EPOCH GAMES  PERC   ELO  [SSE testing] [elo pool 3349]
123    1000  55.6%  3388  [+39]
123+   1000  58.4%  3407  [+58]  * epoch 123 + search change

EPOCH GAMES  PERC   ELO  [AVX2 testing] [elo pool 3379]
123    1000  57.2%  3429 [+50]
123+   1000  58.5%  3438 [+59]  * epoch 123 + search change

Meanwhile I am now testing this search change more thoroughly, playing 5000 games.

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Chris Whittington

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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyFri Jul 08, 2022 5:34 pm

Admin wrote:

I wasn't able to restart the learner and finally give up and restarted the learner from scratch, meaning a time loss of 2½ days before reaching epoch 123 again.

Instead of waiting doing nothing, or take a short holiday I decided to test a search change in the meantime using epoch 123, the last epoch before the power failure.

First impression looks promising.

EPOCH GAMES  PERC   ELO  [SSE testing] [elo pool 3349]
123    1000  55.6%  3388  [+39]
123+   1000  58.4%  3407  [+58]  * epoch 123 + search change

EPOCH GAMES  PERC   ELO  [AVX2 testing] [elo pool 3379]
123    1000  57.2%  3429 [+50]
123+   1000  58.5%  3438 [+59]  * epoch 123 + search change

Meanwhile I am now testing this search change more thoroughly, playing 5000 games.

I’ve been doing search-y things a lot while waiting for net builds and net play testing. It’s a good time for experimenting with ideas.

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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyFri Jul 08, 2022 5:37 pm

Surprising development, I finally got the restart procedure of the learner to work and so you can follow the progress of learner (epoch 142) again in the OP. The search changes (estimated 5-15 elo) will have to wait.

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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptySun Jul 10, 2022 7:20 pm

Epoch 240 looks very strong.. Smile
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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptySun Jul 10, 2022 7:36 pm

Dio wrote:
Epoch 240 looks very strong.. Smile

Yes, will be a worthy candidate for the final network.

Because the sudden (long awaited) increase I let the learner run a bit longer, testing now epoch 260. First to test stability and maybe it's in the mood to give more, happens sometimes.

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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptySun Jul 10, 2022 11:04 pm

Net training (also known as the learner) is in its final stage. In the SSE section of the OP I already made a (poor) start testing 2 minor search changes. Poor, because Thorsten currently is helping to test these 2 changes in a decent way, 5000 games.

Out of curiosity I will do some unusual experiments afterwards with the best network, I don't expect anything of it but if you never shoot you don't hit anything.

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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyMon Jul 11, 2022 5:55 pm

I tried to compare the results so far with the results in the GRL, where does the development version of Rebel stand compared to Rebel 15x2 ?
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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyMon Jul 11, 2022 7:21 pm

Dio wrote:
I tried to compare the results so far with the results in the GRL, where does the development version of Rebel stand compared to Rebel 15x2 ?

That's pretty unclear:

The E208 version you see there is from a previous net made +/- one month ago.

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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyTue Jul 12, 2022 7:42 am

First beta for GRL, version E240-T50

From the history:
Rebel E240-T50 : 3402
Rebel 15x2: 3346
Elo gain: + 56

I am doing some more tests but I have the idea the E240-T50 version will end up as the new REBEL 15.1

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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyTue Jul 12, 2022 12:16 pm

Great news, Ed! I am positively surprised how much Chris and you have managed to improve the evaluation in such a short time -- experimenting with data, NN structures, about 200 Elos! To put things in perspective, with a modern search, Rebel would be among the top three engines (I guess that CSTal is probably there).

Did you have time to work on the weakness with check sequences?
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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyTue Jul 12, 2022 9:28 pm

matejst wrote:
Great news, Ed! I am positively surprised how much Chris and you have managed to improve the evaluation in such a short time -- experimenting with data, NN structures, about 200 Elos! To put things in perspective, with a modern search, Rebel would be among the top three engines (I guess that CSTal is probably there).

Top 3 is out of the question if you are mainly interested in NNUE development, top-10 would be nice however.

matejst wrote:
Did you have time to work on the weakness with check sequences?

I had a look at the code and it seems the TOGA guys prune moves that give a check, that's a bad idea, could explain your complaint.

Doing a last check, tuning the tuner-value, maybe there is a 0-10 elo gain.

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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyTue Jul 12, 2022 11:13 pm

Admin wrote:
matejst wrote:
Great news, Ed! I am positively surprised how much Chris and you have managed to improve the evaluation in such a short time -- experimenting with data, NN structures, about 200 Elos! To put things in perspective, with a modern search, Rebel would be among the top three engines (I guess that CSTal is probably there).

Top 3 is out of the question if you are mainly interested in NNUE development, top-10 would be nice however.

matejst wrote:
Did you have time to work on the weakness with check sequences?

I had a look at the code and it seems the TOGA guys prune moves that give a check, that's a bad idea, could explain your complaint.

Doing a last check, tuning the tuner-value, maybe there is a 0-10 elo gain.

For me, the progress with the NNUE is the most valuable aspect here, especially since Rebel's evaluation was already excellent (with the exception of some tactical positions). I noticed that many other engines plateau after a certain level with the NN, while Ed and Chris continue to improve, and there's probably something valuable in their efforts for other authors. [No doubt that anything creative will be incorporated soon or later in SF.]
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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyWed Jul 13, 2022 7:56 am

Last chapter for every new release is to find the optimal balance between search and evaluation. A bit technical but here goes.

1. You have created a good HCE engine and the values of the evaluation are in sync with all the values you use in search for each search algorithm you use. Finding the optimal values in search is a work of months if not years.

2. And at a certain moment a programmer wants to move from HCE evaluation to NNUE evaluation. And as we have seen the results are fantastic. But wait a moment, the question arises: are the evaluations that now come from the network still in sync with the search values in use? And for the neural nets I created so far it's always the same old song, the evaluation values from the neural net are significant higher than of the HCE version. Result: the balance between eval and search are off balance and that cost elo.

3. To restore the balance between eval and search you can do it in 2 ways:
a) re-tune all the search parameters, if you have good hardware weeks of test, else months;
b) tune the value that comes from the NNUE evaluation, a couple of days testing.
Instead of a dozen (or so) search tuning parameters you reduce the work to one parameter attempt.

First part is done, I have been testing 6 evaluation parameters 4000 games at 40/20 and there is reason to believe one of those values gives another 5-10 elo. I am now double checking if that is still true playing 4000 games at 40/60.

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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyWed Jul 13, 2022 12:25 pm

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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyWed Jul 13, 2022 1:32 pm

Thanks, Ed! You made my day!

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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyWed Jul 13, 2022 5:43 pm

So far, very good impressions. Much faster, while it seems that the evaluation is as good, perhaps even better than it was (did not do my usual tests yet).
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Damir Desevac

Damir Desevac

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Rebel NNUE development diary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rebel NNUE development diary   Rebel NNUE development diary EmptyWed Jul 13, 2022 7:12 pm

Ed, do you plan to release learn file (exp) in next version of Rebel ? So Rebel both contain learn file together with nnue, like Eman and Sugar do ?
I think Rebel learn file will significantly boost Rebel strength even further.

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