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 ### illegal pv move a2a4 sent

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2 posters


Posts : 230
Join date : 2021-10-08

### illegal pv move a2a4 sent Empty
PostSubject: ### illegal pv move a2a4 sent   ### illegal pv move a2a4 sent EmptyThu Dec 08, 2022 4:01 am

Hello programmers Ed and Chris, thanks for Rebel 16!!

I don't think this is very helpful report because clearly it is not yet implemented, but just in case, the info from the GUI is a little strange (Shredder GUI) when you want Rebel to play out a game, or position, by itself, against itself. It hangs after the first move because of some communication misunderstanding? Engine is trying moves for White when it should be thinking for Black, but the GUI strangely seems to have sent a position to Rebel where it is Whites move, so naturally Rebel starts thinking for White..

You can see the communication in Shredder GUI with the 'ucidebug' command, that is all I remember.

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2022.12.08"]
[Round "?"]
[White "?"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/8/8/4b1k1/8/5P2/Pp5p/1K5R w - -"]

1. a4 {+28.53/23 7s} *

Some of the GUI output, calculating the first move from the pgn goes okay but then it stops:

CPU0: GenuineIntel Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3 3093 MHz
CPU1: GenuineIntel Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3 3093 MHz
CPU2: GenuineIntel Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3 3093 MHz
CPU3: GenuineIntel Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3 3093 MHz
GUI: Eindspeldatabanken met 0 stukken gevonden! [Buffer: 1 MB + intern 0.00 MB]
GUI: Shredderbases met 0 stukken gevonden (0 MB)
Engine: SF 2022092705 Simplification patch (512 MB)
gemaakt door the Stockfish developers (see AUTHORS f
Rebel 16
(C) Ed Schroder and Chris Whittington 2022
Code Base  : Chris Whittington
Evaluation : Ed Schroder
set Hash to 512MB
Engine: Rebel 16 (512 MB)
gemaakt door Ed Schroder and Chris Whittington (C) 2
 21/32 0:01 +7.91 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.Kc2 Kg2 4.Txh2+ Kxh2 5.a6 Ld4 6.f4 Kg1 7.f5 Kg2 8.f6 Kh3 9.f7 Lc5 10.Kxb2 Kg4 11.f8D Lxf8 12.a7 (2.509.443) 1476
 22/31 0:01 +8.07++ 1.a4 Lg3 (2.920.110) 1486
 22/35 0:02 +8.23++ 1.a4 (3.345.363) 1503
 22/32 0:02 +8.47++ 1.a4 (3.733.801) 1520
 22/34 0:02 +8.83++ 1.a4 (4.148.781) 1536
 22/32 0:03 +9.37++ 1.a4 (4.672.802) 1547
 22/36 0:03 +10.18++ 1.a4 (5.412.027) 1549
 22/41 0:03 +9.34 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.Kc2 Kg2 4.Txh2+ Kxh2 5.a6 Ld4 6.f4 Kh3 7.f5 Kh4 8.f6 Lxf6 9.a7 Lg7 10.a8D Kg5 11.De4 Kh6 12.De8 Kg5 (5.545.078) 1552
 23/36 0:03 +9.50++ 1.a4 Lc7 (5.710.238) 1550
 23/35 0:03 +9.66++ 1.a4 (5.886.614) 1552
 23/34 0:03 +9.90++ 1.a4 (6.022.330) 1556
 23/35 0:03 +9.77 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.De4 Kh6 11.Kc2 Kg7 12.Df4 Le7 13.De5+ Kf7 (6.081.845) 1557
 24/37 0:04 +9.93++ 1.a4 Lc7 (6.238.294) 1558
 24/33 0:04 +10.09++ 1.a4 (6.368.479) 1559
 24/34 0:04 +10.33++ 1.a4 (7.065.332) 1564
 24/38 0:04 +10.69++ 1.a4 (7.745.043) 1570
 24/42 0:05 +11.23++ 1.a4 (8.541.477) 1571
 24/41 0:05 +11.00 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.Dg8+ Kh6 11.Df7 Kg5 12.Dh7 Ld4 13.Dd7 Le5 14.Dd5 (8.555.107) 1571
 25/42 0:05 +11.16++ 1.a4 Lc7 (8.652.351) 1570
 25/41 0:05 +10.86 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.Dg8+ Kh6 11.Df7 Kg5 12.Dh7 Ld4 13.Dg8+ Kf5 14.Dd5+ (8.667.686) 1570
 26/46 0:05 +11.02++ 1.a4 Lc7 (8.841.701) 1568
 26/44 0:05 +11.18++ 1.a4 (9.034.146) 1570
 26/44 0:05 +10.70-- 1.a4 Kh4 (9.061.709) 1569
 26/33 0:05 +11.06++ 1.a4 Lc7 (9.077.966) 1568
 26/46 0:05 +10.70 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.Dg8+ Kh6 11.Df7 Kg5 12.Dh7 Ld4 13.Dg8+ Kf5 14.Dd5+ (9.102.383) 1568
 27/42 0:05 +10.70 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.Dg8+ Kh6 11.Df7 Kg5 12.Dh7 Ld4 13.Dg8+ Kf5 14.Df7+ (9.337.947) 1568
 28/48 0:06 +10.86++ 1.a4 Lc7 (9.576.770) 1568
 28/46 0:06 +10.54-- 1.a4 Kh4 (9.695.631) 1566
 28/32 0:06 +10.78++ 1.a4 Lc7 (9.882.174) 1560
 28/47 0:06 +10.59 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.Dg8+ Kh6 11.Df7 Kg5 12.Dh7 Ld4 13.Dg8+ Kf5 14.Dd5+ (9.953.551) 1559
 29/48 0:06 +10.75++ 1.a4 Lc7 (10.100.659) 1558
 29/41 0:06 +10.43-- 1.a4 Kh4 (10.208.103) 1558
 29/34 0:06 +10.67++ 1.a4 Lc7 (10.310.245) 1555
 29/48 0:06 +10.19-- 1.a4 Kh4 (10.462.762) 1555
 29/35 0:06 +10.61++ 1.a4 Lc7 (10.780.033) 1549
 29/45 0:07 +10.55 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.Dg8+ Kh6 11.Df7 Kg5 12.Dh7 Ld4 13.Dg8+ Kf5 14.Dd5+ (11.087.387) 1545
 30/48 0:07 +10.71++ 1.a4 Lc7 (11.338.508) 1543
 30/46 0:07 +10.55 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.Dg8+ Kh6 11.Df7 Kg5 12.Dh7 Ld4 13.Dg8+ Kf5 14.Dd5+ (11.433.303) 1542
 31/48 0:07 +10.71++ 1.a4 Lc7 (12.155.939) 1531
 31/48 0:08 +10.55 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.Dg8+ Kh6 11.Df7 Kg5 12.Dh7 Ld4 13.Dg8+ Kf5 14.Dd5+ (12.392.990) 1527
 32/47 0:08 +10.71++ 1.a4 Lc7 (12.777.063) 1522
 32/52 0:09 +10.39-- 1.a4 Kh4 (13.669.805) 1509
 32/43 0:09 +10.54 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.Dg8+ Kh6 11.Df7 Kg5 12.Dh7 Le5 13.Dg8+ Kf5 14.Dd5 (14.636.895) 1496
 33/44 0:10 +10.70++ 1.a4 Lc7 (15.227.479) 1487
 33/50 0:10 +10.38-- 1.a4 Kh4 (16.280.610) 1481
 33/42 0:12 +10.62++ 1.a4 Lc7 (17.660.435) 1469
 33/50 0:12 +10.14-- 1.a4 Kh4 (18.450.966) 1470
 33/50 0:13 +10.56++ 1.a4 Lc7 (20.437.702) 1467
 33/50 0:14 +10.13 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.Dg8+ Kh6 11.Df7 Kg5 12.Dh7 Le5 13.Dg8+ Kf5 14.Dd5 (21.442.882) 1459
 34/51 0:17 +10.29++ 1.a4 Lc7 (25.490.175) 1459
 34/53 0:17 +10.13 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.Dg8+ Kh6 11.Df7 Kg5 12.Dh7 Le5 13.Dg8+ Kf5 14.Dd5 (26.001.258) 1458
 35/54 0:18 +10.29++ 1.a4 Lc7 (27.051.316) 1456
 35/49 0:19 +10.13 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.Dg8+ Kh6 11.Df7 Kg5 12.Dh7 Le5 13.Dg8+ Kf5 14.Dd5 (28.576.764) 1449
 36/58 0:20 +10.29++ 1.a4 Lc7 (29.961.415) 1445
 36/50 0:22 +10.21 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.Dg8+ Kh6 11.Df7 Kg5 12.Dh7 Le5 13.Dg8+ Kf5 14.Dd5 (31.954.739) 1440
 37/60 0:24 +10.28 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.Dg8+ Kh6 11.Df7 Kg5 12.Dh7 Le5 13.Dg8+ Kf5 14.Dd5 (35.271.341) 1435
 38/60 0:31 +10.21 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.Dg8+ Kh6 11.Df7 Kg5 12.Dh7 Le5 13.Dg8+ Kf5 14.Dd5 (44.591.703) 1429
 39/60 0:40 +10.22 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.Dg8+ Kf5 11.Kc2 Ld4 12.Dd5+ Le5 13.Df3+ Kg6 14.De4+ (57.580.231) 1429
 40/70 0:49 +10.22 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.Dg8+ Kf5 11.Kc2 Ld4 12.Dd5+ Le5 13.Df3+ Kg6 14.De4+ (70.873.987) 1423
 41/68 1:16 +10.22 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.Dg8+ Kf5 11.Kc2 Ld4 12.Dd5+ Le5 13.Df3+ Kg6 14.De4+ (102.751.608) 1343
 42/72 1:34 +10.38++ 1.a4 Kf6 (129.739.828) 1367
 42/64 1:38 +10.54++ 1.a4 (136.709.567) 1382
 42/66 1:41 +10.78++ 1.a4 (142.303.715) 1396
 42/58 1:45 +11.14++ 1.a4 (148.100.636) 1409
 42/62 2:00 +11.08 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Kg5 10.Da5+ Kf4 11.Dd5 Le5 12.De6 Ld4 13.Df7+ Ke5 14.Dh5+ (171.165.683) 1416
 43/67 2:40 +11.08 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Dh5 Ld4 12.Dg6 Le5 13.Kc2 Ld4 14.De6 (225.893.205) 1404
 44/69 3:49 +11.08 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Dh5 Ld4 12.Dg6 Le5 13.Kc2 Ld4 14.De6 (311.832.327) 1357
 45/66 5:49 +11.08 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Dh5 Ld4 12.Dg6 Le5 13.Kc2 Ld4 14.De6 (463.962.588) 1329
 46/68 6:29 +11.24++ 1.a4 Kf6 (521.698.108) 1340
 46/73 6:40 +11.40++ 1.a4 (540.767.689) 1348
 46/68 6:53 +11.64++ 1.a4 (561.555.327) 1359
 46/70 7:03 +12.00++ 1.a4 (579.128.801) 1368
 46/69 7:14 +12.54++ 1.a4 (599.121.924) 1378
 46/68 7:35 +13.35++ 1.a4 (631.809.675) 1387
 46/81 10:25 +14.56++ 1.a4 (879.940.652) 1405
 46/82 11:12 +16.37++ 1.a4 (958.476.401) 1424
 46/74 12:04 +19.08++ 1.a4 (1.047.615.613) 1446
 46/76 13:24 +21.12 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Kc2 Le5 12.Db3 Kg5 13.Kd3 Kf5 14.Ke3 (1.181.725.596) 1469
 47/76 14:29 +21.28++ 1.a4 Kf6 (1.292.364.295) 1486
 47/74 15:28 +21.44++ 1.a4 (1.394.854.453) 1502
 47/78 16:24 +21.68++ 1.a4 (1.492.684.169) 1516
 47/76 17:22 +22.04++ 1.a4 (1.595.306.571) 1529
 47/73 18:37 +22.58++ 1.a4 (1.724.803.908) 1543
 47/80 19:52 +23.39++ 1.a4 (1.854.243.300) 1554
 47/81 21:35 +24.60++ 1.a4 (2.031.754.664) 1567
 47/83 25:10 +26.41++ 1.a4 (2.382.802.761) 1577
 47/81 30:42 +29.12++ 1.a4 (2.897.043.261) 1572
 47/110 38:26 +30.80 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Kc2 Le5 12.Db3 Kg5 13.Kd3 Kf5 14.Ke3 (3.631.330.732) 1574
 48/103 45:36 +30.96++ 1.a4 Kf6 (4.365.134.927) 1594
 48/109 78:20 +31.12++ 1.a4 (8.595.333.204) 1828
 48/82 88:45 +30.80 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Kc2 Le5 12.De6 Ld4 13.Kb1 Le5 14.Df7+ (10.157.478.176) 1907
 49/81 88:57 +30.96++ 1.a4 Lf6 (10.179.854.349) 1907
 49/79 89:34 +31.12++ 1.a4 (10.243.913.519) 1906
 49/113 100:41 +31.36++ 1.a4 (11.432.637.848) 1892
 49/86 111:33 +30.82 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Kc2 Le5 12.Db7 Kf5 13.Kd3 Lh8 14.Db3 (12.904.640.369) 1927
 50/96 112:12 +30.98++ 1.a4 Lf6 2.Txh2 (12.972.758.108) 1926
 50/105 112:47 +31.14++ 1.a4 (13.031.430.025) 1925
 50/84 121:13 +30.82 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Kc2 Le5 12.Db7 Kf5 13.Kd3 Lh8 14.Db3 (14.232.483.719) 1956
 51/81 121:23 +30.98++ 1.a4 Lf4 ( 1956
 51/76 121:38 +31.14++ 1.a4 (14.273.912.549) 1955
beste zet: a2-a4  tijd: 300:38.563 min  n/s: 1.955.634   nodes: 14.273.912.549
 28/48 0:02 +28.20-- 1.a4 Kh4 (4.197.038) 1870
 28/42 0:02 +30.02++ 1.a4 (4.203.265) 1869
 28/52 0:03 +27.97 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Db8+ Kf5 11.Db5+ Ke4 12.Db7+ Ke5 13.Kc2 Kd6 14.Db5 (6.857.158) 2001
 29/44 0:03 +28.13++ 1.a4 (6.859.910) 2001
 29/42 0:03 +28.29++ 1.a4 (6.861.361) 2000
 29/42 0:03 +28.53++ 1.a4 (6.862.286) 2001
 29/42 0:03 +28.89++ 1.a4 (6.863.230) 2000
 29/44 0:03 +29.43++ 1.a4 (6.865.825) 2001
 29/39 0:03 +30.24++ 1.a4 (6.868.345) 2001
 29/58 0:06 +27.90 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Dc4+ Kf5 12.Dd3+ Ke6 13.De4+ Kd7 14.Db7+ (13.876.431) 2074
 30/30 0:06 +29.12++ 1.a4 (13.877.189) 2074
 30/30 0:06 +28.41++ 1.a4 (13.877.507) 2074
 30/30 0:06 +29.12++ 1.a4 (13.877.891) 2073
 30/30 0:06 +29.12++ 1.a4 (13.878.270) 2073
 30/35 0:06 +30.15++ 1.a4 (13.878.785) 2073
 30/40 0:06 +30.80++ 1.a4 (13.879.514) 2074
 30/60 0:13 +28.46 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Dc4+ Kf5 12.Db5+ Ke6 13.Da6+ Kf7 14.Dd6 (30.220.278) 2173
 31/40 0:13 +28.71++ 1.a4 (30.221.382) 2173
 31/40 0:13 +29.12++ 1.a4 (30.221.931) 2173
 31/40 0:13 +29.12++ 1.a4 (30.222.442) 2173
 31/42 0:13 +30.65++ 1.a4 (30.223.333) 2173
 31/42 0:13 +30.65++ 1.a4 (30.224.086) 2173
 31/42 0:13 +30.80++ 1.a4 (30.225.135) 2173
 31/62 0:31 +29.38 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Dc4+ Kf5 12.Db3 Kg6 13.Db5 Kf7 14.Kc2 (70.178.027) 2236
 32/44 0:31 +30.65++ 1.a4 (70.179.146) 2236
 32/32 0:31 +29.84++ 1.a4 (70.179.501) 2236
 32/32 0:31 +30.09++ 1.a4 (70.179.906) 2236
 32/38 0:31 +30.65++ 1.a4 (70.180.555) 2236
 32/44 0:31 +30.87++ 1.a4 (70.182.188) 2236
 32/68 1:41 +29.59 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Dc4+ Kf5 12.Db3 Kg6 13.Dd3+ Kf7 14.De4 (231.238.591) 2275
 33/43 1:41 +30.30++ 1.a4 Lf4 (231.242.448) 2275
 33/36 1:41 +30.60++ 1.a4 (231.243.070) 2275
 33/36 1:41 +30.60++ 1.a4 (231.243.627) 2275
 33/42 1:41 +30.60++ 1.a4 (231.244.702) 2275
 33/54 1:41 +31.06++ 1.a4 (231.281.957) 2274
 33/70 7:26 +30.31 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Dc4+ Kf5 12.Db3 Kg6 13.Dd3+ Kf7 14.De4 (1.016.997.422) 2276
 34/40 7:26 +30.65++ 1.a4 Kf6 ( 2276
 34/34 7:26 +30.65++ 1.a4 ( 2276
 34/51 7:26 +30.87++ 1.a4 ( 2276
 34/59 8:12 +31.23++ 1.a4 (1.095.551.074) 2224
 34/72 14:16 +30.61 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Dc4+ Kg5 12.Dc6 Kg6 13.Df3 Kf7 14.Dd5+ (1.921.579.397) 2242
 35/50 14:16 +30.80++ 1.a4 Kf6 (1.921.590.636) 2242
 35/55 14:16 +30.93++ 1.a4 (1.921.604.019) 2242
 35/56 14:36 +31.17++ 1.a4 (1.955.304.110) 2229
 35/70 33:43 +30.45-- 1.a4 Kh4 (4.580.271.832) 2263
 35/43 33:43 +31.01++ 1.a4 Kf6 (4.580.285.063) 2263
 35/70 36:02 +29.91-- 1.a4 Kh4 (4.902.354.428) 2266
 35/46 36:02 +30.96++ 1.a4 Kf6 (4.902.369.246) 2266
 35/72 39:31 +30.80 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Df7 Kg5 12.Da7 Kg6 13.Db7 Kg5 14.Db5+ (5.384.639.526) 2270
 36/55 39:31 +30.96++ 1.a4 Kf6 (5.384.706.142) 2270
 36/52 39:31 +31.12++ 1.a4 (5.384.749.018) 2270
 36/62 40:06 +31.36++ 1.a4 (5.442.817.591) 2262
 36/73 77:33 +30.64-- 1.a4 Kh4 (10.772.725.170) 2315
 36/52 77:43 +31.18++ 1.a4 Kf6 (10.791.101.506) 2313
 36/70 79:52 +30.80 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.De6 Kg5 12.Kc2 Lg7 13.Dd5+ Kg6 14.Dg2+ ( 2311
 37/52 79:52 +30.96++ 1.a4 Kf6 ( 2311
 37/52 79:52 +31.12++ 1.a4 ( 2311
 37/63 80:10 +31.36++ 1.a4 (11.109.494.973) 2309
 37/71 93:47 +30.66 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.De6 Kg5 12.De2 Kh6 13.Db5 Kg6 14.Kc2 (13.041.337.712) 2317
 38/49 93:48 +30.82++ 1.a4 Kf6 (13.041.448.408) 2317
 38/57 93:48 +30.98++ 1.a4 (13.041.536.652) 2317
 38/56 93:59 +31.22++ 1.a4 (13.062.413.683) 2316
 38/76 126:52 +30.91 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Dc4+ Kg5 12.Dc6 Le5 13.Df3 Lf6 14.Kc2 (17.734.471.792) 2329
 39/50 126:53 +31.07++ 1.a4 Kf6 (17.734.552.993) 2329
 39/52 127:05 +31.23++ 1.a4 (17.756.750.940) 2328
 39/64 127:17 +30.87 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Dc4+ Kg5 12.Dc6 Le5 13.Df3 Lf6 14.Kc2 (17.785.197.497) 2328
 40/50 127:17 +31.03++ 1.a4 Lf6 2.Txh2 (17.785.246.079) 2328
 40/77 127:28 +31.19++ 1.a4 (17.804.573.810) 2327
beste zet: a2-a4  tijd: 246:19.781 min  n/s: 2.327.935   nodes: 17.804.573.810
UCI debug mode is now on
### 1.: to Rebel 16 (0): debug on

### 2.: to Rebel 16 (0): position fen 8/8/8/4b1k1/8/5P2/Pp5p/1K5R w - -

### 3.: to Rebel 16 (0): go wtime 300000 btime 300000

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 1 seldepth 3 time 189 score cp 57 nodes 4 nps 21 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 2 seldepth 3 time 223 score cp 57 nodes 29 nps 130 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 3 seldepth 5 time 237 score cp -42 nodes 62 nps 261 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 a4a5 h4g3

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 3 seldepth 5 time 269 score cp -22 nodes 84 nps 312 tbhits 0 pv f3f4 e5f4 a2a4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 4 seldepth 4 time 323 score cp -6 lowerbound  nodes 130 nps 402 tbhits 0 pv f3f4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 4 seldepth 4 time 324 score cp 10 lowerbound  nodes 145 nps 447 tbhits 0 pv f3f4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 4 seldepth 4 time 324 score cp 34 lowerbound  nodes 160 nps 493 tbhits 0 pv f3f4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 4 seldepth 5 time 332 score cp 35 nodes 185 nps 557 tbhits 0 pv f3f4 e5f4 a2a4 g5h4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 5 seldepth 5 time 341 score cp 5 upperbound  nodes 229 nps 671 tbhits 0 pv f3f4 e5f4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 5 seldepth 7 time 460 score cp 24 nodes 404 nps 878 tbhits 0 pv h1h2 e5h2 b1b2 g5f4 b2c2 f4f3

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 9 time 489 score cp 8 upperbound  nodes 500 nps 1022 tbhits 0 pv h1h2 e5h2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 10 time 552 score cp 54 lowerbound  nodes 710 nps 1286 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 10 time 552 score cp 110 lowerbound  nodes 769 nps 1393 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 10 time 553 score cp 110 lowerbound  nodes 828 nps 1497 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 11 time 571 score cp 134 lowerbound  nodes 905 nps 1584 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 8 time 597 score cp 138 nodes 959 nps 1606 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 b1c2 e5b8 c2b2 h4h3

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 7 seldepth 10 time 630 score cp 3114 lowerbound  nodes 1103 nps 1750 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 7 seldepth 7 time 642 score cp 122 upperbound  nodes 1131 nps 1761 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 7 seldepth 7 time 673 score cp 98 upperbound  nodes 1269 nps 1885 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 7 seldepth 7 time 704 score cp 62 upperbound  nodes 1490 nps 2116 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 7 seldepth 10 time 713 score cp 92 lowerbound  nodes 1769 nps 2481 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 7 seldepth 13 time 723 score cp 119 nodes 1879 nps 2598 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 b1c2 e5b8 c2b2 b8c7 a4a5

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 8 seldepth 14 time 1007 score cp 3114 lowerbound  nodes 2589 nps 2571 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 8 seldepth 10 time 1010 score cp 122 nodes 2713 nps 2686 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 b1c2 e5b8 a4a5 h4h3 c2b2 b8f4 a5a6

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 9 seldepth 11 time 1016 score cp 3114 lowerbound  nodes 3033 nps 2985 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 9 seldepth 10 time 1039 score cp 124 nodes 3194 nps 3074 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 b1c2 e5b8 a4a5 h4h3 c2b2 h3g2 h1h2 g2h2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 10 seldepth 12 time 1068 score cp 140 lowerbound  nodes 3511 nps 3287 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 10 seldepth 11 time 1086 score cp 124 nodes 3751 nps 3453 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 b1c2 e5b8 a4a5 h4h3 c2b2 h3g2 h1h2 g2h2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 11 seldepth 17 time 1343 score cp 140 lowerbound  nodes 4667 nps 3475 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 11 seldepth 12 time 1420 score cp 156 lowerbound  nodes 5178 nps 3646 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 11/12 0:01 +1.56++ 1.a4 (5.178) 3
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 11 seldepth 15 time 1463 score cp 180 lowerbound  nodes 5844 nps 3994 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 11/15 0:01 +1.80++ 1.a4 (5.844) 3
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 11 seldepth 15 time 1694 score cp 3114 lowerbound  nodes 7029 nps 4149 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 11/15 0:01 +31.14++ 1.a4 (7.029) 4
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 11 seldepth 15 time 1725 score cp 312 lowerbound  nodes 7151 nps 4145 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 11/15 0:01 +3.12++ 1.a4 (7.151) 4
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 11 seldepth 16 time 1726 score cp 392 lowerbound  nodes 7279 nps 4217 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 11/16 0:01 +3.92++ 1.a4 (7.279) 4
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 11 seldepth 16 time 1744 score cp 392 nodes 7505 nps 4303 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 a4a5 h4g3 a5a6 e5d4 f3f4 g3g2 h1h2 g2h2 f4f5 h2g3 f5f6 d4f6 a6a7

 11/16 0:01 +3.92 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 (7.505) 4
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 12 seldepth 18 time 1776 score cp 1202 lowerbound  nodes 7821 nps 4403 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 12/18 0:01 +12.02++ 1.a4 (7.821) 4
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 12 seldepth 17 time 1776 score cp 564 lowerbound  nodes 7960 nps 4481 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 12/17 0:01 +5.64++ 1.a4 (7.960) 4
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 12 seldepth 17 time 1776 score cp 564 lowerbound  nodes 8101 nps 4561 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 12/17 0:01 +5.64++ 1.a4 (8.101) 4
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 12 seldepth 17 time 1777 score cp 564 lowerbound  nodes 8246 nps 4640 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 12/17 0:01 +5.64++ 1.a4 (8.246) 4
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 12 seldepth 17 time 1777 score cp 564 lowerbound  nodes 8391 nps 4722 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 12/17 0:01 +5.64++ 1.a4 (8.391) 4
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 12 seldepth 17 time 1777 score cp 644 lowerbound  nodes 8536 nps 4803 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 12/17 0:01 +6.44++ 1.a4 (8.536) 4
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 12 seldepth 17 time 1787 score cp 644 nodes 8783 nps 4914 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 a4a5 h4g3 a5a6 e5d4 f3f4 g3g2 h1h2 g2h2 f4f5 h2g3 f5f6 d4f6 a6a7 g3f4 a7a8q

 12/17 0:01 +6.44 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D (8.783) 4
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 13 seldepth 20 time 1804 score cp 934 lowerbound  nodes 9052 nps 5017 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 13/20 0:01 +9.34++ 1.a4 (9.052) 5
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 13 seldepth 18 time 1804 score cp 1202 lowerbound  nodes 9206 nps 5103 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 13/18 0:01 +12.02++ 1.a4 (9.206) 5
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 13 seldepth 18 time 1804 score cp 1202 lowerbound  nodes 9360 nps 5188 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 13/18 0:01 +12.02++ 1.a4 (9.360) 5
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 13 seldepth 18 time 1804 score cp 1202 lowerbound  nodes 9514 nps 5273 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 13/18 0:01 +12.02++ 1.a4 (9.514) 5
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 13 seldepth 18 time 1804 score cp 1202 lowerbound  nodes 9668 nps 5359 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 13/18 0:01 +12.02++ 1.a4 (9.668) 5
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 13 seldepth 18 time 1804 score cp 1202 lowerbound  nodes 9822 nps 5444 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 13/18 0:01 +12.02++ 1.a4 (9.822) 5
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 13 seldepth 18 time 1804 score cp 1202 lowerbound  nodes 9976 nps 5529 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 13/18 0:01 +12.02++ 1.a4 (9.976) 5
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 13 seldepth 18 time 1804 score cp 1202 lowerbound  nodes 10130 nps 5615 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 13/18 0:01 +12.02++ 1.a4 (10.130) 5
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 13 seldepth 19 time 1811 score cp 1202 nodes 10368 nps 5725 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 a4a5 h4g3 a5a6 e5d4 f3f4 g3g2 h1h2 g2h2 f4f5 h2g3 f5f6 d4f6 a6a7 g3f4 a7a8q f6d4

 13/19 0:01 +12.02 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 (10.368) 5
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 14 seldepth 27 time 1844 score cp 3081 lowerbound  nodes 10654 nps 5777 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 14/27 0:01 +30.81++ 1.a4 (10.654) 5
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 14 seldepth 21 time 1857 score cp 1186 upperbound  nodes 10838 nps 5836 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

 14/21 0:01 +11.86-- 1.a4 Kh4 (10.838) 5
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 14 seldepth 15 time 1857 score cp 1162 upperbound  nodes 10959 nps 5901 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

 14/15 0:01 +11.62-- 1.a4 Kh4 (10.959) 5
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 14 seldepth 14 time 1890 score cp 1126 upperbound  nodes 11163 nps 5906 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

 14/14 0:01 +11.26-- 1.a4 Kh4 (11.163) 5
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 14 seldepth 17 time 1905 score cp 1072 upperbound  nodes 11424 nps 5996 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

 14/17 0:01 +10.72-- 1.a4 Kh4 (11.424) 5
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 14 seldepth 15 time 1905 score cp 991 upperbound  nodes 11567 nps 6071 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

 14/15 0:01 +9.91-- 1.a4 Kh4 (11.567) 6
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 14 seldepth 15 time 1906 score cp 870 upperbound  nodes 11712 nps 6144 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

 14/15 0:01 +8.70-- 1.a4 Kh4 (11.712) 6
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 14 seldepth 15 time 1907 score cp 689 upperbound  nodes 11862 nps 6220 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

 14/15 0:01 +6.89-- 1.a4 Kh4 (11.862) 6
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 14 seldepth 15 time 1907 score cp 418 upperbound  nodes 12032 nps 6309 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

 14/15 0:01 +4.18-- 1.a4 Kh4 (12.032) 6
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 14 seldepth 18 time 1925 score cp 644 lowerbound  nodes 12282 nps 6380 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 14/18 0:01 +6.44++ 1.a4 (12.282) 6
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 14 seldepth 21 time 1934 score cp 1125 nodes 12601 nps 6515 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 a4a5 h4g3 a5a6 e5d4 f3f4 g3g2 h1h2 g2h2 f4f5 h2g3 f5f6 d4f6 a6a7 g3f4 a7a8q f6d4 a8b8 f4e4

 14/21 0:01 +11.25 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Db8+ Ke4 (12.601) 6
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 15 seldepth 27 time 1953 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 12866 nps 6587 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 15/27 0:01 +25.60++ 1.a4 (12.866) 6
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 15 seldepth 24 time 1956 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 13078 nps 6686 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 15/24 0:01 +25.60++ 1.a4 (13.078) 6
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 15 seldepth 22 time 1956 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 13285 nps 6791 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 15/22 0:01 +25.60++ 1.a4 (13.285) 6
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 15 seldepth 22 time 1956 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 13492 nps 6897 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 15/22 0:01 +25.60++ 1.a4 (13.492) 6
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 15 seldepth 22 time 1956 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 13699 nps 7003 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 15/22 0:01 +25.60++ 1.a4 (13.699) 7
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 15 seldepth 22 time 1957 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 13906 nps 7105 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 15/22 0:01 +25.60++ 1.a4 (13.906) 7
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 15 seldepth 22 time 1957 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 14113 nps 7211 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 15/22 0:01 +25.60++ 1.a4 (14.113) 7
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 15 seldepth 22 time 1957 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 14320 nps 7317 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 15/22 0:01 +25.60++ 1.a4 (14.320) 7
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 15 seldepth 22 time 1957 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 14527 nps 7423 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 15/22 0:01 +25.60++ 1.a4 (14.527) 7
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 15 seldepth 28 time 1992 score cp 1109 upperbound  nodes 14954 nps 7507 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

 15/28 0:01 +11.09-- 1.a4 Kh4 (14.954) 7
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 15 seldepth 17 time 2004 score cp 644 nodes 15227 nps 7598 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 a4a5 h4g3 a5a6 e5d4 f3f4 g3g2 h1h2 g2h2 f4f5 h2g3 f5f6 d4f6 a6a7 g3f4 a7a8q

 15/17 0:02 +6.44 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D (15.227) 7
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 16 seldepth 21 time 2004 score cp 816 lowerbound  nodes 15498 nps 7733 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 16/21 0:02 +8.16++ 1.a4 (15.498) 7
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 16 seldepth 24 time 2005 score cp 977 lowerbound  nodes 15724 nps 7842 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 16/24 0:02 +9.77++ 1.a4 (15.724) 7
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 16 seldepth 24 time 2005 score cp 977 lowerbound  nodes 15950 nps 7955 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 16/24 0:02 +9.77++ 1.a4 (15.950) 7
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 16 seldepth 24 time 2005 score cp 977 lowerbound  nodes 16176 nps 8067 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 16/24 0:02 +9.77++ 1.a4 (16.176) 8
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 16 seldepth 24 time 2005 score cp 977 lowerbound  nodes 16402 nps 8180 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 16/24 0:02 +9.77++ 1.a4 (16.402) 8
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 16 seldepth 24 time 2005 score cp 977 lowerbound  nodes 16628 nps 8293 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 16/24 0:02 +9.77++ 1.a4 (16.628) 8
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 16 seldepth 25 time 2005 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 16861 nps 8409 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 16/25 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (16.861) 8
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 16 seldepth 25 time 2007 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 17086 nps 8513 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 16/25 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (17.086) 8
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 16 seldepth 25 time 2007 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 17311 nps 8625 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 16/25 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (17.311) 8
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 16 seldepth 32 time 2228 score cp 1159 nodes 19176 nps 8606 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 a4a5 h4g3 a5a6 e5d4 f3f4 g3g2 h1h2 g2h2 f4f5 h2g3 f5f6 d4f6 a6a7 g3f4 a7a8q f6d4 a8d5 d4f6 d5d1 f...
 16/32 0:02 +11.59 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Dd1 Ke4 12.Dh5 Le5 (19.176) 8
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 17 seldepth 30 time 2273 score cp 2558 lowerbound  nodes 19655 nps 8647 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 17/30 0:02 +25.58++ 1.a4 (19.655) 8
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 17 seldepth 26 time 2274 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 19920 nps 8759 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 17/26 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (19.920) 8
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 17 seldepth 26 time 2274 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 20185 nps 8876 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 17/26 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (20.185) 8
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 17 seldepth 26 time 2274 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 20448 nps 8992 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 17/26 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (20.448) 8
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 17 seldepth 26 time 2274 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 20711 nps 9107 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 17/26 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (20.711) 9
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 17 seldepth 26 time 2274 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 20976 nps 9224 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 17/26 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (20.976) 9
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 17 seldepth 26 time 2275 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 21247 nps 9339 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 17/26 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (21.247) 9
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 17 seldepth 26 time 2275 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 21510 nps 9454 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 17/26 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (21.510) 9
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 17 seldepth 26 time 2275 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 21773 nps 9570 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 17/26 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (21.773) 9
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 17 seldepth 34 time 2738 score cp 1143 upperbound  nodes 29730 nps 10858 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

 17/34 0:02 +11.43-- 1.a4 Kh4 (29.730) 10
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 17 seldepth 24 time 2739 score cp 1125 nodes 30107 nps 10991 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 a4a5 h4g3 a5a6 e5d4 f3f4 g3g2 h1h2 g2h2 f4f5 h2g3 f5f6 d4f6 a6a7 g3f4 a7a8q f6d4 a8b8 f4e4

 17/24 0:02 +11.25 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Db8+ Ke4 (30.107) 10
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 18 seldepth 28 time 2741 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 30490 nps 11123 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 18/28 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (30.490) 11
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 18 seldepth 32 time 2749 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 30785 nps 11198 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 18/32 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (30.785) 11
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 18 seldepth 32 time 2749 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 31079 nps 11305 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 18/32 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (31.079) 11
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 18 seldepth 32 time 2749 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 31373 nps 11412 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 18/32 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (31.373) 11
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 18 seldepth 32 time 2750 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 31667 nps 11515 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 18/32 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (31.667) 11
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 18 seldepth 30 time 2750 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 31951 nps 11618 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 18/30 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (31.951) 11
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 18 seldepth 30 time 2750 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 32234 nps 11721 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 18/30 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (32.234) 11
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 18 seldepth 30 time 2750 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 32517 nps 11824 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 18/30 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (32.517) 11
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 18 seldepth 30 time 2750 score cp 2560 lowerbound  nodes 32800 nps 11927 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 18/30 0:02 +25.60++ 1.a4 (32.800) 11
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 18 seldepth 34 time 3135 score cp 1176 nodes 46022 nps 14680 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 a4a5 h4g3 a5a6 e5d4 f3f4 g3g2 h1h2 g2h2 f4f5 h2g3 f5f6 d4f6 a6a7 g3f4 a7a8q f6d4 a8h1 f4e3 h1d5 ...
 18/34 0:03 +11.76 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dh1 Ke3 11.Dd5 Kd3 12.Df5+ Kc4 13.Kc2 Kb4 (46.022) 14
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 19 seldepth 31 time 3179 score cp 1198 lowerbound  nodes 46564 nps 14647 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 19/31 0:03 +11.98++ 1.a4 (46.564) 14
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 19 seldepth 30 time 3180 score cp 2651 lowerbound  nodes 46858 nps 14735 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 19/30 0:03 +26.51++ 1.a4 (46.858) 14
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 19 seldepth 22 time 3180 score cp 2615 lowerbound  nodes 47112 nps 14815 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 19/22 0:03 +26.15++ 1.a4 (47.112) 14
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 19 seldepth 22 time 3181 score cp 2615 lowerbound  nodes 47366 nps 14890 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 19/22 0:03 +26.15++ 1.a4 (47.366) 14
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 19 seldepth 22 time 3181 score cp 2615 lowerbound  nodes 47620 nps 14970 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 19/22 0:03 +26.15++ 1.a4 (47.620) 14
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 19 seldepth 22 time 3181 score cp 2615 lowerbound  nodes 47874 nps 15049 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 19/22 0:03 +26.15++ 1.a4 (47.874) 15
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 19 seldepth 22 time 3181 score cp 2615 lowerbound  nodes 48128 nps 15129 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 19/22 0:03 +26.15++ 1.a4 (48.128) 15
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 19 seldepth 22 time 3181 score cp 2615 lowerbound  nodes 48382 nps 15209 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 19/22 0:03 +26.15++ 1.a4 (48.382) 15
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 19 seldepth 22 time 3181 score cp 2615 lowerbound  nodes 48636 nps 15289 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 19/22 0:03 +26.15++ 1.a4 (48.636) 15
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 19 seldepth 36 time 3838 score cp 1352 nodes 73782 nps 19224 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 a4a5 h4g3 a5a6 e5d4 f3f4 g3g2 h1h2 g2h2 f4f5 h2g3 f5f6 d4f6 a6a7 g3f4 a7a8q f6d4 a8d5 d4f6 d5d1 ...
 19/36 0:03 +13.52 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Dd1 Ke4 12.Dg4+ Ke5 13.Kxb2 Kd5+ 14.Kc2 (73.782) 19
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 20 seldepth 31 time 3844 score cp 1456 lowerbound  nodes 74192 nps 19300 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 20/31 0:03 +14.56++ 1.a4 (74.192) 19
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 20 seldepth 23 time 3844 score cp 1415 lowerbound  nodes 74457 nps 19369 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 20/23 0:03 +14.15++ 1.a4 (74.457) 19
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 20 seldepth 23 time 3845 score cp 1415 lowerbound  nodes 74716 nps 19431 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 20/23 0:03 +14.15++ 1.a4 (74.716) 19
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 20 seldepth 27 time 3845 score cp 3045 lowerbound  nodes 75027 nps 19512 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 20/27 0:03 +30.45++ 1.a4 (75.027) 19
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 20 seldepth 31 time 3847 score cp 1621 lowerbound  nodes 75347 nps 19585 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 20/31 0:03 +16.21++ 1.a4 (75.347) 19
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 20 seldepth 23 time 3847 score cp 1580 lowerbound  nodes 75609 nps 19654 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 20/23 0:03 +15.80++ 1.a4 (75.609) 19
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 20 seldepth 31 time 3854 score cp 3045 lowerbound  nodes 75953 nps 19707 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 20/31 0:03 +30.45++ 1.a4 (75.953) 19
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 20 seldepth 34 time 3867 score cp 2641 lowerbound  nodes 76331 nps 19739 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 20/34 0:03 +26.41++ 1.a4 (76.331) 19
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 20 seldepth 32 time 3867 score cp 2641 lowerbound  nodes 76692 nps 19832 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 20/32 0:03 +26.41++ 1.a4 (76.692) 19
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 20 seldepth 42 time 4335 score cp 1665 nodes 99098 nps 22859 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 a4a5 h4g3 a5a6 e5d4 f3f4 g3g2 h1h2 g2h2 f4f5 h2g3 f5f6 d4f6 a6a7 g3f4 a7a8q f6d4 a8d5 d4f6 d5d1 ...
 20/42 0:04 +16.65 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Dd1 Ke4 12.Dg4+ Ke5 13.Dd7 Lg5 14.Kxb2 (99.098) 22
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 21 seldepth 36 time 4360 score cp 2085 lowerbound  nodes 99647 nps 22854 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 21/36 0:04 +20.85++ 1.a4 (99.647) 22
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 21 seldepth 25 time 4360 score cp 2044 lowerbound  nodes 99947 nps 22923 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 21/25 0:04 +20.44++ 1.a4 (99.947) 22
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 21 seldepth 25 time 4360 score cp 2044 lowerbound  nodes 100249 nps 22992 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 21/25 0:04 +20.44++ 1.a4 (100.249) 22
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 21 seldepth 25 time 4360 score cp 2044 lowerbound  nodes 100551 nps 23062 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 21/25 0:04 +20.44++ 1.a4 (100.551) 23
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 21 seldepth 25 time 4360 score cp 2044 lowerbound  nodes 100853 nps 23131 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 21/25 0:04 +20.44++ 1.a4 (100.853) 23
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 21 seldepth 25 time 4360 score cp 2044 lowerbound  nodes 101155 nps 23200 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 21/25 0:04 +20.44++ 1.a4 (101.155) 23
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 21 seldepth 25 time 4361 score cp 2044 lowerbound  nodes 101457 nps 23264 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 21/25 0:04 +20.44++ 1.a4 (101.457) 23
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 21 seldepth 34 time 4363 score cp 2641 lowerbound  nodes 101838 nps 23341 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 21/34 0:04 +26.41++ 1.a4 (101.838) 23
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 21 seldepth 28 time 4363 score cp 2610 lowerbound  nodes 102190 nps 23421 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 21/28 0:04 +26.10++ 1.a4 (102.190) 23
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 21 seldepth 42 time 5191 score cp 1649 upperbound  nodes 166329 nps 32041 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

 21/42 0:05 +16.49-- 1.a4 Kh4 (166.329) 32
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 21 seldepth 42 time 5790 score cp 1342 nodes 264573 nps 45694 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 a4a5 h4g3 a5a6 e5d4 f3f4 g3g2 h1h2 g2h2 f4f5 h2g3 f5f6 d4f6 a6a7 g3f4 a7a8q f6d4 a8d5 d4f6 d5d1...
 21/42 0:05 +13.42 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dd5 Lf6 11.Dd1 Ke4 12.Dg4+ Ke5 13.Dd7 Lg5 14.Kxb2 (264.573) 45
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 22 seldepth 34 time 5804 score cp 1652 lowerbound  nodes 265093 nps 45674 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 22/34 0:05 +16.52++ 1.a4 (265.093) 45
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 22 seldepth 24 time 5804 score cp 1601 lowerbound  nodes 265364 nps 45720 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 22/24 0:05 +16.01++ 1.a4 (265.364) 45
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 22 seldepth 24 time 5804 score cp 1601 lowerbound  nodes 265635 nps 45767 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 22/24 0:05 +16.01++ 1.a4 (265.635) 45
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 22 seldepth 24 time 5804 score cp 1601 lowerbound  nodes 265906 nps 45814 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 22/24 0:05 +16.01++ 1.a4 (265.906) 45
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 22 seldepth 24 time 5804 score cp 1601 lowerbound  nodes 266177 nps 45860 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 22/24 0:05 +16.01++ 1.a4 (266.177) 45
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 22 seldepth 24 time 5804 score cp 1601 lowerbound  nodes 266448 nps 45907 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 22/24 0:05 +16.01++ 1.a4 (266.448) 45
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 22 seldepth 36 time 5807 score cp 3040 lowerbound  nodes 266880 nps 45958 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 22/36 0:05 +30.40++ 1.a4 (266.880) 45
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 22 seldepth 28 time 5808 score cp 3040 lowerbound  nodes 267246 nps 46013 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 22/28 0:05 +30.40++ 1.a4 (267.246) 46
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 22 seldepth 28 time 5808 score cp 3040 lowerbound  nodes 267612 nps 46076 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 22/28 0:05 +30.40++ 1.a4 (267.612) 46
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 22 seldepth 44 time 6971 score cp 2324 nodes 417558 nps 59899 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 a4a5 h4g3 a5a6 e5d4 f3f4 g3g2 h1h2 g2h2 f4f5 h2g3 f5f6 d4f6 a6a7 g3f4 a7a8q f6d4 a8g2 f4e3 g2g6...
 22/44 0:06 +23.24 1.a4 Kh4 2.a5 Kg3 3.a6 Ld4 4.f4 Kg2 5.Txh2+ Kxh2 6.f5 Kg3 7.f6 Lxf6 8.a7 Kf4 9.a8D Ld4 10.Dg2 Ke3 11.Dg6 Kf2 12.De4 Lg7 13.Dd5 Ke3 14.Dg5+ (417.558) 59
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 23 seldepth 36 time 6996 score cp 2340 lowerbound  nodes 418510 nps 59821 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 23/36 0:06 +23.40++ 1.a4 (418.510) 59
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 23 seldepth 34 time 6996 score cp 2356 lowerbound  nodes 418981 nps 59888 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 23/34 0:06 +23.56++ 1.a4 (418.981) 59
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 23 seldepth 34 time 6998 score cp 2380 lowerbound  nodes 419479 nps 59942 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 23/34 0:06 +23.80++ 1.a4 (419.479) 59
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 23 seldepth 34 time 6998 score cp 2416 lowerbound  nodes 419952 nps 60010 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 23/34 0:06 +24.16++ 1.a4 (419.952) 60
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 23 seldepth 34 time 6999 score cp 2470 lowerbound  nodes 420425 nps 60069 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 23/34 0:06 +24.70++ 1.a4 (420.425) 60
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 23 seldepth 34 time 6999 score cp 2551 lowerbound  nodes 420898 nps 60136 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 23/34 0:06 +25.51++ 1.a4 (420.898) 60
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 23 seldepth 28 time 7004 score cp 2672 lowerbound  nodes 421304 nps 60151 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 23/28 0:07 +26.72++ 1.a4 (421.304) 60
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 23 seldepth 34 time 7005 score cp 2853 lowerbound  nodes 421775 nps 60210 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

 23/34 0:07 +28.53++ 1.a4 (421.775) 60
### from Rebel 16 (0): bestmove a2a4

beste zet: a2-a4  tijd: 0:07.531 min  n/s: 60.210   nodes: 421.775
### 4.: to Rebel 16 (0): position fen 8/8/8/4b1k1/8/5P2/Pp5p/1K5R w - - moves a2a4

### 5.: to Rebel 16 (0): go wtime 292203 btime 300000

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 1 seldepth 3 time 6 score cp 57 nodes 4 nps 666 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

### illegal pv move a2a4 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 2 seldepth 3 time 6 score cp 57 nodes 29 nps 4833 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

### illegal pv move a2a4 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 3 seldepth 5 time 6 score cp -42 nodes 62 nps 10333 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 a4a5 h4g3

### illegal pv move a2a4 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 3 seldepth 5 time 6 score cp -22 nodes 84 nps 14000 tbhits 0 pv f3f4 e5f4 a2a4

### illegal position after pv move f3f4!
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 4 seldepth 4 time 6 score cp -6 lowerbound  nodes 130 nps 21666 tbhits 0 pv f3f4

### illegal position after pv move f3f4!
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 4 seldepth 4 time 6 score cp 10 lowerbound  nodes 145 nps 24166 tbhits 0 pv f3f4

### illegal position after pv move f3f4!
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 4 seldepth 4 time 6 score cp 34 lowerbound  nodes 160 nps 26666 tbhits 0 pv f3f4

### illegal position after pv move f3f4!
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 4 seldepth 5 time 7 score cp 37 nodes 183 nps 26142 tbhits 0 pv f3f4 e5f4 b1b2 g5h4

### illegal position after pv move f3f4!
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 5 seldepth 5 time 7 score cp 5 upperbound  nodes 227 nps 32428 tbhits 0 pv f3f4 e5f4

### illegal position after pv move f3f4!
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 5 seldepth 7 time 8 score cp 24 nodes 379 nps 47375 tbhits 0 pv h1h2 e5h2 b1b2 g5f4 b2c2 f4f3

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 9 time 8 score cp 8 upperbound  nodes 475 nps 59375 tbhits 0 pv h1h2 e5h2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 10 time 8 score cp 114 lowerbound  nodes 646 nps 80750 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

### illegal pv move a2a4 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 10 time 8 score cp 114 lowerbound  nodes 691 nps 86375 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

### illegal pv move a2a4 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 10 time 8 score cp 114 lowerbound  nodes 736 nps 92000 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

### illegal pv move a2a4 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 11 time 8 score cp 130 lowerbound  nodes 788 nps 98500 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

### illegal pv move a2a4 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 13 time 9 score cp 192 lowerbound  nodes 868 nps 96444 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

### illegal pv move a2a4 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 13 time 9 score cp 59 nodes 944 nps 104888 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4 b1c2 e5f4 a4a5

### illegal pv move a2a4 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 7 seldepth 10 time 9 score cp 75 lowerbound  nodes 1028 nps 114222 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

### illegal pv move a2a4 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 7 seldepth 7 time 9 score cp 91 lowerbound  nodes 1076 nps 119555 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

Here it seems to go wrong:

23/28 0:07 +26.72++ 1.a4 (421.304) 60
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 23 seldepth 34 time 7005 score cp 2853 lowerbound  nodes 421775 nps 60210 tbhits 0 pv a2a4

23/34 0:07 +28.53++ 1.a4 (421.775) 60
### from Rebel 16 (0): bestmove a2a4

beste zet: a2-a4  tijd: 0:07.531 min  n/s: 60.210   nodes: 421.775
### 4.: to Rebel 16 (0): position fen 8/8/8/4b1k1/8/5P2/Pp5p/1K5R w - - moves a2a4

### 5.: to Rebel 16 (0): go wtime 292203 btime 300000

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 1 seldepth 3 time 6 score cp 57 nodes 4 nps 666 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

### illegal pv move a2a4 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 2 seldepth 3 time 6 score cp 57 nodes 29 nps 4833 tbhits 0 pv a2a4 g5h4

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Location : Netherlands

### illegal pv move a2a4 sent Empty
PostSubject: Re: ### illegal pv move a2a4 sent   ### illegal pv move a2a4 sent EmptyThu Dec 08, 2022 11:21 am

In Arena self-play all goes well. And it starts with black to move (not white) as the fen states. Click on square b8 to view the fen.

It's an odd fen anyway - 8/8/8/4b1k1/P7/5P2/1p5p/1K5R b - a3 0 1

pawn on a2 has not moved, there can be no EP square.

And maybe that's the whole problem.
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Join date : 2021-10-08

### illegal pv move a2a4 sent Empty
PostSubject: Re: ### illegal pv move a2a4 sent   ### illegal pv move a2a4 sent EmptyThu Dec 08, 2022 12:26 pm

Hi Ed,

I tried to let Rebel 16 play out a game from the starting position and that seems to go well, indeed. So that's great.

[pgn][Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2022.12.08"]
[Round "?"]
[White "?"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]

1. d4 {Boek 0s} Nf6 {Boek 0s} 2. c4 {Boek 0s} e6 {Boek 0s}
3. Nc3 {Boek 0s} d5 {Boek 0s} 4. cxd5 {Boek 0s} exd5
{+0.46/23 4s} 5. Bg5 {Boek 0s} c6 {Boek 0s} 6. e3 {Boek 0s}
h6 {Boek 0s} 7. Bh4 {Boek 0s} Be7 {Boek 0s} 8. Bd3
{+0.54/21 5s} Be6 {Boek 0s} 9. Qc2 {Boek 0s} Nh5 {Boek 0s}
10. Bxe7 {+1.09/21 4s} Qxe7 {Boek 0s} 11. Nf3 {+1.18/22
10s} O-O {+1.11/21 5s} 12. h3 {+1.03/20 9s} Nf6 {+1.09/21
11s} 13. O-O {+0.95/21 9s} Nbd7 {+0.93/21 5s} 14. Ne2
{+1.05/20 3s} Ne8 {+0.92/22 7s} 15. Ne5 {+0.91/22 7s} Nd6
{+0.75/20 3s} 16. Rae1 {+1.07/22 9s} Rad8 {+0.96/21 10s}
17. f4 {+0.64/23 3s} Nf6 {+0.59/22 6s} 18. f5 {+0.40/23 9s}
Bd7 {+0.80/23 4s} 19. Ng3 {+0.44/23 4s} Rc8 {+0.31/22 8s}
20. Qe2 {+0.14/21 3s} c5 {+0.64/22 4s} 21. Nh5 {+0.40/21
3s} Nxh5 {+0.41/23 8s} 22. Qxh5 {+0.36/23 3s} f6 {+0.24/24
5s} 23. Ng6 {+0.55/23 3s} Qf7 {+0.36/25 2s} 24. dxc5
{+0.44/24 2s} Rxc5 {+0.25/24 2s} 25. Qf3 {+0.23/24 3s} Re8
{+0.59/23 5s} 26. Qf4 {+0.48/24 2s} Rc6 {+0.32/24 6s}
27. Rd1 {+0.31/21 6s} Ne4 {+0.76/22 3s} 28. Bxe4 {+0.51/24
2s} Rxe4 {+0.73/22 2s} 29. Qb8+ {+0.37/23 2s} Bc8 {+0.47/24
3s} 30. Qxa7 {+0.25/23 4s} Kh7 {+0.45/24 5s} 31. Qa3
{+0.34/22 2s} Qe8 {+0.21/23 4s} 32. Qf8 {+0.15/22 3s} Bxf5
{+0.12/21 2s} 33. Qxe8 {0.00/23 2s} Rxe8 {0.00/24 2s}
34. Rxf5 {0.00/24 2s} Kxg6 {+0.16/24 2s} 35. Rfxd5 {0.00/24
2s} Rxe3 {0.00/24 2s} 36. Rd7 {0.00/24 4s} Rc2 {+0.09/22
4s} 37. R1d2 {0.00/24 2s} Rxd2 {0.00/25 3s} 38. Rxd2
{0.00/25 2s} Re6 {0.00/25 4s} 39. Kf2 {0.00/25 2s} f5
{0.00/24 3s} 40. Kf3 {0.00/25 4s} Kf6 {0.00/25 3s} 41. Rd7
{0.00/26 4s} Rb6 {0.00/25 1s} 42. b3 {0.00/25 2s} g5
{0.00/24 1s} 43. g3 {-0.16/24 3s} Rc6 {0.00/25 1s} 44. Rxb7
{0.00/26 1s} Rc3+ {0.00/26 1s} 45. Kf2 {0.00/27 1s} Rc2+
{0.00/28 1s} 46. Kf3 {0.00/28 1s} Rc3+ {0.00/30 1s} 47. Kf2
{0.00/34 1s} Rc2+ {0.00/30 1s} 48. Kf3 {0.00/29 1s} Rc3+
{0.00/30 1s} *[/pgn]

Why it did not work with the endgame position, it is just the first position I tried from Talkchess, I can't say. I think square B8 gives you the FEN from after the only move a2-a4, at least after the auto play has done that move? Then there is an EP square and it is Black to move.

What I just pasted in between the pgn brackets was the output from Shredder:

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2022.12.08"]
[Round "?"]
[White "?"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/8/8/4b1k1/8/5P2/Pp5p/1K5R w - -"]

1. a4 {+28.53/23 7s} *

That is the real starting position I gave to Rebel.

If I try another endgame position, KBNK, I do think Shredder seems to give the correct instructions, Rebel 14 (Fruit code) will play with Black, then with White, but not Rebel 16.

I do not know why it would work with Arena.

8/3k4/8/8/8/6N1/8/B2K4 b - -

In Shredder GUI I get for this position:

UCI debug mode is now on
### 1.: to Rebel 16 (0): debug on

### 2.: to Rebel 16 (0): ucinewgame

### 3.: to Rebel 16 (0): isready

### from Rebel 16 (0): readyok

### 4.: to Rebel 16 (0): position fen 8/3k4/8/8/8/6N1/8/B2K4 b - - moves

### 5.: to Rebel 16 (0): go wtime 300000 btime 300000

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 1 seldepth 2 time 5 score cp -444 nodes 2 nps 400 tbhits 0 pv d7c7

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 2 seldepth 4 time 5 score cp -495 nodes 27 nps 5400 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 a1e5 c7c6

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 3 seldepth 6 time 5 score cp -530 nodes 90 nps 18000 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3e4 c7b8

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 4 seldepth 6 time 5 score cp -905 upperbound  nodes 155 nps 31000 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 4 seldepth 5 time 5 score cp -582 upperbound  nodes 180 nps 36000 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 4 seldepth 5 time 5 score cp -574 nodes 216 nps 43200 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2 c7b6 e2f3

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 5 seldepth 5 time 5 score cp -791 upperbound  nodes 242 nps 48400 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 5 seldepth 5 time 5 score cp -791 upperbound  nodes 268 nps 53600 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 5 seldepth 5 time 5 score cp -791 upperbound  nodes 294 nps 58800 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 5 seldepth 5 time 5 score cp -791 upperbound  nodes 320 nps 64000 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 5 seldepth 5 time 5 score cp -791 upperbound  nodes 346 nps 69200 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 5 seldepth 6 time 5 score cp -791 nodes 406 nps 81200 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2 c7b6 e2f3 b6a7

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 8 time 5 score cp -905 upperbound  nodes 448 nps 89600 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 7 time 5 score cp -905 upperbound  nodes 492 nps 98400 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 8 time 5 score cp -905 upperbound  nodes 529 nps 105800 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 7 time 5 score cp -905 upperbound  nodes 569 nps 113800 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 7 time 5 score cp -812 lowerbound  nodes 775 nps 155000 tbhits 0 pv d7c7

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 8 time 5 score cp -737 lowerbound  nodes 870 nps 174000 tbhits 0 pv d7c7

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 8 time 5 score cp -791 nodes 963 nps 192600 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2 c7b6 e2f3 b6a7

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 7 seldepth 7 time 5 score cp -877 upperbound  nodes 1008 nps 201600 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 7 seldepth 7 time 5 score cp -877 upperbound  nodes 1053 nps 210600 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 7 seldepth 7 time 5 score cp -877 upperbound  nodes 1098 nps 219600 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 7 seldepth 8 time 5 score cp -905 upperbound  nodes 1218 nps 243600 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 7 seldepth 7 time 6 score cp -867 nodes 1420 nps 236666 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2 c7b6 e2e3 b6b5 g3f5 b5c6

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 8 seldepth 9 time 6 score cp -890 upperbound  nodes 1631 nps 271833 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 8 seldepth 10 time 6 score cp -905 upperbound  nodes 1995 nps 332500 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 8 seldepth 10 time 6 score cp -877 lowerbound  nodes 3209 nps 534833 tbhits 0 pv d7c7

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 8 seldepth 11 time 7 score cp -845 lowerbound  nodes 4219 nps 602714 tbhits 0 pv d7c7

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 8 seldepth 10 time 7 score cp -867 nodes 4906 nps 700857 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2 c7b6 e2e3 b6b5 g3f5 b5c6

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 9 seldepth 12 time 7 score cp -891 upperbound  nodes 5033 nps 719000 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 9 seldepth 12 time 7 score cp -905 upperbound  nodes 5317 nps 759571 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 9 seldepth 12 time 9 score cp -888 nodes 7694 nps 854888 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2 c7b6 e2e3 b6b5 a1d4 b5a6 e3f4 a6b7 g3f5 b7c7

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 10 seldepth 14 time 9 score cp -905 upperbound  nodes 7878 nps 875333 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 10 seldepth 15 time 10 score cp -905 nodes 10119 nps 1011900 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2 c7b6 g3f5 b6a7 e2e3 a7a6 a1e5 a6b6 e3e4 b6c6

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 11 seldepth 15 time 17 score cp -889 lowerbound  nodes 22098 nps 1299882 tbhits 0 pv d7c7

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 11 seldepth 13 time 19 score cp -895 nodes 25602 nps 1347473 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3f5 c7b7 d1e2 b7a7 e2e3 a7a6 a1d4 a6b5 e3e4 b5a4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 12 seldepth 15 time 22 score cp -896 nodes 32272 nps 1466909 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2 c7b6 e2e3 b6b5 g3f5 b5a6 e3f3 a6b6 a1e5 b6b5 f3g4 b5c4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 13 seldepth 16 time 26 score cp -900 nodes 42113 nps 1619730 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2 c7b6 g3f5 b6a7 e2f3 a7b6 f3f4 b6b7 a1d4 b7c7 f4e5 c7b8

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 14 seldepth 18 time 32 score cp -901 nodes 53067 nps 1658343 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2 c7b6 g3f5 b6a7 e2d3 a7b7 d3e4 b7b6 a1e5 b6a5 e5d4 a5a6 e4e5 a6a5

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 15 seldepth 18 time 35 score cp -905 nodes 57601 nps 1645742 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2 c7b6 g3f5 b6a7 a1d4 a7b7 e2d3 b7a8 f5d6 a8b8 d4e3 b8c7 e3c5 c7d7 d3e4

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 16 seldepth 18 time 43 score cp -893 nodes 73362 nps 1706093 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2 c7b6 g3f5 b6a7 a1d4 a7b7 e2d3 b7a8 d3e4 a8b7 d4f2 b7a8 f2c5 a8b7 e4d5 b7b8

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 17 seldepth 21 time 58 score cp -898 nodes 103283 nps 1780741 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2 c7b6 g3f5 b6a7 a1d4 a7b7 e2d3 b7a8 d3e4 a8b7 f5d6 b7c7 d6c4 c7b7 e4d5 b7b8

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 18 seldepth 21 time 74 score cp -897 nodes 134279 nps 1814581 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 e3e2 c6c7 a1e5 c7b6 e2e3 b6b7 e5d4 b7c7 e3f4 c7b7 f4e5

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 19 seldepth 22 time 83 score cp -897 nodes 153524 nps 1849686 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 e3e2 c6c7 a1e5 c7b6 e5d4 b6b7 e2e3 b7c7 e3f4 c7b7 f4e5

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 20 seldepth 21 time 89 score cp -900 nodes 168146 nps 1889280 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 e3e2 c6c7 e2f3 c7b6 a1d4 b6c6 f3f4 c6b7 f4e5 b7c7 d4e3 c7b8 e3b6

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 21 seldepth 24 time 102 score cp -904 nodes 195270 nps 1914411 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 e3f4 c6b7 f4e4 b7b6 f5d6 b6c5 e4e5 c5b4 e5d4 b4a5 d4d5 a5b6 d6c4 b6a7...
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 22 seldepth 24 time 114 score cp -904 nodes 221512 nps 1943087 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 e3f4 c6b7 f4e4 b7b6 f5d6 b6c5 e4e5 c5b4 a1d4 b4a5 d4c5 a5a6 e5d5 a6a5...
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 23 seldepth 31 time 124 score cp -905 nodes 242005 nps 1951653 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 e3f4 c6b7 f5d6 b7a7 a1d4 a7b8 d4c5 b8c7 f4e5 c7b8 e5d5 b8c7 d5d4 c7c6...
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 24 seldepth 29 time 168 score cp -902 nodes 340733 nps 2028172 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 e3f4 c6b7 f5d6 b7a7 a1d4 a7b8 d4c5 b8c7 f4e5 c7d7 e5e4 d7c6 e4d4 c6d7...
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 25 seldepth 31 time 193 score cp -902 nodes 398163 nps 2063020 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 e3f4 c6b7 f5d6 b7a7 a1d4 a7b8 d4c5 b8c7 f4e5 c7d7 e5d5 d7d8 d5e6 d8c7...
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 26 seldepth 31 time 245 score cp -904 nodes 528928 nps 2158889 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 a1d4 c6b7 e3e4 b7a6 f5d6 a6a5 e4e5 a5b4 e5d5 b4a5 d4c5 a5a6 d5e4 a6a5...
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 27 seldepth 33 time 344 score cp -903 nodes 780182 nps 2267970 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 a1d4 c6b7 e3e4 b7a6 f5d6 a6a5 e4e5 a5b4 e5d5 b4a5 d4c5 a5a6 d5e4 a6a5...
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 28 seldepth 34 time 355 score cp -905 nodes 809793 nps 2281107 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 a1d4 c6b7 e3e2 b7c7 e2d3 c7b7 d3e4 b7a6 f5d6 a6a5 e4d5 a5b4 d6f5 b4a4...
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 29 seldepth 33 time 375 score cp -905 nodes 858696 nps 2289856 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 a1d4 c6b7 e3e2 b7c7 e2d3 c7b7 d4e5 b7b6 d3e4 b6a5 e5a1 a5b5 e4d3 b5b4...
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 30 seldepth 38 time 544 score cp -901 nodes 1292147 nps 2375270 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 a1d4 c6b7 e3e2 b7c7 e2d3 c7b7 f5g3 b7a8 d3e3 a8b7 e3f4 b7a8 g3f5 a8b...
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 31 seldepth 37 time 592 score cp -905 nodes 1408347 nps 2378964 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 a1d4 c6b7 e3e2 b7c7 e2d3 c7b7 d4e5 b7b6 d3e4 b6a5 e5a1 a5b5 a1d4 b5a...
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 32 seldepth 36 time 604 score cp -905 nodes 1435879 nps 2377283 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 a1d4 c6b7 e3e2 b7c7 e2d3 c7b7 d4e5 b7b6 d3e4 b6a5 e5a1 a5b5 e4f4 b5c...
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 33 seldepth 37 time 619 score cp -905 nodes 1470511 nps 2375623 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 a1d4 c6b7 e3e2 b7c7 e2d3 c7b7 d4e5 b7b6 d3e4 b6a5 e5d4 a5a6 f5d6 a6a...
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 34 seldepth 37 time 631 score cp -905 nodes 1497971 nps 2373963 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 a1d4 c6b7 e3e2 b7c7 e2d3 c7b7 d4e5 b7b6 d3e4 b6a5 e5d4 a5a6 f5d6 a6a...
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 35 seldepth 44 time 936 score cp -901 nodes 2352498 nps 2513352 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 a1d4 c6b7 e3e2 b7c7 e2d3 c7b7 d4e5 b7b6 d3e4 b6a5 e5d4 a5a6 e4f4 a6b...
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 36 seldepth 42 time 1048 score cp -901 nodes 2668867 nps 2546628 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 a1d4 c6b7 e3e2 b7c7 e2d3 c7b7 d4e5 b7b6 d3e4 b6a7 e4f4 a7b6 e5a1 b6...
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 37 seldepth 44 time 1212 score cp -901 nodes 3117241 nps 2571981 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 a1d4 c6b7 e3e2 b7c7 e2d3 c7b7 d4e5 b7b6 d3e4 b6a7 e4f4 a7b6 e5a1 b6...
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 38 seldepth 42 time 1501 score cp -901 nodes 3859727 nps 2571437 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 a1d4 c6b7 e3e2 b7c7 e2d3 c7b7 d4e5 b7b6 d3e4 b6a7 e4f4 a7b6 e5a1 b6...
 38/42 0:01 +9.01 1...Kc7 2.Kd2 Kb7 3.Pf5 Kb6 4.Ke3 Kc6 5.Ld4 Kb7 6.Ke2 Kc7 7.Kd3 Kb7 8.Le5 Kb6 9.Ke4 Ka7 10.Kf4 Kb6 11.La1 Kb7 12.Pd6+ Ka7 13.Ld4+ Kb8 14.Ke5 Ka8 (3.859.727) 2571
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 39 seldepth 45 time 2544 score cp -903 nodes 6201720 nps 2437783 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 d2e3 b6c6 a1d4 c6b7 e3e2 b7b8 d4a1 b8a7 e2d3 a7b7 a1d4 b7a8 d3e4 a8b7 e4e3 b7...
 39/45 0:02 +9.03 1...Kc7 2.Kd2 Kb7 3.Pf5 Kb6 4.Ke3 Kc6 5.Ld4 Kb7 6.Ke2 Kb8 7.La1 Ka7 8.Kd3 Kb7 9.Ld4 Ka8 10.Ke4 Kb7 11.Ke3 Kc7 12.Kf3 Kc6 13.Lf6 Kb7 14.Le5 Ka7 (6.201.720) 2437
### from Rebel 16 (0): bestmove d7c7

beste zet: Kd7-c7  tijd: 0:03.000 min  n/s: 2.437.783   nodes: 6.201.720
### 6.: to Rebel 16 (0): position fen 8/3k4/8/8/8/6N1/8/B2K4 b - - moves d7c7

### 7.: to Rebel 16 (0): go wtime 300000 btime 297000

### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 1 seldepth 2 time 6 score cp -444 nodes 2 nps 333 tbhits 0 pv d7c7

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 2 seldepth 3 time 6 score cp -386 nodes 15 nps 2500 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 3 seldepth 6 time 6 score cp -530 nodes 86 nps 14333 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3e4 c7b8

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 4 seldepth 6 time 6 score cp -582 upperbound  nodes 129 nps 21500 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 4 seldepth 5 time 6 score cp -574 upperbound  nodes 157 nps 26166 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 4 seldepth 5 time 6 score cp -574 nodes 192 nps 32000 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2 c7b6 e2f3

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 5 seldepth 5 time 6 score cp -791 upperbound  nodes 218 nps 36333 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 5 seldepth 5 time 6 score cp -791 upperbound  nodes 244 nps 40666 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 5 seldepth 5 time 6 score cp -791 upperbound  nodes 270 nps 45000 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 5 seldepth 5 time 6 score cp -791 upperbound  nodes 296 nps 49333 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 5 seldepth 5 time 6 score cp -791 upperbound  nodes 322 nps 53666 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 5 seldepth 6 time 6 score cp -903 upperbound  nodes 378 nps 63000 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 5 seldepth 6 time 6 score cp -791 nodes 454 nps 75666 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1e2 c7b6 e2f3 b6a7

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 8 time 6 score cp -903 upperbound  nodes 524 nps 87333 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 7 time 6 score cp -890 upperbound  nodes 575 nps 95833 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 7 time 6 score cp -890 upperbound  nodes 616 nps 102666 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 7 time 7 score cp -890 upperbound  nodes 657 nps 93857 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 7 time 7 score cp -851 lowerbound  nodes 854 nps 122000 tbhits 0 pv d7c7

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 7 time 7 score cp -771 lowerbound  nodes 948 nps 135428 tbhits 0 pv d7c7

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 6 seldepth 7 time 7 score cp -771 nodes 1021 nps 145857 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 g3f5 b7b6 a1d4 b6c7

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 7 seldepth 7 time 7 score cp -903 upperbound  nodes 1064 nps 152000 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 7 seldepth 8 time 7 score cp -890 upperbound  nodes 1117 nps 159571 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 7 seldepth 7 time 7 score cp -890 upperbound  nodes 1152 nps 164571 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 7 seldepth 7 time 7 score cp -890 upperbound  nodes 1187 nps 169571 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 7 seldepth 8 time 7 score cp -867 nodes 1407 nps 201000 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 d2e3 b7b6 g3f5 b6c6

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 8 seldepth 9 time 7 score cp -903 upperbound  nodes 1468 nps 209714 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 8 seldepth 9 time 7 score cp -903 upperbound  nodes 1516 nps 216571 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 8 seldepth 11 time 8 score cp -879 lowerbound  nodes 2484 nps 310500 tbhits 0 pv d7c7

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 8 seldepth 11 time 8 score cp -843 lowerbound  nodes 3495 nps 436875 tbhits 0 pv d7c7

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 8 seldepth 9 time 8 score cp -828 nodes 3829 nps 478625 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 d2e3 b7b6 g3f5 b6c6 e3f4 c6b6

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 9 seldepth 11 time 9 score cp -888 upperbound  nodes 3910 nps 434444 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 9 seldepth 11 time 9 score cp -888 upperbound  nodes 3990 nps 443333 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 9 seldepth 9 time 9 score cp -903 upperbound  nodes 4067 nps 451888 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 9 seldepth 14 time 10 score cp -886 nodes 6164 nps 616400 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 d2e3 b7b6 g3f5 b6c6 e3e4 c6b5 a1d4

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 10 seldepth 12 time 10 score cp -903 upperbound  nodes 6255 nps 625500 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 10 seldepth 13 time 13 score cp -888 nodes 11880 nps 913846 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 d2e3 b7b6 g3f5 b6c6 a1d4 c6b7 e3f4 b7c7

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 11 seldepth 16 time 15 score cp -900 nodes 15888 nps 1059200 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 d1d2 c7b7 d2e3 b7b6 a1d4 b6a6 g3f5 a6b7 e3f4 b7c7 f4e5 c7b8

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 12 seldepth 17 time 23 score cp -900 nodes 27008 nps 1174260 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3f5 c7b7 d1e2 b7a7 e2e3 a7a6 a1d4 a6b7 e3e4 b7c7 e4e5 c7b8

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 13 seldepth 17 time 30 score cp -900 nodes 41178 nps 1372600 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3f5 c7b7 d1e2 b7a7 e2e3 a7a6 a1c3 a6a7 c3d4 a7b7 e3e4 b7c7 e4e5 c7b8

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 14 seldepth 18 time 36 score cp -900 nodes 51435 nps 1428750 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3f5 c7b7 d1e2 b7a7 e2d3 a7b7 a1d4 b7a8 d3e2 a8b7 d4e5 b7b6 e2f3 b6a7 f3g4

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 15 seldepth 21 time 46 score cp -900 nodes 70252 nps 1527217 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3f5 c7b7 d1e2 b7a7 e2d3 a7b7 a1d4 b7a8 d4f2 a8b7 d3e4 b7a8 f2b6 a8b8 e4e5

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 16 seldepth 21 time 59 score cp -900 nodes 99172 nps 1680881 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3f5 c7b7 d1e2 b7a7 e2d3 a7b7 a1d4 b7a8 d4g1 a8b7 d3e4 b7a8 g1d4 a8b7 e4f4 b7c7 f4e5 c7b8

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 17 seldepth 22 time 68 score cp -901 nodes 116335 nps 1710808 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3f5 c7b7 d1e2 b7a7 e2d3 a7b7 d3e4 b7b6 e4f3 b6c7 a1e5 c7b7 f3e4 b7b6 f5d4 b6a7 e4f5 a7a6

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 18 seldepth 24 time 94 score cp -893 nodes 178639 nps 1900414 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3f5 c7b7 d1e2 b7a7 e2d3 a7b7 d3e4 b7b6 e4f3 b6c7 a1e5 c7b7 f3e4 b7b6 f5d4 b6b7 e4f4 b7a8

### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 19 seldepth 25 time 108 score cp -901 nodes 210444 nps 1948555 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3f5 c7b7 d1e2 b7a7 e2d3 a7b7 d3e4 b7b6 a1d4 b6b7 e4e3 b7c7 d4a1 c7b6 e3f4 b6b7 a1c3 b7c7 c3e5 c7c8...
### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 20 seldepth 26 time 120 score cp -903 nodes 234653 nps 1955441 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3f5 c7b7 d1e2 b7a7 e2d3 a7b7 d3e4 b7b6 e4e5 b6a7 f5d6 a7a6 a1d4 a6a5 d4c5 a5a6 e5d4 a6a5 d6f5 a5a6...
### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 21 seldepth 23 time 121 score cp -903 nodes 238299 nps 1969413 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3f5 c7b7 d1e2 b7a7 e2d3 a7b7 d3e4 b7b6 e4e5 b6a7 f5d6 a7a6 a1d4 a6a5 d4c5 a5a6 e5d4 a6a5 d6f5 a5a6...
### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 22 seldepth 27 time 146 score cp -901 nodes 299726 nps 2052917 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3f5 c7b7 d1e2 b7a7 e2d3 a7b7 d3e4 b7b6 e4e5 b6a7 f5d6 a7a6 a1d4 a6a5 e5d5 a5b4 d6c4 b4b5 d4c5 b5a6...
### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 23 seldepth 30 time 152 score cp -903 nodes 312855 nps 2058256 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3f5 c7b7 d1e2 b7a7 e2d3 a7b7 d3e4 b7b6 e4e5 b6a7 f5d6 a7a6 a1d4 a6a5 e5f5 a5b4 f5e4 b4a5 d4c5 a5a6...
### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 24 seldepth 32 time 167 score cp -904 nodes 346741 nps 2076293 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3f5 c7b7 d1e2 b7a7 e2d3 a7b7 d3e4 b7b6 e4e5 b6a7 f5d6 a7a6 a1d4 a6a5 d6f5 a5a4 e5e4 a4b5 e4d5 b5a4...
### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 25 seldepth 30 time 224 score cp -902 nodes 487785 nps 2177611 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3f5 c7b7 d1e2 b7a7 e2d3 a7b7 d3e4 b7b6 e4e5 b6a7 e5f4 a7b6 a1d4 b6c7 f4e4 c7b7 e4d5 b7c8 d4b2 c8c7...
### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 26 seldepth 37 time 1298 score cp -900 nodes 3305089 nps 2546293 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3f5 c7b7 d1e2 b7a7 e2d3 a7b7 d3e4 b7b6 a1d4 b6b7 f5d6 b7c7 e4e5 c7c6 d4a7 c6d7 e5d5 d7c7 d5e6 c7...
### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 27 seldepth 36 time 1909 score cp -900 nodes 5020052 nps 2629676 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3f5 c7b7 d1e2 b7a7 e2d3 a7b7 d3e4 b7b6 a1d4 b6b7 d4c3 b7a6 f5d6 a6b6 e4e5 b6a7 c3d4 a7a6 e5f4 a6...
### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 28 seldepth 33 time 2533 score cp -900 nodes 6780197 nps 2676745 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3f5 c7b7 d1e2 b7a7 e2d3 a7b7 d3e4 b7b6 a1d4 b6b7 d4c3 b7a6 e4d3 a6b6 c3d4 b6b7 d3e3 b7c7 e3f4 c7...
### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): info depth 29 seldepth 40 time 3587 score cp -900 nodes 9752881 nps 2718952 tbhits 0 pv d7c7 g3f5 c7b7 d1e2 b7a7 e2d3 a7b7 d3e4 b7b6 a1d4 b6b7 d4c3 b7c7 e4e5 c7b6 c3d4 b6c6 f5d6 c6c7 e5d5 c7...
### illegal pv move d7c7 sent
### from Rebel 16 (0): bestmove d7c7

### illegal move from engine: d7c7 ###
beste zet: O-O  tijd: 0:03.625 min  n/s: 2.718.952   nodes: 9.752.881
### 8.: to Rebel 16 (0): quit

(At the end there seems to be output from Rebel 16 that suggests it has a castling move? But it is not in the ucidebug output anywhere this castling move. This is the first downloaded version, before the 16a version.)
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### illegal pv move a2a4 sent Empty
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### illegal pv move a2a4 sent
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