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 GM Elisabeth Paehtz wins against Bibisara, Assaubayeva

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GM Elisabeth Paehtz wins against Bibisara, Assaubayeva Empty
PostSubject: GM Elisabeth Paehtz wins against Bibisara, Assaubayeva   GM Elisabeth Paehtz wins against Bibisara, Assaubayeva EmptySun Aug 06, 2023 7:10 pm

Besonders gefreut hat mich heute der Sieg von GM Elisabeth Paehtz über die Moskauer Z-Turnierteilnehmerin Bibisara, Assaubayeva (KAZ)2469

i know this is not a dedicated chess computer topic, but since the forum has no specific chess area i do post it here.
Hopefully posting chess games is allowed.
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GM Elisabeth Paehtz wins against Bibisara, Assaubayeva
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