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 Experiment by Gothamchess

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Experiment by Gothamchess Empty
PostSubject: Experiment by Gothamchess   Experiment by Gothamchess EmptyFri Jan 12, 2024 1:09 pm

Gothamchess (IM Levy Rozman) the biggest chess Youtuber on the planet, made a really cool experiment: He played vs. the Magnus Carlsen Bot on chesscom and he was allowed to ask Stockfish one time in the first game. And because he could not win the first game, Levy repeated the experiment, asking Stockfish for help twice in the next game. And so on, until he wins a game vs. Magnus Carlsen Bot.

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Peter Berger

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Experiment by Gothamchess Empty
PostSubject: Re: Experiment by Gothamchess   Experiment by Gothamchess EmptyMon Jan 15, 2024 2:37 pm

pohl4711 wrote:
Gothamchess (IM Levy Rozman) the biggest chess Youtuber on the planet, made a really cool experiment: He played vs. the Magnus Carlsen Bot on chesscom and he was allowed to ask Stockfish one time in the first game. And because he could not win the first game, Levy repeated the experiment, asking Stockfish for help twice in the next game. And so on, until he wins a game vs. Magnus Carlsen Bot.

The problem is, we don't know how credible it is. Of course, it looks kind of genuine - and Mr Gothamchess certainly is a pretty decent player. But once you start with cheating, you have become a cheater. Very Happy

My gut feeling: I don't buy it. Smile

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