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 Reputation point experiment

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2 posters

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Join date : 2020-11-17
Location : Netherlands

Reputation point experiment Empty
PostSubject: Reputation point experiment   Reputation point experiment EmptyWed Oct 05, 2022 9:49 am

Explored some of the new forum options and activated "Reputation Points". You will find a + and - button in the upper right corner of each message. Clicking + will add one reputation point to the poster, clicking - with the standard settings would subtract one reputation point but with a war going on and the emotions that come with that I suppose that would be too much to ask Smile and so there will be no reputation loss for the poster, still a red color appears and that is annoying for the poster.

Okay, it's experiment that is likely going to fail but I want you to surprise me [!]

Else I will be ruthless and the option will be deactivated Very Happy

Added also a "thank you" button that gives 3 reputation points to the poster.

Mclane, matejst and Ghppn like this post

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Join date : 2022-11-29

Reputation point experiment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reputation point experiment   Reputation point experiment EmptyWed Aug 07, 2024 9:20 pm

Do I spam the forum with my posts? What happens here?
Werner, CEGT Team
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