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 Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results

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Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results Empty
PostSubject: Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results   Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results EmptyTue Sep 21, 2021 4:28 pm

Knight odds matches


Knight odds match Komodo-Dragon-2 vs a pool of 2700-2730 elo rated engines
Time Control : Time control : 40/40
Games        : 700

Results from file all.pgn:
No. Name             Win Draw Loss Unf.  Score Games       %
  1 Komodo-Dragon 2 +344  =90 -266   *0  389.0   700   55.6%
  2 k2 099           +44  =14  -42   *0   51.0   100   51.0%
  3 Benjamin 1.0     +44  =11  -45   *0   49.5   100   49.5%
  4 ProDeo 2.2       +40  =15  -45   *0   47.5   100   47.5%
  5 Velvet 1.2.0     +40  =13  -47   *0   46.5   100   46.5%
  6 Dumb 1.8         +38  =14  -48   *0   45.0   100   45.0%
  7 Zahak 5.0        +36  =13  -51   *0   42.5   100   42.5%
  8 Fruit 2.1        +24  =10  -66   *0   29.0   100   29.0%

Total Games:     700
White Wins:      344 (49.1%)
Black Wins:      266 (38.0%)
Draws:            90 (12.9%)
Unfinished:        0 (0.0%)

Estimated ratings for this elo 2715 pool

   # PLAYER             :  RATING  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)
   1 k2 099             :  2757.5    51.0     100    51
   2 Komodo-Dragon 2    :  2750.5   389.0     700    56
   3 Benjamin 1.0       :  2747.0    49.5     100    50
   4 ProDeo 2.2         :  2732.9    47.5     100    48
   5 Velvet 1.2.0       :  2725.9    46.5     100    47
   6 Dumb 1.8           :  2715.3    45.0     100    45
   7 Zahak 5.0          :  2697.5    42.5     100    43
   8 Fruit 2.1          :  2593.5    29.0     100    29

Stockfish 14

Knight odds match Stockfish 14 vs a pool of 2700-2730 elo rated engines
Time Control : Time control : 40/40
Games        : 700

Results from file all.pgn:

No. Name          Win Draw Loss Unf.  Score Games       %
  1 Stockfish 14 +175  =50 -475   *0  200.0   700   28.6%
  2 ProDeo 2.2    +73  =11  -16   *0   78.5   100   78.5%
  3 Benjamin 1.0  +71  =10  -19   *0   76.0   100   76.0%
  4 Dumb 1.8      +73   =5  -22   *0   75.5   100   75.5%
  5 k2 099        +72   =6  -22   *0   75.0   100   75.0%
  6 Velvet 1.2.0  +67   =8  -25   *0   71.0   100   71.0%
  7 Fruit 2.1     +61   =7  -32   *0   64.5   100   64.5%
  8 Zahak 5.0     +58   =3  -39   *0   59.5   100   59.5%

Total Games:     700
White Wins:      175 (25.0%)
Black Wins:      475 (67.9%)
Draws:            50 (7.1%)
Unfinished:        0 (0.0%)

Estimated ratings for this elo 2715 pool

   # PLAYER          :  RATING  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)
   1 ProDeo 2.2      :  2798.5    78.5     100    79
   2 Benjamin 1.0    :  2773.5    76.0     100    76
   3 Dumb 1.8        :  2768.8    75.5     100    76
   4 k2 099          :  2764.1    75.0     100    75
   5 Velvet 1.2.0    :  2728.5    71.0     100    71
   6 Fruit 2.1       :  2676.2    64.5     100    65
   7 Zahak 5.0       :  2639.0    59.5     100    60
   8 Stockfish 14    :  2571.5   200.0     700    29

Komodo : 55.6%
Stockfish : 28.6%

Next, bishop-odds, same URL -

Last edited by Admin on Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results Empty
PostSubject: Re: Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results   Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results EmptyTue Sep 21, 2021 10:20 pm

BISHOP odds matches

Stockfish 14

BISHOP odds match Stockfish 14 vs a pool of 2700-2730 elo rated engines
Time Control : Time control : 40/40
Games        : 700

Results from file all.pgn:
No. Name          Win Draw Loss Unf.  Score Games       %
  1 Stockfish 14  +88  =27 -585   *0  101.5   700   14.5%
  2 Benjamin 1.0  +88   =4   -8   *0   90.0   100   90.0%
  3 Dumb 1.8      +85   =6   -9   *0   88.0   100   88.0%
  4 Velvet 1.2.0  +85   =5  -10   *0   87.5   100   87.5%
  5 Fruit 2.1     +83   =4  -13   *0   85.0   100   85.0%
  6 ProDeo 2.2    +84   =2  -14   *0   85.0   100   85.0%
  7 Zahak 5.0     +84   =1  -15   *0   84.5   100   84.5%
  8 k2 099        +76   =5  -19   *0   78.5   100   78.5%

Total Games:     700
White Wins:       88 (12.6%)
Black Wins:      585 (83.6%)
Draws:            27 (3.9%)
Unfinished:        0 (0.0%)

Estimated ratings for this elo 2715 pool

   # PLAYER          :  RATING  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)
   1 Benjamin 1.0    :  2824.1    90.0     100    90
   2 Dumb 1.8        :  2788.2    88.0     100    88
   3 Velvet 1.2.0    :  2780.1    87.5     100    88
   4 ProDeo 2.2      :  2743.1    85.0     100    85
   5 Fruit 2.1       :  2743.1    85.0     100    85
   6 Zahak 5.0       :  2736.3    84.5     100    85
   7 k2 099          :  2666.0    78.5     100    79
   8 Stockfish 14    :  2439.1   101.5     700    15


BISHOP odds match Komodo-Dragon-2 vs a pool of 2700-2730 elo rated engines
Time Control : Time control : 40/40
Games        : 700

Results from file all.pgn:

No. Name             Win Draw Loss Unf.  Score Games       %
  1 Komodo-Dragon 2 +284  =92 -324   *0  330.0   700   47.1%
  2 k2 099           +53  =16  -31   *0   61.0   100   61.0%
  3 Benjamin 1.0     +51  =15  -34   *0   58.5   100   58.5%
  4 ProDeo 2.2       +54   =9  -37   *0   58.5   100   58.5%
  5 Dumb 1.8         +43  =20  -37   *0   53.0   100   53.0%
  6 Velvet 1.2.0     +48  =10  -42   *0   53.0   100   53.0%
  7 Zahak 5.0        +41  =10  -49   *0   46.0   100   46.0%
  8 Fruit 2.1        +34  =12  -54   *0   40.0   100   40.0%

Total Games:     700
White Wins:      284 (40.6%)
Black Wins:      324 (46.3%)
Draws:            92 (13.1%)
Unfinished:        0 (0.0%)

Estimated ratings for this elo 2715 pool

   # PLAYER             :  RATING  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)
   1 k2 099             :  2775.7    61.0     100    61
   2 ProDeo 2.2         :  2757.5    58.5     100    59
   3 Benjamin 1.0       :  2757.5    58.5     100    59
   4 Velvet 1.2.0       :  2718.3    53.0     100    53
   5 Dumb 1.8           :  2718.3    53.0     100    53
   6 Komodo-Dragon 2    :  2697.3   330.0     700    47
   7 Zahak 5.0          :  2669.2    46.0     100    46
   8 Fruit 2.1          :  2626.2    40.0     100    40

Komodo : 47.1%
Stockfish : 14.5%

Tomorrow ROOK odds, same URL -
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Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results Empty
PostSubject: Re: Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results   Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results EmptyWed Sep 22, 2021 8:22 am

QUEEN odds matches


QUEEN odds match Komodo-Dragon-2 vs a pool of 2700-2730 elo rated engines
Time Control : Time control : 40/40
Games        : 700

Results from file all.pgn:

No. Name             Win Draw Loss Unf.  Score Games       %
  1 Benjamin 1.0    +100   =0   -0   *0  100.0   100  100.0%
  2 Dumb 1.8        +100   =0   -0   *0  100.0   100  100.0%
  3 ProDeo 2.2       +99   =1   -0   *0   99.5   100   99.5%
  4 k2 099           +99   =1   -0   *0   99.5   100   99.5%
  5 Velvet 1.2.0     +98   =1   -1   *0   98.5   100   98.5%
  6 Fruit 2.1        +98   =0   -2   *0   98.0   100   98.0%
  7 Zahak 5.0        +96   =3   -1   *0   97.5   100   97.5%
  8 Komodo-Dragon 2   +4   =6 -690   *0    7.0   700    1.0%

Stockfish 14

QUEEN odds match Stockfish 14 vs a pool of 2700-2730 elo rated engines
Time Control : Time control : 40/40
Games        : 700

Results from file all.pgn:

No. Name          Win Draw Loss Unf.  Score Games       %
  1 Benjamin 1.0 +100   =0   -0   *0  100.0   100  100.0%
  2 Dumb 1.8     +100   =0   -0   *0  100.0   100  100.0%
  3 Fruit 2.1    +100   =0   -0   *0  100.0   100  100.0%
  4 ProDeo 2.2   +100   =0   -0   *0  100.0   100  100.0%
  5 Velvet 1.2.0 +100   =0   -0   *0  100.0   100  100.0%
  6 Zahak 5.0    +100   =0   -0   *0  100.0   100  100.0%
  7 k2 099       +100   =0   -0   *0  100.0   100  100.0%
  8 Stockfish 14   +0   =0 -700   *0    0.0   700    0.0%

Party time!

100 victories over the almighty Stockfish. Print it. And hang copies on the walls of the living room.

Next, rook odds. I wrote a small util that fixes the castling rights.

Last edited by Admin on Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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Uri Blass

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Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results Empty
PostSubject: Re: Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results   Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results EmptyWed Sep 22, 2021 8:28 am

Admin wrote:
QUEEN odds matches


QUEEN odds match Komodo-Dragon-2 vs a pool of 2700-2730 elo rated engines
Time Control : Time control : 40/40
Games        : 700

Results from file all.pgn:

No. Name             Win Draw Loss Unf.  Score Games       %
  1 Benjamin 1.0    +100   =0   -0   *0  100.0   100  100.0%
  2 Dumb 1.8        +100   =0   -0   *0  100.0   100  100.0%
  3 ProDeo 2.2       +99   =1   -0   *0   99.5   100   99.5%
  4 k2 099           +99   =1   -0   *0   99.5   100   99.5%
  5 Velvet 1.2.0     +98   =1   -1   *0   98.5   100   98.5%
  6 Fruit 2.1        +98   =0   -2   *0   98.0   100   98.0%
  7 Zahak 5.0        +96   =3   -1   *0   97.5   100   97.5%
  8 Komodo-Dragon 2   +4   =6 -690   *0    7.0   700    1.0%

Stockfish 14

I am surprised to see less than 100% with queen odds against these engines.
I think that it may be intersting to see the games when these strong engines lost inspite of the queen odds.
I see that Fruit2.1 that was a top engine lost even twice.

Edit:I see link to download pgn but it is the pgn of stockfish with queen odds.
Stockfish is very weak in these conditions so I guess we are going to see 0% for stockfish.
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Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results Empty
PostSubject: Re: Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results   Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results EmptyWed Sep 22, 2021 8:38 am

I will release the PGN's later.
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Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results Empty
PostSubject: Re: Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results   Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results EmptyWed Sep 22, 2021 11:33 am


Stockfish 14

ROOK odds match Stockfish 14 vs a pool of 2700-2730 elo rated engines
Time Control : Time control : 40/40
Games        : 700

Results from file all.pgn:

No. Name          Win Draw Loss Unf.  Score Games       %
  1 Stockfish 14 +109  =45 -546   *0  131.5   700   18.8%
  2 k2 099        +84   =5  -11   *0   86.5   100   86.5%
  3 Benjamin 1.0  +82   =5  -13   *0   84.5   100   84.5%
  4 ProDeo 2.2    +84   =1  -15   *0   84.5   100   84.5%
  5 Dumb 1.8      +80   =8  -12   *0   84.0   100   84.0%
  6 Zahak 5.0     +76   =7  -17   *0   79.5   100   79.5%
  7 Velvet 1.2.0  +73  =11  -16   *0   78.5   100   78.5%
  8 Fruit 2.1     +67   =8  -25   *0   71.0   100   71.0%

Total Games:     700
White Wins:      109 (15.6%)
Black Wins:      546 (78.0%)
Draws:            45 (6.4%)
Unfinished:        0 (0.0%)

Estimated ratings for this elo 2715 pool

   # PLAYER          :  RATING  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)
   1 k2 099          :  2811.5    86.5     100    87
   2 Benjamin 1.0    :  2783.2    84.5     100    85
   3 ProDeo 2.2      :  2783.2    84.5     100    85
   4 Dumb 1.8        :  2776.6    84.0     100    84
   5 Zahak 5.0       :  2723.5    79.5     100    80
   6 Velvet 1.2.0    :  2713.0    78.5     100    79
   7 Fruit 2.1       :  2642.9    71.0     100    71
   8 Stockfish 14    :  2486.0   131.5     700    19

Komodo-Dragon 2

ROOK odds match Komodo Dragon 2 vs a pool of 2700-2730 elo rated engines
Time Control : Time control : 40/40
Games        : 700

Results from file all.pgn:

No. Name             Win Draw Loss Unf.  Score Games       %
  1 Komodo-Dragon 2 +154  =49 -497   *0  178.5   700   25.5%
  2 Benjamin 1.0     +78   =9  -13   *0   82.5   100   82.5%
  3 Dumb 1.8         +76  =10  -14   *0   81.0   100   81.0%
  4 ProDeo 2.2       +74   =8  -18   *0   78.0   100   78.0%
  5 k2 099           +76   =4  -20   *0   78.0   100   78.0%
  6 Zahak 5.0        +73   =6  -21   *0   76.0   100   76.0%
  7 Velvet 1.2.0     +66   =4  -30   *0   68.0   100   68.0%
  8 Fruit 2.1        +54   =8  -38   *0   58.0   100   58.0%

Total Games:     700
White Wins:      154 (22.0%)
Black Wins:      497 (71.0%)
Draws:            49 (7.0%)
Unfinished:        0 (0.0%)

Estimated ratings for this elo 2715 pool

   # PLAYER             :  RATING  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)
   1 Benjamin 1.0       :  2816.7    82.5     100    83
   2 Dumb 1.8           :  2799.1    81.0     100    81
   3 k2 099             :  2766.8    78.0     100    78
   4 ProDeo 2.2         :  2766.8    78.0     100    78
   5 Zahak 5.0          :  2747.0    76.0     100    76
   6 Velvet 1.2.0       :  2677.1    68.0     100    68
   7 Fruit 2.1          :  2601.6    58.0     100    58
   8 Komodo-Dragon 2    :  2545.0   178.5     700    26

Stockfish : 18.8%
Komodo : 25..5%

Once again Komodo had the better survival instinct.

All games at -


Next, the whole cricus again with 2500 engines.
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Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results Empty
PostSubject: Re: Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results   Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results EmptyThu Sep 23, 2021 6:24 pm

KNIGHT ODDS 2500 elo engines

Stockfish 14

KNIGHT odds match Stockfish 14 vs a pool of 2500 elo rated engines
Time Control : Time control : 40/40
Games        : 600

Results from file all.pgn:

No. Name           Win Draw Loss Unf.  Score Games       %
  1 Stockfish 14  +260  =46 -294   *0  283.0   600   47.2%
  2 Foxsee 7.20.1  +63   =5  -32   *0   65.5   100   65.5%
  3 Loki 3.5.0     +55  =11  -34   *0   60.5   100   60.5%
  4 Monolith 0.3   +51  =15  -34   *0   58.5   100   58.5%
  5 Nalwald 1.8.1  +49   =4  -47   *0   51.0   100   51.0%
  6 Marvin 2.0     +45   =8  -47   *0   49.0   100   49.0%
  7 CT800 1.43     +31   =3  -66   *0   32.5   100   32.5%

Total Games:     600
White Wins:      260 (43.3%)
Black Wins:      294 (49.0%)
Draws:            46 (7.7%)
Unfinished:        0 (0.0%)

Estimated ratings for this elo 2500 pool

   # PLAYER           :  RATING  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)
   1 Foxsee 7.20.1    :  2595.3    65.5     100    66
   2 Loki 3.5.0       :  2557.7    60.5     100    61
   3 Monolith 0.3     :  2543.1    58.5     100    59
   4 Nalwald 1.8.1    :  2490.0    51.0     100    51
   5 Stockfish 14     :  2483.0   283.0     600    47
   6 Marvin 2.0       :  2476.0    49.0     100    49
   7 CT800 1.43       :  2354.9    32.5     100    33

Komodo Dragon 2

KNIGHT odds match Komodo Dragon 2 vs a pool of 2500 elo rated engines
Time Control : Time control : 40/40
Games        : 600

Results from file all.pgn:

No. Name             Win Draw Loss Unf.  Score Games       %
  1 Komodo-Dragon 2 +397  =91 -112   *0  442.5   600   73.8%
  2 Marvin 2.0       +25  =17  -58   *0   33.5   100   33.5%
  3 Loki 3.5.0       +26  =12  -62   *0   32.0   100   32.0%
  4 Monolith 0.3     +18  =27  -55   *0   31.5   100   31.5%
  5 Nalwald 1.8.1    +23  =15  -62   *0   30.5   100   30.5%
  6 Foxsee 7.20.1    +16  =13  -71   *0   22.5   100   22.5%
  7 CT800 1.43        +4   =7  -89   *0    7.5   100    7.5%

Total Games:     600
White Wins:      397 (66.2%)
Black Wins:      112 (18.7%)
Draws:            91 (15.2%)
Unfinished:        0 (0.0%)

Estimated ratings for this elo 2500 pool

   # PLAYER             :  RATING  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)
   1 Komodo-Dragon 2    :  2670.0   442.5     600    74
   2 Marvin 2.0         :  2549.8    33.5     100    34
   3 Loki 3.5.0         :  2537.9    32.0     100    32
   4 Monolith 0.3       :  2533.8    31.5     100    32
   5 Nalwald 1.8.1      :  2525.6    30.5     100    31
   6 Foxsee 7.20.1      :  2453.2    22.5     100    23
   7 CT800 1.43         :  2229.7     7.5     100     8

Komodo : 73.8%
Stockfish : 47.2%
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Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results Empty
PostSubject: Re: Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results   Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results EmptyThu Sep 23, 2021 10:58 pm

BISHOP odds match Komodo Dragon 2 vs a pool of 2500 elo rated engines
Time Control : Time control : 40/40
Games        : 600

Results from file all.pgn:

No. Name             Win Draw Loss Unf.  Score Games       %
  1 Komodo-Dragon 2 +349 =113 -138   *0  405.5   600   67.6%
  2 Loki 3.5.0       +25  =26  -49   *0   38.0   100   38.0%
  3 Monolith 0.3     +24  =28  -48   *0   38.0   100   38.0%
  4 Foxsee 7.20.1    +28  =16  -56   *0   36.0   100   36.0%
  5 Nalwald 1.8.1    +27  =14  -59   *0   34.0   100   34.0%
  6 Marvin 2.0       +24  =18  -58   *0   33.0   100   33.0%
  7 CT800 1.43       +10  =11  -79   *0   15.5   100   15.5%

Total Games:     600
White Wins:      349 (58.2%)
Black Wins:      138 (23.0%)
Draws:           113 (18.8%)
Unfinished:        0 (0.0%)

Estimated ratings for this elo 2500 pool

   # PLAYER             :  RATING  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)
   1 Komodo-Dragon 2    :  2615.7   405.5     600    68
   2 Loki 3.5.0         :  2529.9    38.0     100    38
   3 Monolith 0.3       :  2529.9    38.0     100    38
   4 Foxsee 7.20.1      :  2514.9    36.0     100    36
   5 Nalwald 1.8.1      :  2499.5    34.0     100    34
   6 Marvin 2.0         :  2491.6    33.0     100    33
   7 CT800 1.43         :  2318.5    15.5     100    16

Current Standing

Knight odds      Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  55.6    73.8    89.9
Stockfish 14     28.5    47.2

Bishop odds      Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  47.1    67.6%   81.8
Stockfish 14     14.5    

Rook odds        Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  25.5    
Stockfish 14     18.0    

Queen odds       Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2   1.0    
Stockfish 14      0.0    
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Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results Empty
PostSubject: Re: Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results   Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results EmptyFri Sep 24, 2021 12:38 am

BISHOP odds match Stockfish 14 vs a pool of 2500 elo rated engines
Time Control : Time control : 40/40
Games        : 600

Results from file all.pgn:

No. Name           Win Draw Loss Unf.  Score Games       %
  1 Stockfish 14  +163  =50 -387   *0  188.0   600   31.3%
  2 Foxsee 7.20.1  +78   =2  -20   *0   79.0   100   79.0%
  3 Loki 3.5.0     +73   =6  -21   *0   76.0   100   76.0%
  4 Nalwald 1.8.1  +70   =7  -23   *0   73.5   100   73.5%
  5 Monolith 0.3   +61  =17  -22   *0   69.5   100   69.5%
  6 Marvin 2.0     +66   =5  -29   *0   68.5   100   68.5%
  7 CT800 1.43     +39  =13  -48   *0   45.5   100   45.5%

Total Games:     600
White Wins:      163 (27.2%)
Black Wins:      387 (64.5%)
Draws:            50 (8.3%)
Unfinished:        0 (0.0%)

Estimated ratings for this elo 2500 pool

   # PLAYER           :  RATING  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)
   1 Foxsee 7.20.1    :  2609.1    79.0     100    79
   2 Loki 3.5.0       :  2578.9    76.0     100    76
   3 Nalwald 1.8.1    :  2555.7    73.5     100    74
   4 Monolith 0.3     :  2521.2    69.5     100    70
   5 Marvin 2.0       :  2513.0    68.5     100    69
   6 Stockfish 14     :  2376.9   188.0     600    31
   7 CT800 1.43       :  2345.3    45.5     100    46

Current Standing -

Knight odds      Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  55.6    73.8    89.9
Stockfish 14     28.5    47.2

Bishop odds      Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  47.1    67.6    81.8
Stockfish 14     14.5    31.3

Rook odds        Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  25.5            73.2
Stockfish 14     18.0    

Queen odds       Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2   1.0    
Stockfish 14      0.0    
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Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results Empty
PostSubject: Re: Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results   Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results EmptyFri Sep 24, 2021 6:22 am

ROOK odds match Stockfish 14 vs a pool of 2500 elo rated engines
Time Control : Time control : 40/40
Games        : 600

Results from file all.pgn:

No. Name           Win Draw Loss Unf.  Score Games       %
  1 Stockfish 14  +220  =53 -327   *0  246.5   600   41.1%
  2 Loki 3.5.0     +79   =4  -17   *0   81.0   100   81.0%
  3 Marvin 2.0     +61   =6  -33   *0   64.0   100   64.0%
  4 Foxsee 7.20.1  +59   =7  -34   *0   62.5   100   62.5%
  5 Nalwald 1.8.1  +57   =5  -38   *0   59.5   100   59.5%
  6 Monolith 0.3   +48  =21  -31   *0   58.5   100   58.5%
  7 CT800 1.43     +23  =10  -67   *0   28.0   100   28.0%

Total Games:     600
White Wins:      220 (36.7%)
Black Wins:      327 (54.5%)
Draws:            53 (8.8%)
Unfinished:        0 (0.0%)

Estimated ratings for this elo 2500 pool

   # PLAYER           :  RATING  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)
   1 Loki 3.5.0       :  2696.0    81.0     100    81
   2 Marvin 2.0       :  2542.8    64.0     100    64
   3 Foxsee 7.20.1    :  2531.4    62.5     100    63
   4 Nalwald 1.8.1    :  2509.3    59.5     100    60
   5 Monolith 0.3     :  2502.1    58.5     100    59
   6 Stockfish 14     :  2441.9   246.5     600    41
   7 CT800 1.43       :  2276.4    28.0     100    28

Current Standing -

Knight odds      Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  55.6    73.8    89.9
Stockfish 14     28.5    47.2    70.1

Bishop odds      Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  47.1    67.6    81.8
Stockfish 14     14.5    31.3

Rook odds        Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  25.5            73.2
Stockfish 14     18.0    41.1

Queen odds       Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  1.0%            9.4%
Stockfish 14     0.0%    
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Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results Empty
PostSubject: Re: Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results   Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results EmptyFri Sep 24, 2021 8:20 am

Time control : 40/40
Games        : 600

Results from file all.pgn:

No. Name             Win Draw Loss Unf.  Score Games       %
  1 Komodo-Dragon 2 +281  =73 -246   *0  317.5   600   52.9%
  2 Loki 3.5.0       +59  =10  -31   *0   64.0   100   64.0%
  3 Nalwald 1.8.1    +53   =4  -43   *0   55.0   100   55.0%
  4 Monolith 0.3     +40  =29  -31   *0   54.5   100   54.5%
  5 Foxsee 7.20.1    +41  =11  -48   *0   46.5   100   46.5%
  6 Marvin 2.0       +37  =12  -51   *0   43.0   100   43.0%
  7 CT800 1.43       +16   =7  -77   *0   19.5   100   19.5%

Total Games:     600
White Wins:      281 (46.8%)
Black Wins:      246 (41.0%)
Draws:            73 (12.2%)
Unfinished:        0 (0.0%)

Estimated ratings for this elo 2500 pool

   # PLAYER             :  RATING  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)
   1 Loki 3.5.0         :  2622.9    64.0     100    64
   2 Nalwald 1.8.1      :  2557.3    55.0     100    55
   3 Monolith 0.3       :  2553.7    54.5     100    55
   4 Komodo-Dragon 2    :  2522.1   317.5     600    53
   5 Foxsee 7.20.1      :  2497.5    46.5     100    47
   6 Marvin 2.0         :  2472.7    43.0     100    43
   7 CT800 1.43         :  2273.6    19.5     100    20

Current Standing -

Knight odds      Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  55.6    73.8    89.9
Stockfish 14     28.5    47.2    70.1

Bishop odds      Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  47.1    67.6    81.8
Stockfish 14     14.5    31.3    51.2

Rook odds        Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  25.5    52.9    73.2
Stockfish 14     18.0    41.1    64.0

Queen odds       Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  1.0%            9.4%
Stockfish 14     0.0%            ....
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Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results Empty
PostSubject: Re: Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results   Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results EmptyFri Sep 24, 2021 9:13 am

QUEEN odds match Stockfish 14 vs a pool of 2500 elo rated engines
Time Control : Time control : 40/40
Games        : 600

Results from file all.pgn:

No. Name           Win Draw Loss Unf.  Score Games       %
  1 CT800 1.43    +100   =0   -0   *0  100.0   100  100.0%
  2 Foxsee 7.20.1 +100   =0   -0   *0  100.0   100  100.0%
  3 Loki 3.5.0    +100   =0   -0   *0  100.0   100  100.0%
  4 Marvin 2.0    +100   =0   -0   *0  100.0   100  100.0%
  5 Nalwald 1.8.1 +100   =0   -0   *0  100.0   100  100.0%
  6 Monolith 0.3   +98   =2   -0   *0   99.0   100   99.0%
  7 Stockfish 14    +0   =2 -598   *0    1.0   600    0.2%

Total Games:     600
White Wins:        0 (0.0%)
Black Wins:      598 (99.7%)
Draws:             2 (0.3%)
Unfinished:        0 (0.0%)

Current Standing -

Knight odds      Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  55.6    73.8    89.9
Stockfish 14     28.5    47.2    70.1

Bishop odds      Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  47.1    67.6    81.8
Stockfish 14     14.5    31.3    51.2

Rook odds        Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  25.5    52.9    73.2
Stockfish 14     18.0    41.1    64.0

Queen odds       Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  1.0%    ....    9.4%
Stockfish 14     0.0%    0.2%    0.5%
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Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results Empty
PostSubject: Re: Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results   Knight / Bishop / Rook and Queen odds results EmptyFri Sep 24, 2021 10:18 am

QUEEN odds match Komodo Dragon 2 vs a pool of 2500 elo rated engines
Time Control : Time control : 40/40
Games        : 600

Results from file all.pgn:

No. Name             Win Draw Loss Unf.  Score Games       %
  1 Nalwald 1.8.1   +100   =0   -0   *0  100.0   100  100.0%
  2 Loki 3.5.0       +99   =1   -0   *0   99.5   100   99.5%
  3 Foxsee 7.20.1    +97   =3   -0   *0   98.5   100   98.5%
  4 Marvin 2.0       +96   =0   -4   *0   96.0   100   96.0%
  5 CT800 1.43       +92   =1   -7   *0   92.5   100   92.5%
  6 Monolith 0.3     +84  =16   -0   *0   92.0   100   92.0%
  7 Komodo-Dragon 2  +11  =21 -568   *0   21.5   600    3.6%

Total Games:     600
White Wins:       11 (1.8%)
Black Wins:      568 (94.7%)
Draws:            21 (3.5%)
Unfinished:        0 (0.0%)

Final Standing -

Knight odds      Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  55.6    73.8    89.9
Stockfish 14     28.5    47.2    70.1

Bishop odds      Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  47.1    67.6    81.8
Stockfish 14     14.5    31.3    51.2

Rook odds        Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  25.5    52.9    73.2
Stockfish 14     18.0    41.1    64.0

Queen odds       Pool    Pool    Pool
Engine           2700    2500    2300
Komodo Dragon 2  1.0%    3.6%    9.4%
Stockfish 14     0.0%    0.2%    0.5%
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