I made a new tool: Short Games Analyzer Tool
https://www.sp-cc.de/files/short_games_analyzer_tool.7zIt builds very detailed statistics-files out of the short games (up to 60 moves), engines or players played (out of a pgn-file of games).
The SGA-tool writes a statistics-file: SGA_full_statistics.txt
In this file, the percent numbers of all short games (wins/draws/losses, not longer than 60 moves) of each engine/player are stored (percents compared to the overall number of won games/draws/losses of this engine/player.) And below the percent values, the absolute numbers of games are stored.
Additionally all short win games are searched for sacrifices and the statistics for theses sac-games follow below the normal short wins.
- Code:
The ouput for one engine (full statistic) looks like this:
*** Rank 1: "Velvet 4.0.0 avx2" All games: 5000 (1109 wins / 2498 draws / 1393 losses)
*** Overall score: 47.16% Overall draw-rate: 49.96%
*** Average game length: All: 78 moves (wins: 78 moves / draws: 76 moves / losses: 80 moves)
*** all short wins wins0-30 wins31-35 wins36-40 wins41-45 wins46-50 wins51-55 wins56-60
*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** [15.24%] = [00.00% + 00.09% + 00.18% + 00.90% + 02.34% + 04.33% + 07.39%]
*** [ 169] = [ 0 + 1 + 2 + 10 + 26 + 48 + 82]
*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** all short sacs sacs queen sacs 5+p sacs 4p sacs 3p sacs 2p sacs 1p(=pawn-unit)
*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** [03.07%] = [00.00% + 00.00% + 00.09% + 00.36% + 00.45% + 02.16%]
*** [ 34] = [ 0 + 0 + 1 + 4 + 5 + 24]
*** all short draws draw0-30 draw31-35 draw36-40 draw41-45 draw46-50 draw51-55 draw56-60
*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** [32.63%] = [03.56% + 02.00% + 02.68% + 04.24% + 05.20% + 06.65% + 08.29%]
*** [ 815] = [ 89 + 50 + 67 + 106 + 130 + 166 + 207]
*** all short losses loss0-30 loss31-35 loss36-40 loss41-45 loss46-50 loss51-55 loss56-60
*** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** [16.01%] = [00.00% + 00.00% + 00.00% + 00.43% + 01.87% + 05.10% + 08.61%]
*** [ 223] = [ 0 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 26 + 71 + 120]
So, it is easy to see, how much short wins or losses an engine/player has (splitted into7 move-intervals from (0-30) up tp (56-60) moves and with an overall percent score.). And if (and how much) short wins of the engine/player contain a sacrifice.
Mention: The numbers in the "Average game length:"-line are the average length values of all games, the engine has played in the source pgn-file, no matter how long the games were and if they ended before endgame or not. Same for the Overall score and the Overall draw-rate values.
The engine/players in the SGA_full_statistics.txt-file are sorted by: (percent all short wins)-(percent all short draws)-(percent all short losses)
Additionally, the tool writes 3 statistics.txt-files separately for wins/draws/losses:
SGA_wins_statistics.txt, SGA_draws_statistics.txt, SGA_losses_statistics.txt
In there, the engine/players are sorted by (percent all short wins) or (percent all short draws) or (percent all short wins), but, because short wins are a good thing and short draws and losses are not, the short draws and short losses are sorted reversed (smallest number at the top of the file).
And the tool writes a pgn-file with all short wins (up to 60 moves) followed by all short draws: shortgames.pgn (or shortgames_no_endgame.pgn)
And all short win games with a sacrifice are stored in the file short_sac_games.pgn (or short_sac_games_no_endgame.pgn) (sorted top-down: Highest sacs first, lowest behind..).