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 Major Update for my EAS-Tool

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Join date : 2022-03-01
Location : Berlin

Major Update for my EAS-Tool Empty
PostSubject: Major Update for my EAS-Tool   Major Update for my EAS-Tool EmptyMon Aug 22, 2022 12:16 pm

Major update for EAS-Tool to V4.1:
The EAS-Tool (Engines Aggressiveness Stats Tool) now investigates all draw-games (all previous versions investigated the wins of an engine, only) for "bad draws" and adds EAS-points for the remaining "good draws": That makes the EAS-score much more reliable, especially, if the number of games played by each engine is not so high. For V4.1, the EAS-Tool was rewritten (nearly) from scratch, the code is now much cleaner (hopefully).
Bad draws are games, which were drawn before endgame (checked by material-filter, not game-length!) was reached (except the games, were the engine had a material disadvantage of at least 1 pawn (because draws with material disadvantage prevented a possible loss)) and draws after the engine had a material advantage of at least 1 pawn (because the engine should win a game, if material was won) in the game.
Additionally, the EAS-Tool now writes all sac-games in 6 pgn-files (1 pawn sacs up to queensacs) and all short wins (up to 60 moves) in another pgn-file. This feature was requested by several users...

So, please re-download the EAS-Tool:

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Major Update for my EAS-Tool
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