Posts : 132 Join date : 2022-03-01 Location : Berlin
Subject: EAS-Tool new version for engine developers Fri Apr 05, 2024 2:00 pm
Here the EAS-Tool with hardcoded short-win movelimit. It is set to 60 (moves) hardcoded. This value can indeed be changed in the source, first lines (.bat file). Can be found in the "for_engine_developers" folder.
Normally the EAS-Tool calculates the shortwin movelimit (the limit, below an engine gets bonuspoints for a won game, because it is a short win) based on the average length of all won games in the input.pgn But this can lead to unstable results, when engine-developers play gauntlets with their new engine version vs. a bunch of opponents (compared to the EAS-results, when a RoundRobin is evaluated). So, here the EAS-Tool with hardcoded short-win movelimit of 60 (or you choose another value). 60 moves works fine, when strong engines play each other without adjudication of the games (except tablebases-adjudication)...
Just re-download the EAS Tool (the normal version is of course still included in the download)