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 EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs

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EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs Empty
PostSubject: EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs   EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs EmptyTue Jan 05, 2021 5:12 pm

EPD.EXE is a tool to create a large and fast searchable enriched EPD database. Enriched means that each position is extended with useful information for the purpose to extract theme based EPD collections later. While the emphasis of the tool is on EPD's with deep computer analysis (score and depth) the tool is also usable for positions without.

In a nutshell, there are 4 functions:
1. PGN to Rich EPD - From a PGN with annotations (score and depth) create an 'Enriched' EPD database file.
2. EPD to Rich EPD - Enrich an existing EPD (preferable with score (ce) and depth (acd) to a new EPD database.
3. Search rich EPD - Search an EPD database, make selections and create an EPD with the positions you are looking for.
4. EPD Statistic - Create statistic from an enriched EPD, example.


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EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs Empty
PostSubject: Re: EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs   EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs EmptyWed Jan 06, 2021 7:08 pm

[Event "TCEC Season 16 - Bonus CPU Division P"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2019.09.23"]
[Round "1.3"]
[White "Houdini 6.03"]
[Black "LCZeroCPU v0.22.0-nLD2"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[BlackElo "3744"]
[ECO "B20"]
[GameDuration "01"]
[GameEndTime "2019-09-24T01.991 W. Europe Standard Time"]
[GameStartTime "2019-09-23T23.585 W. Europe Standard Time"]
[Opening "Sicilian defence"]
[PlyCount "206"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[TerminationDetails "TCEC draw rule"]
[TimeControl "1800+5"]
[WhiteElo "3818"]

{WhiteEngineOptions: Protocol=uci; Hash=16384; Threads=43; SyzygyPath=C:/Syzygy/; OwnBook=false; Ponder=false;, BlackEngineOptions: Protocol=uci; MoveOverheadMs=1000; WeightsFile=LD2.pb.gz; Threads=33; NNCacheSize=10000000; MinibatchSize=8; CPuct=3.4; CPuctBase=10000; MaxPrefetch=0; VerboseMoveStats=true; SyzygyPath=C:/Syzygy; Ponder=false; CommandLineOptions=;}
1. e4 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,} c5 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
2. d3 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,} Nc6 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
3. g3 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,} g6 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
4. Bg2 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,} Bg7 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
5. f4 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,} e6 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
6. Nf3 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,} Nge7 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
7. O-O {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,} O-O {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
8. c3 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,} d5 {book, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
9. e5 {d=28, sd=56, mt=95773, tl=1709227, s=70021000, n=6706279355, pv=e5, tb=0, h=99.6, ph=0.0, wv=0.49, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
b6 {d=8, sd=22, mt=32373, tl=1772627, s=6039, n=195485, pv=b6 Na3 a5 Be3 Ba6 Bf2 Qd7 Re1 Rfd8 Nc2 d4 cxd4 cxd4 Ng5 Rac8, tb=0, h=1.2, ph=0.0, wv=0.25, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
10. Be3 {d=25, sd=50, pd=Nf5, mt=51817, tl=1662410, s=71597000, n=3710122097, pv=Be3, tb=0, h=83.2, ph=0.0, wv=0.53, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
Ba6 {d=10, sd=25, pd=Na3, mt=39216, tl=1738411, s=8827, n=349309, pv=Ba6 Bf2 Qd7 Re1 Rac8 a3 Nf5 d4 cxd4 cxd4 Na5 Nc3 Nc4 Ra2 Rc7 Bf1 Rfc8 Bd3 Bf8, tb=0, h=2.9, ph=0.0, wv=0.25, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
11. Bf2 {d=28, sd=57, pd=Ba6, mt=52157, tl=1615253, s=72111000, n=3761166440, pv=Bf2, tb=0, h=86.2, ph=50.0, wv=0.40, R50=48, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
Qd7 {d=11, sd=25, pd=Bf2, mt=44928, tl=1698483, s=7369, n=490949, pv=Qd7 Re1 Rac8 a3 Nf5 d4 cxd4 cxd4 Na5 Nc3 Nc4 Qb1 Rc7 Bf1 Rfc8 Bd3 Bf8 g4 Ne7 Bh4 Nc6, tb=0, h=4.8, ph=50.0, wv=0.27, R50=48, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
12. Re1 {d=26, sd=56, pd=Qd7, mt=58868, tl=1561385, s=72766000, n=4283696689, pv=Re1, tb=2, h=89.6, ph=66.6, wv=0.50, R50=47, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
Rad8 {d=12, sd=28, pd=Re1, mt=65880, tl=1637603, s=5818, n=588982, pv=Rad8 d4 cxd4 cxd4 Rc8 Qa4 Bc4 Nc3 Rc7 g4 Rfc8 Qd1 Na5 Bh4 Ba6 Rb1 Nc4 Bf1 b5 a3 Nxa3 Ra1, tb=0, h=7.4, ph=66.6, wv=0.27, R50=47, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
13. d4 {d=27, sd=57, pd=Rab8, mt=36210, tl=1530175, s=75136000, n=2720752040, pv=d4, tb=0, h=72.5, ph=50.0, wv=0.67, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
cxd4 {d=12, sd=26, pd=d4, mt=3651, tl=1638952, s=6082, n=230046, pv=cxd4 cxd4 Rc8 Qa4 Bc4 Nc3 Rc7 g4 Rfc8 Qd1 Na5 Bh4 Ba6 Rb1 Nc4 Bf1 b5 a3 Nxa3 Ra1, tb=0, h=7.6, ph=75.0, wv=0.28, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=-1+0+0+0+0,}
14. cxd4 {d=30, sd=53, pd=cxd4, mt=87690, tl=1447485, s=72315000, n=6341423795, pv=cxd4, tb=0, h=96.8, ph=60.0, wv=0.34, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
Rc8 {d=11, sd=25, pd=cxd4, mt=36155, tl=1607797, s=6995, n=444213, pv=Rc8 Qa4 Bc4 Nc3 Rc7 g4 Rfc8 Qd1 Na5 Bh4 Ba6 f5 gxf5 Bxe7 Qxe7 gxf5 Qb4 Rb1 Nc4 a3 Qf8, tb=0, h=9.1, ph=80.0, wv=0.26, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
15. Nc3 {d=28, sd=54, pd=Rc8, mt=59121, tl=1393364, s=72585000, n=4291414051, pv=Nc3, tb=1, h=87.1, ph=66.6, wv=0.34, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
Rc7 {d=11, sd=28, pd=Qa4, mt=93933, tl=1518864, s=11329, n=1176362, pv=Rc7 g4 Na5 Nd2 Nac6 Qa4 Qc8 Rac1 Bh6 Be3 Rd8 a3 Na5 Qd1 Bg7 Bf2 Nc4 Nxc4 Bxc4 Bh4 Rf8 Qd2 Nc6, tb=0, h=13.3, ph=66.6, wv=0.23, R50=48, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
16. Rc1 {d=31, sd=57, pd=Na5, mt=186817, tl=1211547, s=72248000, n=13497277443, pv=Rc1, tb=37, h=99.8, ph=57.1, wv=0.22, R50=48, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
Na5 {d=10, sd=25, pd=g4, mt=40796, tl=1483068, s=9271, n=400902, pv=Na5 g4 Bh6 Bg3 Rfc8 Rc2 Nc4 Qc1 Na5 Rf2 b5 a3 Nc4 Rc2 Bb7 Bf1 a5 Bd3 b4 axb4 axb4 Ne2, tb=0, h=15.0, ph=57.1, wv=0.17, R50=47, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
17. g4 {d=30, sd=56, pd=Na5, mt=98967, tl=1117580, s=72736000, n=7198612786, pv=g4, tb=23, h=97.3, ph=62.5, wv=0.32, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
Bh6 {d=11, sd=29, pd=g4, mt=37154, tl=1450914, s=6330, n=427580, pv=Bh6 Bg3 Rfc8 Qd2 Nec6 b3 Bf8 f5 Ba3 Qh6 Bf8 Qd2 Ba3 Rcd1 Bb4 Rc1 Ne7 Re3 gxf5 Bh4 fxg4 Bxe7 Qxe7 Ne1, tb=0, h=16.4, ph=62.5, wv=0.17, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
18. Bg3 {d=28, sd=56, pd=Bh6, mt=47179, tl=1075401, s=72993000, n=3443837603, pv=Bg3, tb=4, h=82.8, ph=66.6, wv=0.29, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
Rfc8 {d=10, sd=24, pd=Bg3, mt=17565, tl=1438349, s=5583, n=269291, pv=Rfc8 Qd2 Nec6 b3 Bf8 f5 Ba3 Qh6 Bf8 Qd2 Ba3 Rcd1 Bb4 Rc1 Ne7 Re3 gxf5 Bh4 fxg4 Bxe7 Qxe7 Ne1, tb=0, h=17.1, ph=66.6, wv=0.16, R50=48, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
19. a3 {d=29, sd=60, pd=Rfc8, mt=250094, tl=830307, s=72375000, n=18100797798, pv=a3, tb=414, h=99.9, ph=70.0, wv=0.17, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
Bc4 {d=11, sd=27, pd=Qd2, mt=50503, tl=1392846, s=7631, n=407437, pv=Bc4 Nd2 Ba6 Nf3 Bc4 Nd2 Ba6 Qf3 Nc4 Nxc4 Bxc4 h4 b5 Bf2 a5 Ra1 b4 axb4 axb4 Na4 Qb5 Nc5 b3 h5 Nc6 hxg6 hxg6, tb=0, h=19.0, ph=60.0, wv=0.10, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
20. Nd2 {d=28, sd=62, pd=Bc4, mt=49362, tl=785945, s=73506000, n=3628524858, pv=Nd2, tb=18, h=81.4, ph=72.7, wv=0.04, R50=49, Rd=-10, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
Ba6 {d=11, sd=28, pd=Nd2, mt=28162, tl=1369684, s=6757, n=478008, pv=Ba6 Nf3 Bc4 Nd2 Ba6 Qf3 Nc4 Nxc4 Bxc4 h4 b5 Bf2 a5 Ra1 Rb7 h5 b4 axb4 Rxb4 Rxa5 Rxb2 Raa1 Rb3 Reb1, tb=0, h=20.0, ph=63.6, wv=0.10, R50=48, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
21. Qf3 {d=28, sd=57, pd=Ba6, mt=36251, tl=754694, s=74415000, n=2697724924, pv=Qf3, tb=151, h=74.2, ph=75.0, wv=0.04, R50=48, Rd=-10, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
Nc4 {d=13, sd=30, pd=Nf3, mt=48093, tl=1326591, s=6601, n=370973, pv=Nc4 Nxc4 Bxc4 h4 b5 h5 a5 hxg6 fxg6 Rc2 b4 axb4 axb4 Nd1 Rf8 Qe3 b3 Rf2 Nc6 Qd2 Qe7 Ne3 Qb4 Qxb4 Nxb4 g5, tb=0, h=21.7, ph=58.3, wv=0.00, R50=47, Rd=-9, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
22. Nxc4 {d=24, sd=51, pd=Nc4, mt=5784, tl=753910, s=77470000, n=448166378, pv=Nxc4, tb=0, h=14.4, ph=76.9, wv=-0.02, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+1+0+0+0,}
Bxc4 {d=11, sd=28, pd=Nxc4, mt=25773, tl=1305818, s=7835, n=541942, pv=Bxc4 h4 b5 h5 a5 hxg6 fxg6 Rc2 b4 axb4 axb4 Nd1 Rf8 Qe3 b3 Rf2 Nc6 Qd2 Qe7 Ne3 Qb4 Qxb4 Nxb4 g5, tb=0, h=22.6, ph=61.5, wv=0.00, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
23. Qd1 {d=25, sd=57, pd=Bxc4, mt=61289, tl=697621, s=74544000, n=4568912494, pv=Qd1, tb=2083, h=91.2, ph=78.5, wv=0.11, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
a5 {d=9, sd=25, pd=h4, mt=72678, tl=1238140, s=6351, n=463811, pv=a5 a4 Nc6 Rb1 Bf8 Bf2 Nb4 Bf1 Na2 Nb5 Rc6 Qf3 Nb4 Bxc4 Rxc4 Rf1 Rc2 f5 exf5 gxf5, tb=0, h=25.4, ph=57.1, wv=-0.07, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
24. h4 {d=25, sd=49, pd=Nc6, mt=25922, tl=676699, s=73770000, n=1912422539, pv=h4, tb=146, h=59.2, ph=73.3, wv=0.23, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
Bf8 {d=11, sd=33, pd=a4, mt=50380, tl=1192760, s=5712, n=330056, pv=Bf8 Kh2 b5 b3 Bf1 Rxf1 Rxc3 Rxc3 Rxc3 Be1 Rc8 Bxa5 Qa7 Bb4 Nc6 Bxf8 Rxf8 Qc1 Nxd4 Qe3 Rc8 Rd1 Nc6 Qxa7 Nxa7 f5 Rc3 fxe6 fxe6 a4 Rxb3, tb=0, h=27.4, ph=53.3, wv=-0.16, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
25. Kh2 {d=28, sd=58, pd=Bf8, mt=160920, tl=520779, s=73590000, n=11842290659, pv=Kh2, tb=16137, h=99.9, ph=75.0, wv=0.16, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
b5 {d=14, sd=34, pd=Kh2, mt=41380, tl=1156380, s=4731, n=272321, pv=b5 Bf2 b4 axb4 axb4 Na4 Qd8 Qd2 Nc6 Nb6 Na5 Nxc8 Nb3 Qc2 Nxc1 Rxc1 Qxc8 h5 Rc6 Qd2 Bb3 Rxc6 Qxc6 f5 Qc2 Qxc2 Bxc2 hxg6 hxg6 f6 Bh6 Kg3 Bc1, tb=0, h=28.9, ph=56.2, wv=-0.18, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
26. b3 {d=30, sd=65, pd=a4, mt=109248, tl=416531, s=76067000, n=8310308540, pv=b3, tb=163842, h=98.6, ph=70.5, wv=0.06, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
Bf1 {d=18, sd=39, pd=Bf2, mt=43108, tl=1118272, s=4754, n=258880, pv=Bf1 Rxf1 Rxc3 Rxc3 Rxc3 Be1 Rc8 Bxa5 Qa7 Bb4 Nc6 Bxf8 Rxf8 f5 Qxd4 Qxd4 Nxd4 a4 gxf5 gxf5 Nxf5 Bxd5 bxa4 bxa4 Rb8 Be4 Rb4 Bxf5 exf5 Ra1 Rxh4+ Kg3 Rg4+ Kf3 Rg6, tb=0, h=30.5, ph=52.9, wv=-0.23, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+0+0+0,}
27. Rxf1 {d=26, sd=59, pd=Bf1, mt=3682, tl=417849, s=86856000, n=319892209, pv=Rxf1, tb=9370, h=9.6, ph=72.2, wv=0.04, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0+0+1+0+0,}
Rxc3 {d=20, sd=39, pd=Rxf1, mt=21809, tl=1101463, s=4893, n=349363, pv=Rxc3 Rxc3 Rxc3 Be1 Rc8 Bxa5 Qa7 Bb4 Nc6 Bxf8 Rxf8 f5 Qxd4 Qxd4 Nxd4 a4 gxf5 gxf5 Nxf5 Bxd5 bxa4 bxa4 Rd8 Be4 Rd4 Bxf5 exf5 Ra1 Rxh4+ Kg3 Rg4+ Kf3 Rg6 a5, tb=0, h=31.3, ph=55.5, wv=-0.17, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+0+0,}
28. Rxc3 {d=31, sd=61, pd=Rxc3, mt=29818, tl=393031, s=79346000, n=2366020125, pv=Rxc3 Rxc3 Be1 Rc8 h5 Qc7 Qf3 a4 bxa4 bxa4 f5 exf5 Bb4 Qc2 hxg6 hxg6 Bxe7 Bxe7 gxf5 Qxf5 Qxf5 gxf5 Rxf5 Bxa3 Bxd5 Rd8 Bxf7+ Kg7 d5 Bb2 d6 Rh8+, tb=126650, h=71.6, ph=73.6, wv=-0.09, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+1+0,}
Rxc3 {d=18, sd=37, pd=Rxc3, mt=21804, tl=1084659, s=4985, n=448951, pv=Rxc3 Be1 Rc8 Bxa5 Nc6 Be1 Qa7 Bf2 Bxa3 Qc2 Ne7 Qd3 Qc7 Qxb5 Bc1 Be1 Bb2 Qd3 Qc2 Qxc2 Rxc2 Rf2 Rxf2 Bxf2 Nc6 Bf1 Bxd4 Bxd4 Nxd4, tb=0, h=32.1, ph=57.8, wv=-0.17, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+0+0,}
29. Be1 {d=30, sd=62, pd=Rxc3, mt=8007, tl=390024, s=80749000, n=646726299, pv=Be1, tb=40454, h=23.6, ph=75.0, wv=0.00, R50=49, Rd=-10, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+0+0,}
Rc8 {d=16, sd=31, pd=Be1, mt=24150, tl=1065509, s=4945, n=547363, pv=Rc8 Bxa5 Nc6 Be1 Qa7 Bf2 Bxa3 Qc2 Ne7 Qd3 Qa5 h5 Rc3 Qd1 Bb4 Be1 Re3 Bf2 Rc3 Bh4 Qa2 Qa1 Qxa1 Rxa1 gxh5 Ra8+ Kg7, tb=0, h=33.1, ph=60.0, wv=-0.17, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+0+0,}
30. h5 {d=30, sd=61, pd=Rc8, mt=61617, tl=333407, s=78889000, n=4861031299, pv=h5 Qc7 Qf3 Qc2 Qg3 a4 bxa4 bxa4 Rf3 Qe4 hxg6 hxg6 Bc3 Qe2 Qh4 Qxf3 Bxf3 Rxc3 Kg2 Rxa3 f5 gxf5 Qg5+ Kh7 Qh4+ Kg8, tb=567112, h=94.8, ph=76.1, wv=-0.14, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+0+0,}
Qc7 {d=12, sd=31, pd=Bxa5, mt=83214, tl=987295, s=5674, n=491245, pv=Qc7 Rf2 a4 bxa4 bxa4 Qxa4 Qc1 Bd2 Qb2 Qb4 Qa1 Bf1 Nf5 Qb7 Qxd4 Rg2 Rc2 gxf5 Rxd2 hxg6 hxg6 fxg6, tb=0, h=36.1, ph=57.1, wv=-0.33, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+0+0,}
31. hxg6 {d=31, sd=59, pd=Qc7, mt=24367, tl=314040, s=80452000, n=1960455872, pv=hxg6 hxg6 Rf2 a4 bxa4 bxa4 Qxa4 Qc1 Bd2 Qa1 Rf3 Rc4 Qe8 Qxd4 Bb4 Rc8 Qd7 Qc4 Bd6 g5 f5 Qxg4 fxe6 Qh4+ Kg1 Rc1+ Rf1 Rxf1+ Bxf1 Qg4+ Kf2 Qf4+ Kg2 Qe4+, tb=573511, h=60.5, ph=77.2, wv=-0.14, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1-1+1+0+0,}
hxg6 {d=16, sd=36, pd=Rf2, mt=56975, tl=935320, s=5241, n=372351, pv=hxg6 Rf2 a4 bxa4 bxa4 Qxa4 Qc1 Bb4 Nc6 Bxf8 Kxf8 f5 gxf5 gxf5 Qe3 Qa6 Rc7 Rf1 Qxd4 fxe6 Qxe5+ Kg1 Qxe6 Qb6 Rc8 a4 Rb8 Qc5+ Ne7 Qd4 Kg8, tb=0, h=38.0, ph=54.5, wv=-0.34, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+0+0,}
32. b4 {d=30, sd=67, pd=hxg6, mt=20538, tl=298502, s=81417000, n=1672232789, pv=b4 axb4 Bxb4 Qc2 Qf3 Qb2 f5 exf5 Bxe7 Bxe7 gxf5 Qxd4 fxg6 Qxe5+ Kh1 fxg6 Qf7+ Kh8 Qxg6 Rf8 Qh6+ Kg8 Qg6+ Kh8, tb=1230618, h=57.7, ph=78.2, wv=-0.14, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+0+0,}
a4 {d=14, sd=31, pd=Rf2, mt=80285, tl=860035, s=5067, n=410035, pv=a4 Rf3 Qc1 Qxc1 Rxc1 Bc3 Nc8 Bf1 Na7 f5 Be7 f6 Bd8 Kg3 Bb6 Bb2 Rd1 Rf2 g5 Be2 Rd2 Bc1 Rc2 Be3 Rc3 Rf3, tb=0, h=40.7, ph=52.1, wv=-0.34, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+0+0,}
33. Rf3 {d=35, sd=71, pd=axb4, mt=23297, tl=280205, s=85067000, n=1981819010, pv=Rf3 Qc1 Qxc1 Rxc1 Bc3 Rc2 Kg3 Ra2 Bf1 Rxa3 Bxb5 Nc8 Be2 Ra2 Ba6 Nb6 Bd3 a3 Bb1 Re2 Bd3 Ra2, tb=583031, h=61.6, ph=75.0, wv=-0.14, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+0+0,}
Qc4 {d=16, sd=36, pd=Rf3, mt=81964, tl=783071, s=6474, n=769099, pv=Qc4 Rc3 Qa2 Qd2 Qb1 Rc5 Bh6 g5 Bf8 Bf1 Qb3 Qd3 Qa2+ Kg1 Rb8 Bf2 Nf5 Rc2 Qb1 Kg2 Kg7 Be2 Be7, tb=0, h=43.2, ph=54.1, wv=-0.29, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+0+0,}
34. Rc3 {d=28, sd=64, pd=Qc1, mt=19408, tl=265797, s=87749000, n=1703133021, pv=Rc3 Qa2 Qd2 Qb1 Rc5 Qa1 Qc3 Qxc3 Rxc3 Rc4 Bf1 Rxd4 Bxb5 Rxf4 Kh3 d4 Rd3 Rf1 Bg3 Nd5 Bxa4 Ra1 Be8 Nc3 a4 Ne2 Bh2 Bxb4 Rf3 Ng1+ Bxg1 Rxg1 Bxf7+ Kg7 Bxe6 Re1 Bc4 Rxe5 Kg3 Bd2 Rf7+ Kh6 Rd7 Re4 Kf3, tb=145817, h=48.4, ph=72.0, wv=-0.07, R50=48, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+0+0,}
Qa2 {d=16, sd=32, pd=Rc3, mt=2572, tl=785499, s=5908, n=299020, pv=Qa2 Qd2 Qb1 Rc5 Bh6 g5 Bf8 Bf1 Qb3 Qd3 Qa2+ Kg1 Rb8 Bf2 Nf5 Rc2 Qb1 Kg2 Kg7 Be2 Be7, tb=0, h=43.2, ph=56.0, wv=-0.25, R50=48, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+0+0,}
35. Qd2 {d=30, sd=60, pd=Qa2, mt=4871, tl=265926, s=90338000, n=440127962, pv=Qd2 Qb1 Rc5 Qa1 Qc3 Qxc3 Rxc3 Rc4 Bf1 Rxd4 Bxb5 Rxf4 Kh3 d4 Rd3 Nd5 Bg3 Rf1 Bxa4 Nc3 Be8 Ra1 a4 Ne2 Bh2 Bxb4 Rf3 Ng1+ Bxg1 Rxg1 Bxf7+ Kg7 Bxe6 Re1 Kg3 Rxe5 Bc4 Bd2 Rf7+ Kh6 Rd7 Re3+ Kg2 Re4 Rd5 d3, tb=41258, h=17.0, ph=73.0, wv=-0.07, R50=47, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+0+0,}
Qb1 {d=17, sd=35, pd=Qd2, mt=25773, tl=764726, s=5897, n=429344, pv=Qb1 Kg3 Rxc3+ Qxc3 Nc6 Kf2 Be7 Ke2 Qa2+ Bd2 Qc4+ Qxc4 bxc4 Bc3 Na7 Ke3 Nb5 Bb2 Bh4 Bf3 Be1 Bd1 Bc3 Bxc3 Nxc3 Bc2 Kf8 Kd2 Nb5 Bxa4 Nxd4 b5, tb=0, h=44.0, ph=57.6, wv=-0.19, R50=47, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+0+0,}
36. Rxc8 {d=29, sd=59, pd=Qb1, mt=17816, tl=253110, s=88845000, n=1582959493, pv=Rxc8 Nxc8 Bf1 Nb6 Bxb5 Nc4 Bxc4 dxc4 Qe3 Be7 Kg3 Qb3 Bd2 Qd1 g5 Bd8 Bc3 Bb6 Kf2 Qc2+ Ke1 Qa2 Qc1 Qg2 Qe3 Qa2, tb=464925, h=49.2, ph=74.0, wv=-0.14, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+1+0,}
Nxc8 {d=15, sd=35, pd=Kg3, mt=54549, tl=715177, s=6024, n=337351, pv=Nxc8 Bf1 Nb6 Bxb5 Nc4 Bxc4 dxc4 Qe3 Be7 Bc3 Qd1 Kg3 Bd8 d5 Qh1 g5 Qxd5 Qd4 Bb6 Qxb6 Qd3+ Kg4 Qxc3 Qd8+ Kg7 Qf6+ Kg8 Qd8+ Kg7 Qf6+ Kg8 Qd8+, tb=3, h=45.7, ph=55.5, wv=-0.30, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+0+0,}
37. Bf1 {d=29, sd=61, pd=Nxc8, mt=3703, tl=254407, s=95864000, n=355083307, pv=Bf1 Nb6 Bxb5 Nc4 Bxc4 dxc4 Qe3 Be7 Kg3 Bd8 d5 exd5 Bc3 Be7 Qd4 Qh1 g5 Kf8 e6 fxe6 Qg7+ Ke8 Qxg6+ Kd7 Qc2 Qg1+ Kf3 Ke8 Be5, tb=222031, h=11.5, ph=75.0, wv=-0.10, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+0+0,}
Nb6 {d=16, sd=34, pd=Bf1, mt=26706, tl=693471, s=6295, n=489216, pv=Nb6 Bxb5 Nc4 Bxc4 dxc4 Qe3 Be7 Bc3 Qa2+ Bd2 Qb1 Bc3 Qd1 Kg3 Qh1 g5 Bd8 Qe1 Qd5 Kf2 Bb6 Qe3 Qh1 Kg3, tb=9, h=46.3, ph=57.1, wv=-0.30, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+0-1+1+0+0,}
38. Bxb5 {d=33, sd=67, pd=Nb6, mt=20511, tl=238896, s=92548000, n=1898356539, pv=Bxb5 Nc4 Bxc4 dxc4 Qe3 Be7 Kg3 Bd8 d5 exd5 Bc3 Qh1 g5 Qb1 Bd4 Qb3 Qf3 Be7 Kg4 Bf8 Ba1 Qa2 Bd4 Qd2 Bc3 Qc2 Bd4 Qb3, tb=2214808, h=61.2, ph=75.8, wv=-0.10, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1-1+1+0+0,}
Nc4 {d=15, sd=34, pd=Bxb5, mt=24982, tl=673489, s=6675, n=600114, pv=Nc4 Bxc4 dxc4 Qe3 Be7 Bc3 Qa2+ Bd2 Qb1 Bc3 Qd1 Kg3 Qh1 g5 Bd8 Qe1 Qd5 Qe2 Bb6 Qf3 Qd7 Qe4 Kg7 Kf2, tb=0, h=47.0, ph=58.6, wv=-0.28, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1-1+1+0+0,}
39. Bxc4 {d=33, sd=59, pd=Nc4, mt=11818, tl=232078, s=93961000, n=1110534963, pv=Bxc4 dxc4 Qe3 Be7 Kg3 Bd8 Qc3 Bb6 f5 exf5 gxf5 Qxf5 Qxc4 Qg5+ Kf3 Qf5+ Kg3, tb=1594721, h=37.7, ph=76.6, wv=-0.11, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+1+0+0,}
dxc4 {d=14, sd=33, pd=Bxc4, mt=24442, tl=654047, s=7244, n=704576, pv=dxc4 Qe3 Be7 Bc3 Qa2+ Bd2 Qb1 Bc3 Qd1 Kg3 Kg7 d5 Qxd5 Qf3 Qd8 f5 Bh4+ Kg2 Bg5 f6+ Kg8 b5 Bc1, tb=4, h=47.5, ph=60.0, wv=-0.27, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
40. Kg2 {d=33, sd=63, pd=dxc4, mt=14592, tl=222486, s=96364000, n=1406342421, pv=Kg2 Be7 g5 Qe4+ Kf2 Qf5 Kg3 Qb1 Kf2 Qf5, tb=1092927, h=44.5, ph=77.4, wv=-0.09, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Be7 {d=12, sd=32, pd=Qe3, mt=134791, tl=524256, s=6833, n=927342, pv=Be7 g5 Qe4+ Kg3 Qb1 Qe3 Bd8 d5 Bb6 Qxb6 Qxe1+ Qf2 Qc3+ Qf3 Qe1+ Qf2 Qc3+ Qf3 Qe1+ Qf2, tb=0, h=50.4, ph=58.0, wv=-0.35, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
41. g5 {d=32, sd=65, pd=Be7, mt=5591, tl=221895, s=94555000, n=528753305, pv=g5 Qe4+ Kf2 Qf5 Kg3 Qb1 Kf2 Qf5, tb=335513, h=19.1, ph=78.1, wv=-0.09, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Kg7 {d=12, sd=33, pd=g5, mt=74105, tl=455151, s=6532, n=919423, pv=Kg7 d5 exd5 Bf2 Qe4+ Kg3 Kf8 Qd4 Ke8 Qa7 Qd3+ Kg2 Kf8 Qb8+ Kg7 Qa7 Qe4+ Kg3 Qd3+ Kg2 Qe4+ Kg3 Qd3+ Kg2, tb=0, h=51.8, ph=59.3, wv=-0.31, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
42. Kf2 {d=34, sd=66, pd=Qe4+, mt=14100, tl=212795, s=96930000, n=1366823745, pv=Kf2 Qf5 Kg3 Qb1 Qc3 Bd8 Kf2 Qf5 Kg3 Qb1, tb=866636, h=42.4, ph=75.7, wv=-0.09, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Bd8 {d=11, sd=28, pd=d5, mt=30686, tl=429465, s=6913, n=227234, pv=Bd8 Qc3 Bb6 Bd2 Qd1 Be3 Qb3 Bd2 Qd1 Be3 Qb3 Bd2 Kf8 Ke2 Ke8 Qe3 Kd7 Qc3, tb=0, h=52.3, ph=57.5, wv=-0.29, R50=48, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
43. Ke2 {d=36, sd=71, pd=Qf5, mt=14383, tl=203412, s=100394000, n=1444078970, pv=Ke2 Bb6 Qc3 Qe4+ Qe3 Qg2+ Bf2 Qh1 Qc3 Qh2 Qxc4 Qxf4 Be3 Qe4 Kd2 Qb1 Qc3 Qh1 Kc2 Qf1 Kb2 Qe2+ Kc1 Qf1+ Kc2 Qe2+ Kb1 Qd1+ Kb2 Qe2+, tb=1119823, h=40.1, ph=73.5, wv=-0.09, R50=48, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Bb6 {d=11, sd=23, pd=Qc3, mt=36118, tl=398347, s=5948, n=216415, pv=Bb6 Qc3 Qe4+ Qe3 Qb1 Qc3 Qe4+ Qe3 Qf5 Bc3 Qb1 Bd2 Qb2 Qc3 Qa2 Ke3 Ba7 Ke2 Qb1, tb=0, h=53.0, ph=55.8, wv=-0.37, R50=47, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
44. Qc3 {d=36, sd=68, pd=Bb6, mt=5903, tl=202509, s=102710000, n=606504948, pv=Qc3 Qe4+ Qe3 Qg2+ Bf2 Qh1 Qc3 Qh2 Qxc4 Qxf4 Be3 Qe4 Kd2 Qb1 Qc3 Qh1 Kc2 Qf1 Kb2 Qe2+ Kc1 Qf1+ Kc2 Qe2+ Kb1 Qd1+ Kb2 Qe2+, tb=644145, h=21.8, ph=74.2, wv=-0.09, R50=47, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qe4+ {d=11, sd=23, pd=Qc3, mt=16762, tl=386585, s=6296, n=221929, pv=Qe4+ Qe3 Qf5 Bd2 Qg4+ Ke1 Qg2 Kd1 Qd5 Bc3 Qh1+ Kc2 Qg2+ Kc1 Qf1+ Kc2 Qg2+ Kc1, tb=0, h=53.3, ph=57.1, wv=-0.33, R50=46, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
45. Qe3 {d=38, sd=73, pd=Qe4+, mt=16626, tl=190883, s=103057000, n=1713435763, pv=Qe3 Qg2+ Bf2 Qh1 Qc3 Qh2 Qxc4 Qxf4 Be3 Qe4 Kd2 Qb1 Qc3 Qh1 Kc2 Qg2+ Kd3 Qf1+ Kc2 Qe2+ Kb1 Qd1+ Kb2 Qe2+ Kc1 Qf1+ Kc2, tb=2480525, h=48.3, ph=75.0, wv=-0.09, R50=46, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qf5 {d=11, sd=28, pd=Qe3, mt=53327, tl=338258, s=7282, n=561599, pv=Qf5 Bd2 Qg4+ Qf3 Qg1 Qc3 Qg2+ Kd1 Qd5 Be3 Kf8 Kc1 Ke7 Qc2 Bxd4 Bxd4 Qxd4 Kb1 c3 Qxa4, tb=0, h=54.1, ph=58.3, wv=-0.26, R50=45, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
46. Bd2 {d=38, sd=71, pd=Qg2+, mt=18464, tl=177419, s=100811000, n=1861481372, pv=Bd2 Qg4+ Ke1 Kf8 Bc3 Qg2 Bd2 Qh1+ Ke2 Qh5+ Ke1 Qh1+, tb=2187122, h=55.5, ph=72.9, wv=-0.09, R50=45, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qg4+ {d=12, sd=27, pd=Bd2, mt=17789, tl=325469, s=6720, n=339733, pv=Qg4+ Qf3 Qg1 Qc3 Qg2+ Kd1 Qd5 Be3 Kf8 Kc1 Ke7 Qc2 Bxd4 Bxd4 Qxd4 Qd2 Qa1+ Kc2 Qa2+, tb=0, h=54.3, ph=59.4, wv=-0.23, R50=44, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
47. Ke1 {d=39, sd=70, pd=Qg4+, mt=8005, tl=174414, s=102474000, n=820516977, pv=Ke1 Kf8 Bc3 Qg2 Bd2 Qh1+ Ke2 Qh5+ Ke1 Qh1+, tb=378169, h=29.7, ph=73.6, wv=-0.09, R50=44, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qg2 {d=10, sd=21, pd=Qf3, mt=43097, tl=287372, s=7288, n=387100, pv=Qg2 Kd1 Qd5 Bc3 Qg2 Kc1 Kf8 Bd2 Qd5 Bc3 Ke8 Kb2 Kd7 Kc1 Kc6 Kd2, tb=0, h=54.8, ph=57.8, wv=-0.23, R50=43, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
48. Kd1 {d=39, sd=74, pd=Kf8, mt=21563, tl=157851, s=101835000, n=2195990200, pv=Kd1 Qd5 Bc3 Kf8 Kc2 Ke7 Qd2 Qe4+ Kb2 Qf3 Ka2 Qd5 Kb2 Qf3, tb=2076709, h=61.6, ph=71.7, wv=-0.09, R50=43, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qd5 {d=9, sd=20, pd=Kd1, mt=22764, tl=269608, s=7501, n=328278, pv=Qd5 Bc3 Qg2 Kc1 Kf8 Bd2 Qd5 Bc3 Ke8 Kd2 Kd7 Kc1 Kc6 Kd2 Qg2+ Kc1, tb=0, h=55.1, ph=58.9, wv=-0.22, R50=42, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
49. Bc3 {d=40, sd=78, pd=Qd5, mt=4577, tl=158274, s=105239000, n=481785683, pv=Bc3 Kf8 Kc2 Ke7 Qd2 Qe4+ Kb2 Qf3 Ka2 Qd5 Kb2 Qf3, tb=815906, h=15.6, ph=72.5, wv=-0.09, R50=42, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Kf8 {d=9, sd=21, pd=Bc3, mt=46317, tl=228291, s=9169, n=618756, pv=Kf8 Kc2 Ke8 Qe2 Kd7 Kc1 Kc6 Kb2 Kb5 Kc2 Qh1 Kb2 Qh3 Qe4, tb=0, h=55.5, ph=60.0, wv=-0.21, R50=41, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
50. Kc2 {d=39, sd=80, pd=Kf8, mt=23081, tl=140193, s=103478000, n=2388583721, pv=Kc2 Ke7 Qd2 Kd7 Qe2 Ke7 Qe3 Kd7 Qe2, tb=3074737, h=64.0, ph=73.1, wv=-0.09, R50=41, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Ke8 {d=8, sd=29, pd=Kc2, mt=24011, tl=209280, s=8668, n=291073, pv=Ke8 Qe2 Kd7 Kd2 Bxd4 Bxd4 Qxd4+ Kc2 Qxf4 Qd1+ Ke8 Qd6 Qxg5 b5 Qe3 Qb8+ Kd7 Qb7+, tb=1, h=55.8, ph=60.9, wv=-0.27, R50=40, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
51. Kd2 {d=38, sd=71, pd=Ke7, mt=11653, tl=133540, s=105135000, n=1225348460, pv=Kd2 Kd7 Kc2 Kc7 Qe2 Kd7 Bb2 Kc6 Bc3 Kb5 Bb2 Qc6 Bc3 Qd5, tb=1624810, h=36.7, ph=71.4, wv=-0.09, R50=40, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Kd7 {d=9, sd=38, pd=Qe2, mt=21223, tl=193057, s=6514, n=163279, pv=Kd7 Qg1 Qe4 Qe3 Qb1 Qf3 Qa2+ Kd1 Qb3+ Kd2 Qa2+ Kd1 Kc7 d5 Qb1+ Kd2 Qa2+ Kd1 Qb1+, tb=20, h=56.1, ph=59.5, wv=-0.32, R50=39, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
52. Kc2 {d=36, sd=81, pd=Kd7, mt=21982, tl=116558, s=105335000, n=2315593456, pv=Kc2 Qg2+ Bd2 Kc6 Kc1 Kb5 Kc2 Qh1 Be1 Qg2+ Bd2, tb=3829731, h=58.3, ph=72.0, wv=-0.09, R50=39, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Kc6 {d=9, sd=22, pd=Qg1, mt=26539, tl=171518, s=6531, n=181010, pv=Kc6 Qe2 Kb5 Qe3 Qg2+ Kb1 Qh1+ Kc2 Qg2+ Kc1 Ba7 Kb1 Bb6 Kc1 Qh1+, tb=0, h=56.5, ph=58.1, wv=-0.49, R50=38, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
53. Qe2 {d=39, sd=75, pd=Qg2+, mt=13317, tl=108241, s=106328000, n=1416078824, pv=Qe2 Kc7 Bb2 Kb7 Bc3 Kc7, tb=2140736, h=40.1, ph=70.4, wv=-0.09, R50=38, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Kb5 {d=9, sd=24, pd=Qe2, mt=22772, tl=153746, s=7022, n=238699, pv=Kb5 Bb2 Ba7 Bc3 Bb6 Qe3 Qh1 Qe2 Ba7 Kb2 Qd5 Qe3 Qg2+ Kb1, tb=0, h=56.8, ph=59.0, wv=-0.46, R50=37, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
54. Bb2 {d=39, sd=79, pd=Kc7, mt=29119, tl=84122, s=102725000, n=2991373642, pv=Bb2 Qh1 Bc3 Qh3 Qe4 Qh2+ Kc1 Qa2 Qb7 Qxa3+ Kc2 Qa2+ Kc1 Qb3 Qd7+ Ka6 Qc8+ Ka7 Qd7+ Kb8 Qe8+ Kb7 Qd7+ Kb8, tb=7218724, h=70.6, ph=68.8, wv=-0.09, R50=37, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Ba7 {d=9, sd=22, pd=Bb2, mt=36957, tl=121789, s=10805, n=494610, pv=Ba7 Bc3 Bb6 Qe3 Qg2+ Kc1 Kc6 Kb1 Qf1+ Kb2 Kd5 Kc2 Ba7 Kb2, tb=0, h=57.2, ph=60.0, wv=-0.41, R50=36, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
55. Ba1 {d=39, sd=74, pd=Qh1, mt=17197, tl=71925, s=106350000, n=1829013854, pv=Ba1 Kc6 Bc3 Bb6 Bb2 Kb5 Bc3 Kc6, tb=3155859, h=47.4, ph=67.3, wv=-0.09, R50=36, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Kc6 {d=8, sd=19, pd=Bc3, mt=20938, tl=105851, s=9750, n=210456, pv=Kc6 Bb2 Bb6 Bc3 Kb5 Qe3 Qg2+ Kc1 Qf1+ Kc2 Qg2+ Kd1 Qa2 Bd2, tb=0, h=57.4, ph=58.6, wv=-0.40, R50=35, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
56. Bc3 {d=40, sd=78, pd=Kc6, mt=17144, tl=59781, s=105775000, n=1813525302, pv=Bc3 Bb6 Bb2 Kb5 Bc3 Kc6, tb=3554890, h=47.8, ph=68.0, wv=-0.09, R50=35, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Bb6 {d=8, sd=23, pd=Bb2, mt=10982, tl=99869, s=7761, n=99912, pv=Bb6 Kc1 Kb5 Kc2 Ba7 Qe3 Bb6 Kc1 Qg2 Kb1 Qh1+ Kb2, tb=0, h=57.5, ph=57.4, wv=-0.42, R50=34, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
57. Qe3 {d=38, sd=74, pd=Bb6, mt=25223, tl=39558, s=103459000, n=2609661682, pv=Qe3 Qg2+ Qd2 Qe4+ Kb2 Kb5 Qf2 Qd3 Qc2 Qe3 Qg2 Qxf4 Qb7 Qf2+ Kc1 Qg1+ Kc2 Qf2+ Kc1, tb=3773674, h=64.5, ph=68.7, wv=-0.09, R50=34, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qg2+ {d=9, sd=21, pd=Kc1, mt=11188, tl=93681, s=6100, n=73477, pv=Qg2+ Kc1 Kd5 Bb2 Ba7 Bc3 Qe4 Kd2 Bb6 Bb2 Qg2+ Kc1 Qf1+ Kc2 Ba7 Bc3, tb=0, h=57.6, ph=56.2, wv=-0.58, R50=33, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
58. Qd2 {d=43, sd=83, pd=Qg2+, mt=8191, tl=36367, s=101983000, n=835448337, pv=Qd2 Qe4+ Kb2 Kb5 Qf2 Qd3 Qc2 Qf3 Qd2 Qg3 Kc2 Qf3 Kb2, tb=1359671, h=25.8, ph=69.3, wv=-0.09, R50=33, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qe4+ {d=10, sd=24, pd=Kc1, mt=24934, tl=73747, s=6067, n=154037, pv=Qe4+ Kb2 Kb5 Kc1 Qf3 Kb2 Qd3 Kc1 Qf1+ Kb2 Qf3 Kc2 Qe4+ Kb2 Kc6, tb=0, h=58.0, ph=55.1, wv=-0.54, R50=32, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
59. Kb2 {d=44, sd=80, pd=Qe4+, mt=6120, tl=35247, s=104423000, n=639178600, pv=Kb2 Kb5 Qf2 Qd3 Qc2 Qf3 Qd2 Qg3 Kc2 Qf3 Kb2, tb=1067359, h=20.0, ph=70.0, wv=-0.09, R50=32, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Kb5 {d=10, sd=23, pd=Kb2, mt=11545, tl=67202, s=7007, n=138087, pv=Kb5 Kc1 Qf3 Kb2 Qd3 Kc1 Ba7 Kb2 Qxd2+ Bxd2 Bxd4+ Kc2 Kc6 Bc3 Be3 Bd2 Bf2, tb=0, h=58.1, ph=56.0, wv=-0.54, R50=31, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
60. Qf2 {d=44, sd=86, pd=Kb5, mt=21511, tl=18736, s=101786000, n=2189637614, pv=Qf2 Qd3 Qc2 Qf3 Qd2 Qg3 Kc2 Qf3 Kb2, tb=3811294, h=59.3, ph=70.5, wv=-0.09, R50=31, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Ba7 {d=9, sd=24, pd=Kc1, mt=11330, tl=60872, s=8139, n=98397, pv=Ba7 Qd2 Bb6 Kc1 Kc6 Kb2 Kd5 Qd1 Qxf4 Qxa4 Bxd4 Qa8+ Kxe5 Qb8+ Kf5 Qxf4+, tb=0, h=58.2, ph=54.9, wv=-0.52, R50=30, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
61. Qc2 {d=42, sd=74, pd=Qd3, mt=7333, tl=16403, s=102915000, n=754783409, pv=Qc2 Qd5 Qd2 Bb6 Qe3 Qg2+ Kb1 Qh1+ Kc2 Qg2+ Bd2 Qh1 Bc3, tb=966661, h=23.9, ph=69.2, wv=-0.09, R50=30, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qf3 {d=8, sd=22, pd=Qd2, mt=8886, tl=56986, s=7720, n=70743, pv=Qf3 Qd2 Bb6 Kc1 Kc6 Kb2 Kd5 b5 Qg3 Qc2 Bxd4 Bxd4 Kxd4 Qxa4, tb=0, h=58.3, ph=53.8, wv=-0.54, R50=29, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
62. Qh2 {d=41, sd=88, pd=Qd5, mt=9505, tl=11898, s=101282000, n=962795484, pv=Qh2 Bb6 Qd2 Qg3 Kc2 Qf3 Kb2, tb=2552107, h=26.9, ph=67.9, wv=-0.09, R50=29, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qd1 {d=9, sd=25, pd=Qd2, mt=13749, tl=48237, s=6803, n=99625, pv=Qd1 Qc2 Qf3 Qd2 Qd3 Qxd3 cxd3 Kc1 Kc4 Kd2 Bb6 Bb2 Kb3 Bc1 Kc4 Bb2 Bxd4 Bxd4 Kxd4 b5, tb=0, h=58.5, ph=52.8, wv=-0.44, R50=28, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
63. Qc2 {d=39, sd=79, pd=Bb6, mt=4695, tl=12203, s=114368000, n=537075723, pv=Qc2 Qf3, tb=3141117, h=13.8, ph=66.6, wv=-0.09, R50=28, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qf3 {d=9, sd=23, pd=Qc2, mt=5260, tl=47977, s=7570, n=74194, pv=Qf3 Qd2 Bb6 Kc1 Kc6 Kb2 Kd5 b5 Qg3 Qc2 Bxd4 Bxd4 Kxd4 Qxa4 Qc3+ Kb1, tb=0, h=58.5, ph=53.7, wv=-0.48, R50=27, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
64. Qh2 {d=43, sd=73, pd=Qf3, mt=5918, tl=11285, s=101035000, n=598129076, pv=Qh2, tb=1682615, h=21.8, ph=67.2, wv=-0.09, R50=27, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qd1 {d=9, sd=27, pd=Qd2, mt=16788, tl=36189, s=7560, n=145384, pv=Qd1 Qc2 Qd3 Qxd3 cxd3 Kc1 Kc4 Kd2 Bb6 Ba1 Bc7 Bb2 Bb8 Ba1 Ba7 Bb2 Bxd4 Bxd4 Kxd4 b5, tb=0, h=58.7, ph=52.7, wv=-0.29, R50=26, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
65. Qc2 {d=46, sd=90, pd=Bb6, mt=10590, tl=5695, s=106982000, n=1133048994, pv=Qc2, tb=5267910, h=38.1, ph=66.0, wv=-0.09, R50=26, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qh1 {d=8, sd=25, pd=Qc2, mt=5880, tl=35309, s=6398, n=72670, pv=Qh1 Qe2 Bb6 Kc2 Qd5 Qe3 Qg2+ Kb1 Qh1+ Kb2 Qh2+ Kb1 Qg2, tb=0, h=58.8, ph=53.5, wv=-0.29, R50=25, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
66. Qe2 {d=40, sd=73, mt=3289, tl=7406, s=101977000, n=335606402, pv=Qe2 Bb6 Kc2 Qd5, tb=444505, h=12.2, ph=66.0, wv=-0.09, R50=25, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qd5 {d=8, sd=19, pd=Qe2, mt=9686, tl=30623, s=6719, n=80327, pv=Qd5 Qe3 Qg2+ Kc1 Qa2 Bb2 Qb3 Qc3 Kc6 Qxb3 cxb3 Kd2 Kd5 Kd3, tb=0, h=58.9, ph=54.3, wv=-0.30, R50=24, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
67. Qd2 {d=43, sd=82, pd=Bb6, mt=7388, tl=5018, s=103700000, n=766244609, pv=Qd2 Qe4 Qf2 Bb6 Qd2 Qd5 Qf2 Qe4, tb=1441538, h=26.1, ph=64.9, wv=-0.09, R50=24, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qe4 {d=8, sd=20, pd=Qe3, mt=5297, tl=30326, s=6830, n=42535, pv=Qe4 Kc1 Bb6 Kb2 Qd3 Kc1 Ba7 Kb2 Qxd2+ Bxd2 Bxd4+ Kc2 Kc6 Bc3 Be3 Bd2, tb=0, h=58.9, ph=53.4, wv=-0.46, R50=23, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
68. Qf2 {d=44, sd=68, pd=Qe4, mt=1632, tl=8386, s=102993000, n=168188444, pv=Qf2 Bb6 Qd2 Qd5 Qf2 Qe4, tb=416662, h=11.9, ph=65.5, wv=-0.09, R50=23, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Bb6 {d=9, sd=25, pd=Kc1, mt=8340, tl=26986, s=7747, n=67878, pv=Bb6 Qd2 Qd3 Qxd3 cxd3 Kc1 Kc4 Kd2 Bc7 Bb2 Bd8 Ba1 Bb6 Bb2 Bxd4 Bxd4 Kxd4, tb=0, h=59.0, ph=52.5, wv=-0.47, R50=22, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
69. Qd2 {d=46, sd=69, pd=Bb6, mt=5605, tl=7781, s=104575000, n=586249241, pv=Qd2 Qd5 Qf2 Qe4, tb=1303072, h=19.9, ph=66.1, wv=-0.08, R50=22, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qf3 {d=8, sd=22, pd=Qd2, mt=5623, tl=26363, s=8165, n=70415, pv=Qf3 Qc2 Qd3 Qxd3 cxd3 Kc1 Kc4 Kd2 Bc7 Bb2 Bd8 Ke3 Bb6 Ba1 Ba7 Bb2, tb=0, h=59.1, ph=53.3, wv=-0.53, R50=21, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
70. Kc2 {d=48, sd=81, pd=Qd5, mt=7766, tl=5015, s=106067000, n=823825396, pv=Kc2 Qe4+ Kb2, tb=3644635, h=27.9, ph=65.0, wv=-0.08, R50=21, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qg3 {d=8, sd=22, pd=Qc2, mt=11655, tl=19708, s=7240, n=90457, pv=Qg3 Kb2 Qd3 Kc1 Ba7 Qxd3 cxd3 Kd2 Kc4 Bb2 Bb6 Ke3 Bxd4+ Bxd4 d2 Kxd2 Kxd4, tb=0, h=59.2, ph=52.4, wv=-0.42, R50=20, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
71. Kc1 {d=42, sd=69, pd=Qe4+, mt=3392, tl=6623, s=102329000, n=347204290, pv=Kc1 Qf3 Kb2 Qe4, tb=545664, h=12.5, ph=63.9, wv=-0.08, R50=20, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Kc6 {d=8, sd=21, pd=Kb2, mt=5582, tl=19126, s=7550, n=43570, pv=Kc6 Kb2 Kd5 b5 Qd3 Qg2+ Qe4 Qf2 Qd3 Qg2+ Qe4 Qf2 Qd3 Qg2+, tb=0, h=59.2, ph=51.6, wv=-0.44, R50=19, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
72. Kc2 {d=38, sd=69, pd=Qf3, mt=6605, tl=5018, s=100027000, n=660881336, pv=Kc2 Kb5, tb=989760, h=26.4, ph=62.9, wv=-0.08, R50=19, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Kd5 {d=9, sd=24, pd=Kb2, mt=6011, tl=18115, s=6561, n=41002, pv=Kd5 Kb2 Qd3 Qg2+ Qe4 Qc2 Qxc2+ Kxc2 Ke4 Bb2 Ke3 Kc3 Bxd4+ Kc2 Bxb2 Kxb2 Kd2 Kb1 c3 b5 c2+, tb=0, h=59.3, ph=50.7, wv=-0.50, R50=18, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
73. Kb2 {d=34, sd=67, pd=Kb5, mt=3777, tl=6241, s=103788000, n=392111588, pv=Kb2 Ba7 b5 Qd3 Qg2+ Qe4 Qf2 Qd3 Qg2+, tb=354461, h=19.6, ph=61.9, wv=-0.07, R50=18, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qf3 {d=10, sd=26, pd=Kb2, mt=7363, tl=15752, s=5872, n=64499, pv=Qf3 b5 Qd3 Qg2+ Qe4 Qf2 Qd3 Qg2+ Qe4 Qf2 Qd3 Qg2+, tb=0, h=59.4, ph=51.5, wv=-0.38, R50=17, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
74. b5 {d=36, sd=70, pd=Ba7, mt=5029, tl=6212, s=104049000, n=523366963, pv=b5 Qe4 Qf2 Ba7 Qd2 Bb6, tb=792616, h=19.3, ph=60.9, wv=-0.07, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qd3 {d=11, sd=23, pd=b5, mt=4969, tl=15783, s=6331, n=46737, pv=Qd3 Qg2+ Qe4 Qf2 Qf5 Qg2+ Qe4 Qf2 Qd3 Qg2+ Qe4, tb=0, h=59.5, ph=52.3, wv=-0.33, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
75. Qg2+ {d=36, sd=67, pd=Qe4, mt=3489, tl=7723, s=103047000, n=359634211, pv=Qg2+ Qe4 Qf2 Ba7 Qd2 Bb6 Qf2, tb=519074, h=17.6, ph=60.0, wv=-0.09, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qe4 {d=11, sd=23, pd=Qg2+, mt=2128, tl=18655, s=7463, n=35355, pv=Qe4 Qd2 Qd3 Qg2+ Qe4 Qf2 Qd3 Qg2+, tb=0, h=59.5, ph=53.0, wv=-0.21, R50=48, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
76. Qc2 {d=36, sd=68, pd=Qe4, mt=4371, tl=8352, s=100917000, n=441212366, pv=Qc2 Qxc2+ Kxc2 Ke4 Bb2 Kd5 Bc3, tb=683576, h=18.2, ph=60.6, wv=-0.09, R50=48, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Qxc2+ {d=11, sd=23, pd=Qd2, mt=5298, tl=18357, s=6175, n=34089, pv=Qxc2+ Kxc2 Ke4 Bb2 Ba5 Bc3 Bd8 Bb2 Ba5 Bc3 Bb6 Bb2 Ba5, tb=0, h=59.6, ph=52.2, wv=-0.39, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0-1,}
77. Kxc2 {d=37, sd=54, pd=Qxc2+, mt=687, tl=12665, s=134675000, n=92656694, pv=Kxc2 Bc7 Bb2 Bb6 Bc3, tb=96776, h=0.0, ph=61.1, wv=-0.04, R50=50, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Ke4 {d=11, sd=24, pd=Kxc2, mt=6739, tl=16618, s=7124, n=79531, pv=Ke4 Bb2 Ba5 Bc3 Bd8 Be1 Kd5 Bf2 Ba5 Be3 Ke4 Bd2 Bb6 Kc3 Kd5 Be3 Ba5+ Kc2 Ke4 Bd2 Bb6 Kc3 Kd5 Be3, tb=0, h=59.7, ph=52.9, wv=-0.40, R50=49, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
78. Bb2 {d=43, sd=72, pd=Bc7, mt=6699, tl=10966, s=112771000, n=755569792, pv=Bb2 Ba5 Bc3 Bd8 Bb2 Kd5 Kd2 Bb6 Ke3 Bc7 Bc3 Bd8 Bb2 Bc7, tb=3627698, h=27.2, ph=60.2, wv=-0.03, R50=49, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Ba5 {d=11, sd=23, pd=Bb2, mt=4243, tl=17375, s=7624, n=69696, pv=Ba5 Bc3 Bd8 Be1 Kd5 Bc3 Ke4 Bb2 Ba5 Bc3 Bc7 Kd2 Bd8 Kc2 Kd5 Kb2 Bb6 Kc2, tb=0, h=59.7, ph=53.6, wv=-0.38, R50=48, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
79. Bc3 {d=45, sd=70, pd=Ba5, mt=2341, tl=13625, s=112994000, n=264633067, pv=Bc3 Bd8 Bb2 Kd5 Kd2 Bb6 Ke3 Bc7 Bc3 Bb6 Kf3 Bd8 Ke3 Bb6, tb=1051567, h=12.0, ph=60.8, wv=-0.03, R50=48, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Bc7 {d=11, sd=29, pd=Bc3, mt=11771, tl=10604, s=12791, n=200405, pv=Bc7 Bb2 Bb6 Ba1 Ba5 Bc3 Bd8 Ba1 Ba5 Bc3, tb=2, h=59.8, ph=54.2, wv=-0.31, R50=47, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
80. Bb2 {d=44, sd=71, pd=Bd8, mt=4133, tl=14492, s=108161000, n=447139497, pv=Bb2 Ba5, tb=2202094, h=21.4, ph=60.0, wv=-0.03, R50=47, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Bb6 {d=11, sd=26, pd=Bb2, mt=4570, tl=11034, s=15040, n=115151, pv=Bb6 Ba1 Kd5 Bc3 Ke4 Ba1 Ba5 Bc3 Bd8 Kd2 Bb6 Bb2 Ba5+ Bc3 Bb6 Bb2 Ba5+ Bc3 Bb6, tb=0, h=59.9, ph=54.9, wv=-0.29, R50=46, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
81. Ba1 {d=47, sd=81, pd=Ba5, mt=12918, tl=6574, s=108231000, n=1398350577, pv=Ba1 Ba5 Bc3, tb=10944962, h=43.2, ph=59.1, wv=-0.03, R50=46, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Kd5 {d=10, sd=26, pd=Ba1, mt=5347, tl=10687, s=16214, n=140299, pv=Kd5 Bc3 Ke4 Ba1 Ba5 Bc3 Bd8 Bb2 Ba5 Bc3, tb=8, h=59.9, ph=55.5, wv=-0.26, R50=45, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
82. Bb2 {d=49, sd=72, pd=Ba5, mt=4334, tl=7240, s=109831000, n=476229928, pv=Bb2 Bd8 Kd2 Ba5+ Kc2 Ke4, tb=2665726, h=18.9, ph=58.3, wv=-0.03, R50=45, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Ba5 {d=10, sd=24, pd=Bc3, mt=3899, tl=11788, s=17892, n=85693, pv=Ba5 Bc3 Bb6 Kd2 Ke4 Bb2 Ba5+ Bc3 Bb6 Bb2 Ba5+ Bc3 Bc7 Bb2 Ba5+, tb=0, h=59.9, ph=54.7, wv=-0.30, R50=44, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
83. Ba1 {d=54, sd=73, pd=Bd8, mt=5595, tl=6645, s=110900000, n=620600628, pv=Ba1 Ke4 Bc3, tb=3946728, h=19.3, ph=57.5, wv=-0.03, R50=44, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Ke4 {d=10, sd=26, pd=Bc3, mt=7422, tl=9366, s=20416, n=167839, pv=Ke4 Bc3 Bd8 Ba1 Bb6 Bb2 Kd5 Bc3 Ke4 Bb2, tb=0, h=60.0, ph=54.0, wv=-0.26, R50=43, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
84. Bc3 {d=56, sd=77, pd=Ke4, mt=4899, tl=6746, s=107263000, n=525588726, pv=Bc3, tb=3715813, h=17.8, ph=58.1, wv=-0.03, R50=43, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Bc7 {d=9, sd=28, pd=Bc3, mt=6221, tl=8145, s=34120, n=271987, pv=Bc7 Bb2 Bb6 Ba1 Kd5 Bb2 Ba5 Bc3 Bb6 Bb2, tb=0, h=60.0, ph=54.6, wv=-0.17, R50=42, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
85. Bb2 {d=48, sd=82, pd=Bd8, mt=5924, tl=5822, s=105911000, n=627523974, pv=Bb2, tb=3086320, h=19.4, ph=57.3, wv=-0.03, R50=42, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Bb6 {d=8, sd=25, pd=Bb2, mt=3151, tl=9994, s=31725, n=148007, pv=Bb6 Ba1 Kd5 Bb2 Ba5 Bc3 Bb6 Bb2, tb=3, h=60.1, ph=55.2, wv=-0.15, R50=41, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
86. Ba1 {d=53, sd=75, pd=Ba5, mt=5006, tl=5816, s=111464000, n=558105003, pv=Ba1, tb=2709050, h=22.1, ph=56.5, wv=-0.03, R50=41, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Kd5 {d=8, sd=24, pd=Ba1, mt=2919, tl=12075, s=22219, n=140613, pv=Kd5 Bb2 Ba5 Bc3 Bb6 Bb2, tb=9, h=60.1, ph=55.8, wv=-0.12, R50=40, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
87. Bc3 {d=57, sd=71, pd=Ba5, mt=5797, tl=5019, s=111290000, n=645371045, pv=Bc3, tb=4641034, h=16.8, ph=55.8, wv=-0.03, R50=40, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Bc7 {d=8, sd=25, pd=Bb2, mt=9486, tl=7589, s=29887, n=299846, pv=Bc7 Bb2 Ba5 Ba1 Ke4 Bc3, tb=0, h=60.2, ph=55.1, wv=-0.11, R50=39, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
88. Bb2 {d=49, sd=70, pd=Bc7, mt=5000, tl=5019, s=112595000, n=563090002, pv=Bb2 Bb6 Ba1 Ke4 Bb2, tb=3461704, h=18.7, ph=56.4, wv=-0.03, R50=39, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Ba5 {d=6, sd=22, pd=Bb2, mt=3238, tl=9351, s=35039, n=164707, pv=Ba5 Ba1 Ke4 Bc3, tb=0, h=60.2, ph=55.6, wv=-0.08, R50=38, Rd=8, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
89. Bc3 {d=59, sd=86, pd=Bb6, mt=5001, tl=5018, s=109963000, n=550036443, pv=Bc3 Bb6 Bb2, tb=5405823, h=25.0, ph=55.6, wv=-0.03, R50=38, Rd=7, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Bb6 {d=8, sd=22, pd=Ba1, mt=5908, tl=8443, s=45209, n=293764, pv=Bb6 Bb2 Bc7 Kc3 Ba5+ Kc2 Ke4 Bc3, tb=0, h=60.2, ph=55.0, wv=-0.09, R50=37, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
90. Ba1 {d=56, sd=79, pd=Bb6, mt=5001, tl=5017, s=109124000, n=545841932, pv=Ba1 Ke4 Bb2, tb=3460372, h=21.8, ph=56.2, wv=-0.03, R50=37, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Ke4 {d=8, sd=28, pd=Bb2, mt=6295, tl=7148, s=35803, n=237833, pv=Ke4 Bb2 Ba7 Kd2 Kd5 Bc3 Bb6 Ke3 Bd8 Bb4 Bb6 Bc3 Bc7 Bb4 Bb6, tb=1, h=60.3, ph=54.3, wv=-0.13, R50=36, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
91. Bb2 {d=56, sd=66, pd=Ke4, mt=663, tl=9354, s=121833000, n=80897208, pv=Bb2, tb=297749, h=0.0, ph=56.7, wv=-0.03, R50=36, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Ba7 {d=8, sd=27, pd=Bb2, mt=2568, tl=9580, s=18051, n=107914, pv=Ba7 Ba1 Kd5 Bc3 Bb6 Bb2 Bd8 Kc3 Ba5+ Kc2 Ke4 Bc3, tb=3, h=60.3, ph=54.8, wv=-0.13, R50=35, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
92. Ba1 {d=42, sd=75, pd=Ba5, mt=8752, tl=5602, s=107999000, n=945320869, pv=Ba1 Bb6, tb=8442224, h=32.7, ph=56.0, wv=-0.03, R50=35, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Kd5 {d=8, sd=25, pd=Ba1, mt=4257, tl=10323, s=25915, n=134524, pv=Kd5 Bc3 Bb6 Bb2 Bd8 Kc3 Ba5+ Kc2 Ke4 Bc3, tb=21, h=60.3, ph=55.4, wv=-0.11, R50=34, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
93. Bb2 {d=48, sd=74, pd=Bb6, mt=5586, tl=5016, s=111275000, n=621694414, pv=Bb2 Bb6 Ba1, tb=3706373, h=22.3, ph=55.4, wv=-0.03, R50=34, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Ke4 {d=6, sd=30, pd=Bc3, mt=6747, tl=8576, s=29797, n=237031, pv=Ke4 Kd2 Kd5 Kc2 Bb6 Bc3, tb=8, h=60.4, ph=54.7, wv=-0.08, R50=33, Rd=8, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
94. Kd2 {d=50, sd=69, pd=Bb6, mt=3837, tl=6179, s=112251000, n=430820665, pv=Kd2 Bb6 Kc2, tb=3232297, h=17.5, ph=54.7, wv=-0.03, R50=33, Rd=7, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Kd5 {d=5, sd=26, pd=Kd2, mt=5604, tl=7972, s=44120, n=346461, pv=Kd5 Kc2 Bb6 Bc3, tb=11, h=60.5, ph=55.2, wv=-0.05, R50=32, Rd=6, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
95. Ke3 {d=44, sd=68, pd=Bb6, mt=6161, tl=5018, s=109342000, n=673767117, pv=Ke3 Bb6 Bc3 Bd8 Bb2 Bb6, tb=3699466, h=19.3, ph=54.1, wv=-0.03, R50=32, Rd=5, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Bb6 {d=9, sd=20, pd=Kc2, mt=2516, tl=10456, s=9200, n=31725, pv=Bb6 Bc3 Bd8 Bb4 Bb6 Bc3 Bd8 Bb4 Bb6 Bc3, tb=0, h=60.5, ph=54.6, wv=-0.20, R50=31, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
96. Kd2 {d=46, sd=86, pd=Bb6, mt=4998, tl=5020, s=111979000, n=559897014, pv=Kd2 Ke4 Kc2, tb=4813035, h=18.3, ph=54.6, wv=-0.03, R50=31, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Ba5+ {d=7, sd=20, pd=Bc3, mt=6388, tl=9068, s=26152, n=178203, pv=Ba5+ Kc2 Bb6 Bc3, tb=0, h=60.5, ph=54.0, wv=-0.12, R50=30, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
97. Bc3 {d=48, sd=83, pd=Ke4, mt=5003, tl=5017, s=108676000, n=543924946, pv=Bc3 Bc7 Ke3 Bd8 Bb2 Bb6, tb=3356628, h=19.8, ph=54.0, wv=-0.03, R50=30, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Bd8 {d=8, sd=22, pd=Kc2, mt=6481, tl=7587, s=33535, n=242032, pv=Bd8 Bb2 Ba5+ Bc3 Bb6 Kc2, tb=0, h=60.6, ph=53.4, wv=-0.14, R50=29, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
98. Kc2 {d=43, sd=72, pd=Bc7, mt=3179, tl=6838, s=113523000, n=361004157, pv=Kc2 Bb6, tb=2303355, h=13.8, ph=53.4, wv=-0.03, R50=29, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Bb6 {d=8, sd=23, pd=Bb2, mt=5880, tl=6707, s=52262, n=327983, pv=Bb6 Bb2 Bd8 Kc3 Ba5+ Kc2 Ke4 Bc3, tb=0, h=60.6, ph=52.8, wv=-0.09, R50=28, Rd=-11, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
99. Bb2 {d=59, sd=78, pd=Bb6, mt=6542, tl=5296, s=107125000, n=700924339, pv=Bb2, tb=4734821, h=23.1, ph=53.9, wv=-0.03, R50=28, Rd=9, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Bd8 {d=7, sd=23, pd=Bb2, mt=5096, tl=6611, s=43031, n=301270, pv=Bd8 Kc3 Ba5+ Kc2 Bb6 Bc3, tb=0, h=60.7, ph=53.3, wv=-0.06, R50=27, Rd=8, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
100. Bc3 {d=54, sd=77, pd=Bd8, mt=5280, tl=5016, s=108525000, n=573123299, pv=Bc3, tb=4229853, h=20.7, ph=54.4, wv=-0.03, R50=27, Rd=7, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Bc7 {d=6, sd=24, pd=Kc3, mt=4423, tl=7188, s=59192, n=275218, pv=Bc7 Bb2 Bb6 Bc3, tb=0, h=60.7, ph=52.7, wv=-0.08, R50=26, Rd=6, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
101. Ba1 {d=53, sd=71, mt=4998, tl=5018, s=110505000, n=552415956, pv=Ba1 Bb6, tb=2718450, h=21.1, ph=54.4, wv=-0.03, R50=26, Rd=5, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Ba5 {d=6, sd=22, pd=Bb2, mt=3816, tl=8372, s=42983, n=196854, pv=Ba5 Bc3 Bd8 Bb2 Bb6 Bc3, tb=0, h=60.7, ph=52.1, wv=-0.07, R50=25, Rd=4, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
102. Bb2 {d=61, sd=68, mt=3432, tl=6586, s=110885000, n=380670114, pv=Bb2 Ke4, tb=2945170, h=18.1, ph=54.4, wv=-0.03, R50=25, Rd=3, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Bb6 {d=4, sd=24, pd=Bc3, mt=6381, tl=6991, s=71309, n=492714, pv=Bb6 Bc3, tb=0, h=60.8, ph=51.6, wv=-0.04, R50=24, Rd=2, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
103. Ba1 {d=60, sd=73, pd=Ke4, mt=6568, tl=5018, s=113687000, n=746927486, pv=Ba1, tb=5733490, h=21.8, ph=53.8, wv=-0.03, R50=24, Rd=1, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0,}
Ba5 {d=6, sd=24, mt=5091, tl=6900, s=63044, n=328734, pv=Ba5 Bc3 Bd8 Bb2 Bb6 Bc3, tb=0, h=60.8, ph=51.6, wv=-0.05, R50=23, Rd=0, Rr=-11, mb=+1+0+0+0+0, Adjudication: TCEC draw rule}

This is one PGN game from TCEC, its size: 40Kb, that 2.5 x the size of my first chess program.


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EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs Empty
PostSubject: Re: EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs   EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs EmptyWed Jan 06, 2021 11:34 pm

Admin wrote:
This is one PGN game from TCEC, its size: 40Kb, that 2.5 x the size of my first chess program.


Kudos for comparing it to your 16Kb program!   Cool

Looking at this page, I think that Chris Whittington's "SuperChess" was 16k as well! Also amazing by today's standards, this little program sold for £8, which according to the Bank Of England's inflation calculator is nearly £30 today! Shocked

Apologies for that mini hijack, but your quip made me think!
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PostSubject: Re: EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs   EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs EmptyThu Jan 07, 2021 12:45 pm

Those were the days, no open sources, almost everybody had to invent the wheel, as if you were living  isolated on an uninhabited island.

Anyway, I have been wrestling with the TCEC format and produced an enriched EPD file with Stockfish 12 evaluations from Season 1-19.


EPD       : epd\tcec.txt
Positions : 1.558.841
                                   Average   Average
id                     Positions    Depth     Score
TCEC-S1                    8.865    24.91      0.16
TCEC-S10                 140.121    27.31      0.19
TCEC-S11                  87.106    32.77      0.19
TCEC-S12                  61.429    32.48      0.20
TCEC-S13                  65.135    31.77      0.23
TCEC-S14                 118.947    26.57      0.33
TCEC-S15                 123.476    27.07      0.27
TCEC-S16                 224.952    27.77      0.25
TCEC-S17                 154.450    29.54      0.23
TCEC-S18                  98.131    28.36      0.19
TCEC-S19                 129.029    31.57      0.21
TCEC-S2                    9.441    24.33      0.20
TCEC-S3                    6.317    23.52      0.17
TCEC-S4                   15.400    28.04      0.19
TCEC-S5                   22.342    27.58      0.17
TCEC-S6                   51.215    28.57      0.17
TCEC-S7                   48.897    29.89      0.16
TCEC-S8                   40.541    31.68      0.15
TCEC-S9                  153.047    27.39      0.23

Middle Game        :     998.411
Eearly End Game    :      98.461
End Game           :     326.801
Light Endings      :      17.440 [each 2 light pieces]
Queen Endings      :       9.187
Rook Endings       :      35.599
Late Endings       :      51.037 [each 1 light piece]
Pawn Endings       :       1.926

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PostSubject: Re: EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs   EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs EmptySat Jan 09, 2021 11:27 am

Added new collections EPD and PGN.

1. ccrl-2020-d24 - CCRL openings used in 2020 analyzed at depth=24. For each unique CCRL opening used in 2020 the first 5 moves 2700+ engines played are analyzed at depth=24 by SF12. To be used later to add to the ProDeo book.

2. ProDeo-60s - The last Jeroen Noomen book analyzed by Stockfish 10 at 60 seconds per move.

3. CCRL-3200 - CCRL 40/15 games between 3200+ elo rated engines. Minimum Search depth=25.
4. CCRL-3300 - CCRL 40/15 games between 3300+ elo rated engines. Minimum Search depth=25.
5. CCRL-3400 - CCRL 40/15 games between 3400+ elo rated engines. Minimum Search depth=25.

Next step, will try to create a database system for positions only with advanced and fast search functions. Current databases support position storage but the information about positions is poor and so are the search functions.
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PostSubject: Re: EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs   EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs EmptyMon Jan 11, 2021 5:01 pm


EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs Position

r1bqkbnr/pp1ppppp/2n5/2p5/8/1P6/PBPPPPPP/RN1QKBNR w KQkq -

id       : sf12
White    : Stockfish 12.0 x64-82215 4CPU
Black    : Houdini 6.0 x64 4CPU
Move     : Nf3
Score    : 0.10
Depth    : 30
Result   : 1/2-1/2
Material : qrrbbnn8-qrrbbnn8
Seconds  : 17
Mobility : 0.25
Kings    : 0.07
Passers  : 0.00
Move no. : 3
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PostSubject: Re: EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs   EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs EmptyWed Jan 13, 2021 10:42 am

EEPD - Enriched EPD, a tool for connoisseurs 2021-13-10-40-15

8/4r2P/1pB2b2/p1p5/P1Prpk2/1P2Rp2/5P2/4RK2 b - -

id       : sf12
White    : Xiphos 0.6 bmi2
Black    : Stockfish 12 200902
Move     : Rxh7
Score    : 268
Depth    : 30
Result   : 0-1
Material : rrb5-rrb5 0-1
Move no. : 56

Stockfish 12 by the Stockfish developers (see AUTHORS file)

00:00:00  10 2.58 e7h7 e3e4 f4f5 f1g1 d4d6 e4e5 f6e5 c6e4  14K 752K
00:00:00  11 1.64 e7h7 e3e4 f4g5 f1g1 h7h3 e1e3 d4d1 e3e1  28K 878K
00:00:00  12 1.49 e7h7 e3e4 f4f5 f1g1 d4d6 c6d5 f6c3 e4e5  55K 960K
00:00:00  13 1.85 e7h7 e3e4 f4f5 f1g1 d4d6 c6d5 f6c3 e4e6  60K 973K
00:00:00  14 3.36 e7h7 e3e4 f4f5 f1g1 d4d6 c6d5 f6c3 d5e6  64K 989K
00:00:00  15 1.49 e7h7 e3e4 f4f5 f1g1 d4d6 c6d5 f6c3 e4e5  107K 1.041K
00:00:00  16 2.62 e7h7 e3e4 f4f5 f1g1 d4d6 c6d5 f6c3 d5e6  155K 1.120K
00:00:00  17 2.70 e7h7 e3e4 f4f5 f1g1 d4d6 c6d5 f6c3 d5e6  219K 1.113K
00:00:00  18 1.65 e7h7 e3e4 f4f5 f1g1 d4d6 c6d5 f6c3 d5e6  321K 1.120K
00:00:00  19 0.96 e7h7 e3e4 f4f5 f1g1 d4d6 c6d5 f6c3 d5e6  489K 1.140K
00:00:00  20 2.55 e7h7 e3e4 f4f5 f1g1 d4d6 c6d5 f6c3 d5e6  526K 1.159K
00:00:00  21 2.32 e7h7 e3e4 f4f5 f1g1 d4d6 c6d5 f6c3 e4e5  703K 1.180K
00:00:00  22 3.48 e7h7 e3e4 f4f5 f1g1 d4d6 e4e5 f6e5 c6e4  776K 1.203K
00:00:01  23 2.58 e7h7 e3e4 f4f5 f1g1 d4d6 c6d5 f6c3 d5e6  1.326K 1.233K
00:00:01  24 1.52 e7h7 e3e4 f4f5 f1g1 h7g7 g1f1 d4d6 c6d5  1.590K 1.235K
00:00:01  25 1.60 e7h7 e3e4 f4f5 f1g1 h7g7 g1f1 d4d6 c6d5  1.860K 1.225K
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